Salon News Asia
Christophe Gaillet
2013年,Christophe Gaillet與Angelo Seminara等多名大師一同角逐AIPP首獎,最終脫穎而出,得到AIPP的最高肯定,他感動得向評審獻上最高的敬意和感謝,謝謝他們讓這個從十五歲開始的夢想得以成真。
Christophe擔任萊雅品牌大使逾二十年,也在2006年擔任Haute Coiffure法國高級髮型師協會的藝術總監,他靠著過人的天分、豐富的經驗以及精湛的設計,成為美髮界的領頭羊,引領全球美髮潮流。

2013年,Christophe Gaillet與Angelo Seminara等多名大師一同角逐AIPP首獎,最終脫穎而出,得到AIPP的最高肯定,他感動得向評審獻上最高的敬意和感謝,謝謝他們讓這個從十五歲開始的夢想得以成真。
Christophe擔任萊雅品牌大使逾二十年,也在2006年擔任Haute Coiffure法國高級髮型師協會的藝術總監,他靠著過人的天分、豐富的經驗以及精湛的設計,成為美髮界的領頭羊,引領全球美髮潮流。
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<p>2013年,Christophe Gaillet與Angelo Seminara等多名大師一同角逐AIPP首獎,最終脫穎而出,得到AIPP的最高肯定,他感動得向評審獻上最高的敬意和感謝,謝謝他們讓這個從十五歲開始的夢想得以成真。</p>
<p>Christophe擔任萊雅品牌大使逾二十年,也在2006年擔任Haute Coiffure法國高級髮型師協會的藝術總監,他靠著過人的天分、豐富的經驗以及精湛的設計,成為美髮界的領頭羊,引領全球美髮潮流。</p>
<p>Christophe Gaillet has been nominated of AIPP Best Avant-Garde 2014-2015. However, this is not his first time being nominated. He was crowned the winner of AIPP Grand Trophy 2013-2014. It was the moment that fulfilled his dream ever since he was only 15 years old. He sent his best gratitude to the jury and his homage to his opponent, Angelo Seminara. His talent, creation and unique touch are the main elements that help him become such a great master and leading the trend of hairdressing.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2014/101/38//colortrophy2011-1351.jpeg?1612778828391" alt="colortrophy2011-1351" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">誤打誤撞愛上美髮世界</div>
<p>He discovered the world of hairdressing really by chance. At 14 years old, he worked the summer for making a little pocket money. Soon he fell in love with this world due to its special and unique, and of course, the beauty. When he was child, he wished to become a magician, the world of cinema, theatre and circus fascinated him. Later he had a great passion for cooking and pastry. However, the world of beauty was on-board.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2014/101/38///fahrenheit-09.jpeg?1612778855036" alt="fahrenheit-09" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">鮮明的Gaillet風格</div>
<p>在他的眼中,女性是純然美麗的,他屢屢用作品定義了女性自然的美麗,因此造就了讓人看一眼即能認出的獨特Gaillet風格。懷抱著巨大的野心,Christophe勇於創新,不害怕與別人不同,更曾和許多國際設計師合作,如Thierry Mugler, Nina Ricci, Paco Rabanne, Azzaro以及Balenciaga,再再證實他的髮型設計是時尚秀中不可或缺的一部分。</p>
<p>He has worked with many fashion designers with his reconizable style and successfully showed the world how unreplaceable. His works show what women are like in his eyes -- naturally beautiful. He never limits himself and always willing to attempt to make difference.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2014/101/38////cascade_01__cristophe_gaillet_-_dimensions_.jpeg?1612778868173" alt="cascade_01__cristophe_gaillet_-_dimensions_" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">旅行和藝術 靈感的來源</div>
<p>He is very curious to everything, so he dreams eyes wide open. Gaillet gets inspirations form travel. For example, Japan is the country that inspires him a lot. Besides these, he also seeks creativities from different cultures, music or artisans of fashion. He talks about the influences caused by surrealist painters and sculptures, especially from the works of Rodin and Camille Claudel.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2014/101/38/////p12.jpeg?1612778881249" alt="p12" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">主動尋找缺乏的靈感</div>
<p>&ldquo;Lacking inspirations is a special issue. There are moments that we are less inspired. The creations are not always at the &lsquo;rendezvous&rsquo;. We have moments of free to do other activities to open the mind.&rdquo; He said.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2014/101/38//////dossier_de__presse_4.jpeg?1612778897317" alt="dossier_de__presse_4" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">提供客製化的訓練I.C.E.學院</div>
<p>以靈感(Inspiration)、概念( Conception)和教育(Education)為理想,Christophe創辦了I.C.E學院,並以旅行為基礎,他和夥伴穿梭於不同的美髮沙龍,根據該沙龍所需提供客製化的訓練模式,就地建立團隊,讓他們能更快速的成長。他認為其中最重要的就是「聆聽」,還有分享訣竅和知識,他們也創造一個特別的訓練商標「Salon Artistic Performer」,提供專業訓練,在訓練結束後繼續追蹤後續發展。甚至開設一門攝影的精進課程,教導髮型師如何透過影像將作品最美麗的呈現出來。此外,Christophe也在萊雅舉辦的設計師培訓課程中,擔任講師,傳授設計要素。未來,Christophe打算增開更多精進課程,提供給新一代設計師們。</p>
<p>In idea of inspiration, concept and education, Christophe established Academy I.C.E.. Academy I.C.E. is a travelling structure, they move in the salons to form teams, because teams advanced faster in their salon. The most important is listening and sharing their 'know-how'. They also do training map that they listen the application of each manager and present a "tailor-made" training. They have created a specialized label "Salon Art Performer" which they can follow after the training to see the developments. They have a master class such as "shooting coaching".</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2014/101/38///////fahrenheit-07.jpeg?1612778915278" alt="fahrenheit-07" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">經營者是沙龍和學院的關鍵</div>
<p>Speaking of how to run a salon or an academy, &ldquo;Opening a salon or Academy is difficult nowadays. That is why you need a very solid structure on economic and art. You must be a motivated team and make the training very often. And of course delegate. The boss is very important as well, it is he who will give the rhythm, the energy.&rdquo; he said.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2014/101/38////////rose-paradis-05.jpeg?1612778926934" alt="rose-paradis-05" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">互相激發潛力的團隊</div>
<p>「對我來說,和設計師溝通是很重要的,我很喜歡我的工作室,它就像是個髮型實驗室,我們在那裡完成了許多研究和試驗。」目前Christophe的團隊還有兩名成員,熱愛美髮業的Fabrice Perrissonotto懷抱廣大熱忱,善用各種經典的技巧;來自亞洲的Soya Ko擁有許多才能,作品則具有靈敏度和原創性。Christophe讓助理向他學習新的技術,並時常從最基本的經典創意發想新點子,再和他們一起分析、討論,致力尋找新的技巧。</p>
<p>&ldquo;It is very important for me to speak and to listen to my artists. The workshop is a place that I love or we test all. It is a &lsquo;hair laboratory&rsquo;.&rdquo; There are two more artists in his team &ndash; Fabrice and Soya. Fabrice Perrissonotto is a very passionate hairdresser always looking for new techniques. He loves the job, and he works with classic bases which are the best. Soya Ko is a hairdresser of multiple talent. She loves the natural style and avant-garde.She got all sensitivity and originality from her county. Christophe forms his assistants to new techniques and working together to find new textures, volumes etc. When he presents his work at Soya and Fabrice, they will analyze it, test it and the idea will grow even more.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2014/101/38/////////fahrenheit-06.jpeg?1612778944266" alt="fahrenheit-06" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">成功秘訣 在比賽中與他人一起成長</div>
<p>Christophe takes the competitions as an excellent school. They allowed him to get technical, the volume and speed, all the contestant can grow up very quickly with the others. As for himself, he loves the competition. Although there isn&rsquo;t a particular formula to success, he still gives us some thoughts of it. &ldquo;For me I grew up with the others. The hairdressers should especially be a seen very wide on the craft and know other hairdressers and share.&rdquo; Being a good hairdresser, you need to remember these three words -- observe, touch and transform. He defined a good hairdresser has his "touch" on the hair.</p>


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