Salon News Asia
Caterina DiBiase
活躍於澳洲髮型界逾20年,得獎及入圍超過40個國內及國際性大獎的Caterina DiBiase,在2004年不但是唯一一位澳洲人入圍全球頂尖設計師比賽-義大利的the next look前10強。

#Caterina DiBiase
活躍於澳洲髮型界逾20年,得獎及入圍超過40個國內及國際性大獎的Caterina DiBiase,在2004年不但是唯一一位澳洲人入圍全球頂尖設計師比賽-義大利的the next look前10強。
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<p>活躍於澳洲髮型界逾20年,得獎及入圍超過40個國內及國際性大獎的Caterina DiBiase,在2004年不但是唯一一位澳洲人入圍全球頂尖設計師比賽-義大利的the next look前10強,曾榮獲澳洲年度最佳髮型師大獎 (Australian Hairdresser of the Year),並在2009年獲得全球盛名的AIPP (國際專業美髮雜誌協會)法國獎項第三名。</p>
<p>Caterina並曾連續四年擔任墨爾本的L&rsquo;Oreal Melbourne Fashion Festival髮型總監,亦參與澳洲的時尚週活動,其專業建議廣受媒體與美髮業界歡迎,並常擔任各大髮型比賽評審。她對創作與教育的熱情,讓她不斷致力於教育新一代設計師,足跡也遍佈澳洲、法國、紐西蘭與印度。</p>
<p>Caterina DiBiase has been an integral part of the exciting and ever-changing world of Australian hairdressing for over 20 years. No stranger to success, her vision and dedication has seen her rewarded with a string of accolades both in Australia and overseas.</p>
<p>Caterina has been Hair Director for L&rsquo;Oreal Melbourne Fashion Festival four years running from 2008 to 2011, and also hair directed the Dhini runway show at Rosemount Australian Fashion Week 2011. Caterina is also often called upon to provide expert media commentary, advise industry bodies, to judge competitions, and to interpret, present and teach the latest trends and techniques to both established stylists and hairdressing students.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">父母支持闖天下 初出茅廬放異彩</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2012/86/66/%E5%A4%A7%E5%B8%AB%E9%9D%A2%E5%B0%8D%E9%9D%A2-%E5%85%A7%E6%96%87%E9%85%8D%E5%9C%96.jpeg?1612503347484" alt="大師面對面-內文配圖" /></p>
<p>於澳洲墨爾本長大的Caterina從小就夢想要在美容美髮界闖天下,來自義大利的父母便支持她往美髮界發展,她表示從來沒後悔過做了這個決定!她說,她愛死了美髮的創意無限!而且印象最深的事情就是初入行時便拿下Next Look大獎,還有在義大利波隆那國際美髮展登台表演!</p>
<p>As a teenager growing up in the suburbs of Melbourne, Australia, Caterina always dreamed of a career in beauty. Steered by her Italian parents to try hairdressing, she never once regretted the decision. &ldquo;I loved the fact that it was so creative!&rdquo; And her most unforgettable experience when she first entered hair industry, was winning the Next Look Awards and doing a show at Cosmoprof in Bologna!</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">恩師偶像影響深遠 勉勵自己青出於藍</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2012/86/66//caterina_dibiase_02__2_.jpeg?1612503429048" alt="caterina_dibiase_02__2_" /></p>
<p>在Caterina職業生涯中深具啟發性的兩位人物,就是她的恩師Anthony Martino與澳洲髮型界頂頂有名的Vivienne Mackinder。Anthony是Heading Out學院與沙龍集團的創辦人,也是一位企業家,20年來見證了Caterina的成長並給予指引方向。另一位Vivienne Mackinder,則是Caterina推崇為「美髮界中最能啟發人心的代表,也讓我意識到女性在美髮界的發展還有很大的努力空間,迄今這也是我面臨的挑戰之一。」</p>
<p>The icons that influenced and inspired her the most in her career include Anthony Martino, the founder and business entrepreneur behind the Heading Out Hair and Beauty Salons, who has guided Caterina through her 20-year journey and has been her mentor that keeps her striving forward. And she added, &ldquo;Vivienne Mackinder &ndash; she was one of the most inspiring women at the head of the field and I quickly discovered that there weren&rsquo;t many women at the top and that is my challenge still today.&rdquo;</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">大小比賽常勝軍 天生好強不服輸</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2012/86/66///caterina_dibiase_02__1_.jpeg?1612503442857" alt="caterina_dibiase_02__1_" /></p>
<p>Caterina has long time been a frequent competition winner, and her amazing award list just keeps growing. What brought her to the competition at first? &ldquo;I do have to admit that I have a competitive personality by nature, and I always work to be the best. I guess that&rsquo;s why I first decided to enter competitions. I thrive on the adrenalin of being backstage and also working to an audience live on stage as well as being challenged. It really makes you think outside the square.&rdquo; When asked what she considers to be her specialties and strengths, Caterina responds, &ldquo;I never say no. My specialties are long hair, dressing of hair and cutting and corrective colour.&rdquo;</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">樂於傾聽擅於教學 打造澳洲專業學院</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2012/86/66////%E5%A4%A7%E5%B8%AB%E9%9D%A2%E5%B0%8D%E9%9D%A2-%E5%85%A7%E6%96%87%E9%85%8D%E5%9C%96__10_.jpeg?1612503455626" alt="大師面對面-內文配圖__10_" /></p>
<p>Caterina現任Heading Out教育學院藝術總監。Heading Out教育學院擁有多元化美髮專業課程,從剪髮、染髮、造型、彩妝到攝影,全方位提供所有設計師的專業發展培訓舞台,深具國際地位。過去的歲月間,她與恩師Anthony Martino已經在墨爾本建立起學院的卓越名聲,同時設立了五間沙龍事業體。她表示,2009年後Heading Out教育學院已成了美髮教育的指標品牌,全年皆有開課,並由一群優秀有才華的教育者擔綱,教授專業染髮與設計師課程,提供業界認證的證書課程。而Caterina的專業成就絕非偶然,她認為「好的教育者必須擁有傾聽力,這是不二法則;同時也必須具備能解構教學元素的能力,才能真正讓每一個學員從訓練中獲益。」</p>
<p>Over the years, Caterina and her mentor Anthony Martino together have grown the Heading Out enterprise to an impressive five salons across Melbourne, and established the highly regarded Heading Out Hairdressing Academy. As Caterina puts it, &ldquo;in 2009 the Heading Out Hairdressing Academy became a new destination for hair education, with courses starting throughout the year, apprenticeship training and monthly student intakes. A hand picked highly trained and talented team of educators facilitate specialist colour and stylist courses, as well as industry recognised RTO accredited Certificates ii and III.&rdquo; And success does require efforts. Caterina indicates that &ldquo;being a good educator means you need to be a good listener. That is rule number one. You also need to be able to break down the different components of education, so that each of your students and apprentices get the most from the training,&rdquo;</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">建構系統化管理 時時以身作則</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2012/86/66/////%E5%A4%A7%E5%B8%AB%E9%9D%A2%E5%B0%8D%E9%9D%A2-%E5%85%A7%E6%96%87%E9%85%8D%E5%9C%96__4_.jpeg?1612503480361" alt="大師面對面-內文配圖__4_" /></p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2012/86/66//////%E5%A4%A7%E5%B8%AB%E9%9D%A2%E5%B0%8D%E9%9D%A2-%E5%85%A7%E6%96%87%E9%85%8D%E5%9C%96__5_.jpeg?1612503485834" alt="大師面對面-內文配圖__5_" /></p>
<p>Through her role as Artistic Director of the Heading Out Hair &amp; Beauty Art Team, Caterina oversees the work of 30 stylists, and is extremely passionate about raising the bar of Australian hairdressing through hard work, education and inspiration. Her management philosophy is the key. &ldquo;Setting up procedures and manuals so that everyone is on the same page, and making sure that you follow through and lead by example. I am constantly moving forward and re-working procedures to tie in with changes in the salon environment. We invest in constant training for our team.&rdquo;</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">創作靈感俯拾即是 雄心壯志展望未來</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2012/86/66///////%E5%A4%A7%E5%B8%AB%E9%9D%A2%E5%B0%8D%E9%9D%A2-%E5%85%A7%E6%96%87%E9%85%8D%E5%9C%96__6_.jpeg?1612503515853" alt="大師面對面-內文配圖__6_" /></p>
<p>Caterina豐沛的創作量也讓人印象深刻,她的靈感多來自於雜誌或網路。「我尤其推薦幾個網站,像是models.com與。我認為旅行也是很好的靈感來源,其實靈感俯拾即是,而且要力求新知。旅行讓我有機會一窺時尚與美感的世界,至今仍舊是我的靈感泉源。」對於未來的計畫,這位傑出女設計師毫不遲疑的表示,「我期許自己要成為美髮界中數一數二的女性代表,也期望能獲得全球美髮界的肯定。當然,我也希望Heading Out美髮學院成為澳洲首屈一指的教育中心!」</p>
<p>When asked where Caterina gets all her inspirations, she shares they come &ldquo;from magazines and online, especially,, as well as travel. Inspiration is something that you get from everywhere and important to keep fresh. Hairdressing gave me the opportunity to explore the whole world of fashion and beauty, and continues to be my inspiration today.&rdquo; Talking about future aspirations, Caterina has got it all planned out. &ldquo;To be one of the top female hairdressers in the world, and to ensure that I am recognized globally as one of the leading hairdressers. Make sure that the Heading Out Hairdressing Academy is one of the most sought after academies to be trained at in Australia.&rdquo;</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">關於Caterina DiBiase</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2012/86/66////////caterina_dibiase_02.jpeg?1612503543177" alt="caterina_dibiase_02" /></p>
<p>&bull;2009 Hair Expo年度最佳髮集攝影冠軍</p>
<p>&bull;2009 Hair Expo澳洲最佳設計師冠軍</p>
<p>&bull;2008 澳洲年度最佳設計師決賽入圍</p>
<p>&bull;2007 澳洲年度最佳設計師決賽冠軍</p>
<p>&bull;2008 AHFA維多利亞年度設計師冠軍</p>
<p>&bull;2008 澳洲沙龍年度最佳企業家冠軍&ndash;Anthony Martino</p>
<p>&bull;2008 美國國際沙龍經營獎</p>
<p>&bull;2008 Hair Expo年度最佳新穎沙龍設計獎</p>
<p>&bull;2008 Hair Expo澳洲年度最佳設計師決賽入圍</p>
<p>&bull;2008 Hair Expo年度最佳染髮技術師決賽入圍</p>
<p>&bull;女性攝影公開賽 第三名</p>
<p>&bull;高級訂製時尚彩妝 第三名</p>
<p>&bull;女性設計剪髮公開賽 第二名</p>


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