Salon News Asia
Brooks & Brooks
每個髮型大師的背後,都有一個勇敢追夢的美麗故事,Brooks & Brooks也不例外。Jamie原本夢想成為律師,最後卻很跳tone地愛上髮型設計,還和Sally共同創辦Brooks & Brooks,他們的團隊獲得無數獎項,總在思考好的髮型能為顧客帶來多大的力量。

#Brooks & Brooks
每個髮型大師的背後,都有一個勇敢追夢的美麗故事,Brooks & Brooks也不例外。Jamie原本夢想成為律師,最後卻很跳tone地愛上髮型設計,還和Sally共同創辦Brooks & Brooks,他們的團隊獲得無數獎項,總在思考好的髮型能為顧客帶來多大的力量。
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<p>好的機會是準備給時刻懷抱夢想的人。回首來時路,創辦人Sally娓娓道來成為髮型師的經過:「我在離開學校後,參加彩妝師訓練,因此愛上髮型設計。我需要在倫敦找到一個工作謀生,我有一個朋友剛好在Trevor Sorbie品牌底下擔任髮型設計助理,我認為這對我來說會是一個很好的美髮基礎。關鍵就出在當我為顧客剪髮的當下,我就深深地愛上美髮,其餘的事,大家都知道,不必多說。」</p>
<p>I fell into hairdressing after training as a makeup artist when leaving school. I needed to find a job in London and a friend of mine was working as a hairdressing assistant at Trevor Sorbie and I thought it would be a good base. The problem was as soon as I cut someone&rsquo;s hair I was hooked and the rest is history</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">擅長尋找有天賦的員工</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2017/119/54////p7__3_.jpg?1612408980545" alt="p7__3_" /></p>
<p>經過12年美好的Trevor Sorbie美髮工作生活後,Sally和Jamie都認為是時候啟程嘗試屬於自己的美髮事業。「有時候,你只要展開你的雙臂、樂於冒險,就能為自己創造全新的未來。」Jamie這樣說道。對他們來說,美髮生涯轉捩點在贏得倫敦年度髮型師殊榮的時候,因為這個獎項鞏固他們在英國美髮圈的地位。Brooks &amp; Brooks的團隊不斷地成長,同時也贏得無數的個人獎項。「我們在找尋有天賦的員工上,很可能是最成功的髮廊。」</p>
<p>After 12 amazing years at Trevor Sorbie we thought it was time to venture out and try our own thing. Sometimes you just need to spread your wings and take your own risks and create your own future.</p>
<p>Winning London hairdresser of the year planted us securely on the map of British hairdressing. Developing a team that continues to grow and scoop numerous individual awards; we are probably most successful salon for finding and nurturing new talent.</p>
<p>Sally is the salon art director constantly leading the company with innovative ideas and hair.</p>
<p>Disagreements absolutely! Sally is a nightmare! She loves change and sometimes her ideas are completely bonkers and you would think that she had lost her marbles. BUT it&rsquo;s why she is who she is and why she always leads the way and isn&rsquo;t prepared to follow. I (Jamie) am the sensible one (the tight one) who keeps the finance in check so Sally can&rsquo;t spend it all on her mad ideas.</p>
<p>「我們在15年前創立Brooks &amp; Brooks,這為我們的美髮生涯帶來主控權,並讓我們能以自己選擇的方式前進,招募我們想要共事的夥伴。」也就是說,指導新銳髮型師到他們成功,就是他們美髮生涯最凸出的部分。</p>
<p>Opening Brooks and brooks 15 years ago gave us control over our careers and allowed us to move forward in a way we chose and to get the people on board we wanted to work with.</p>
<p>For me it&rsquo;s about taking a new fresh young hairdresser and directing them to succeed. That&rsquo;s always a highlight.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">專注為顧客帶來好的髮型</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2017/119/54/////p3.jpg?1612409055428" alt="p3" /></p>
<p>To me all of the show and shoot part of hairdressing is almost insignificant in comparison to having someone in your chair who really just needs a good hairdresser. The feeling when you finish cutting your client and you know you have made their day, made them feel good about themselves, that is definitely the best. A lot of top hairdressers focus on being in spotlight and lose touch with their roots. I went into hairdressing because I know I can make people feel good about themselves. For me top hairdressers are the ones that don&rsquo;t think of themselves but always think of the power of a good hairstyle and each individual client.</p>
<p>印象最深刻的一次是,Brooks &amp; Brooks有次在國外遇到模特兒出狀況不能來,所以只好上街找幾個非常迷人的女子代替上場。直到髮型秀結束才發現她們是專業妓女。「但我們幫她們設計了非常棒的髮型,所以明晚她們應該會得到更豐厚的小費!」</p>
<p>We were once abroad where our model call was a disaster so we hit the streets and found some very attractive women &ndash; after the show we found out they were professional prostitutes &ndash; oops but they had nice hairstyles so maybe they got more tips the next night!</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">聆聽內心的聲音 好的事情就會發生</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2017/119/54//////p5__2_.jpg?1612409124212" alt="p5__2_" /></p>
<p>Brooks &amp; Brooks談到贏得多座獎項的秘訣,不要只想著要得獎,或是追蹤上次得獎的髮型師,每次髮型秀都拿出新的髮型,想要獲勝的渴望會讓你垮臺。只要相信自己並聆聽內心的聲音,好的事情就會發生。在這個產業中,新的、刺激的事情時常會發生,贏家常常是引領潮流而非跟隨潮流的人。只要專心工作、留意細節、把每件事做好。不要被獎項困住,得獎只是評審的個人觀點。擁有良好、友善的態度,並在他人心中留下好印象是更重要的事情。</p>
<p>Don&rsquo;t enter an award to win or follow the hairdresser that won the last time. Create a new hairstyle do a show then move on. The desire to win can be your biggest downfall. Just believe in yourself and listen to your inner self and it will happen. There is room for so many new and exciting things in the industry and the winners of awards and usually the ones leading not following. Just work hard focus on the detail and does everything well. Don&rsquo;t get hung up on the winning part, winning is just the judges view point. Being nice, friendly and leaving a good impression is far more important.</p>
<p>Sally: I have two puppies, they are my way of relaxing. Plus I am always making things and learning new things I have a brain that doesn&rsquo;t like rest it like intrigue</p>
<p>Jamie: I have 2 little daughters one is 2 years and the other is 6 months so any spare time is taken up by them. That said I do like good food and a good meal with friends is a great way to unwind.</p>
<p>當Sally看不慣Jamie頂著邋塌髮型走路時,就會幫他剪髮。Sally自己的髮型則是一有時間越快剪完越好,所以她會看誰有空,就請他快速地幫她修剪。Brooks &amp; Brooks對於美髮的終極目標是,保持快樂,不去擔心其他人在做的事,只要將焦點放在公司即可。「我們的目標不是成為最大間的髮廊,而是成為最正直、最有道德並懂得尊重美髮產業和髮型的髮廊。」</p>
<p>I cut Jamie&rsquo;s when I can&rsquo;t bare him walking around any longer looking scruffy. For my own hair it&rsquo;s a matter of quickly getting it cut when you have the time so I tend to just get a quick trim by whoever is free &hellip; and they hate doing it ha ha!</p>
<p>I think as you get older your ultimate game changes , our ultimate game is to just be happy to not worry about what others are doing and to just focus on our company , we would love an artistic director one day to continue the journey but our company has never been about shouting the loudest it&rsquo;s about integrity, morals and the respect of both the industry and hair.</p>


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