Salon News Asia
Cos Sakkas
從學徒到全球創意總監暨教育長,帶領超過 20 間美髮學院、每年授課對象超過十萬名髮型師,三次 BHA(British Hairdressing Awards)倫敦年度髮型師、兩次英國年度髮型師提名,27 年的美髮人生不斷突破高峰,他是 Cos Sakkas, 這一期Salon News Asia 邀請您一同與我們探索 Toni & Guy 靈魂總教頭的內心世界。

#Cos Sakkas #Toni & Guy
從學徒到全球創意總監暨教育長,帶領超過 20 間美髮學院、每年授課對象超過十萬名髮型師,三次 BHA(British Hairdressing Awards)倫敦年度髮型師、兩次英國年度髮型師提名,27 年的美髮人生不斷突破高峰,他是 Cos Sakkas, 這一期Salon News Asia 邀請您一同與我們探索 Toni & Guy 靈魂總教頭的內心世界。
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<p>直到大學畢業前都壓根沒想過踏入美髮產業的 Cos Sakkas,在 27 年後竟然獲頒了三次 BHA (British Hairdressing Award) 倫敦年度髮型師,今年還二度入圍英國年度髮型師,在英國最知名的連鎖沙龍集團Toni &amp; Guy 身兼全球創意總監暨教育長,後天的努力加上天生的創意性格讓他深受時尚圈的青睞,跑遍各大時裝周後台,更登上過無數美髮雜誌,包括上期 Salon News Asia 也是以 Cos 大師的作品為封面。</p>
<p>Cos Sakkas had never thought of working in the hairdressing industry until he graduated. However, 27 years later, he has won London Hairdresser of the Year three times and been nominated for British Hairdresser of the Year in 2018 and 2019, and wearing two hats in Toni &amp; Guy - international artistic director and head of education. With hard work and his creative personality, Cos is now a regular at events, fashion shows, and seminars around the world, frequently featured in fashion and hair magazines, including the cover of our last volume.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2020/138/54/1004.jpg?1612518316817" alt="1004" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">踏入美髮界竟從一句不可能</div>
<p>有別於許多美髮大師們,Cos Sakkas起初進到這個產業可以說是無心插柳,大學選擇了不怎麼感興趣的商科,畢業後的他拿著一張看似不錯的文憑,但卻和大多數畢業生一樣迷惘。當時他的一位朋友恰好在倫敦柯芬園的 Toni &amp; Guy 上班,就問了他對美髮業有沒有興趣,Cos 第一個想法是「不可能」,但還是去了一趟,他看到櫥窗上那些美麗的髮型照片以及店內樂在其中的設計師們,意外地覺得這一切都太棒了,正是他想要待的那種地方,就這樣他進入了 Toni &amp; Guy,從一個和美髮毫不相干的商科學生,到今天在美髮界佔有一席之地,他很慶幸 27 年前的自己做了這個決定。</p>
<p>Different from most of the masters in the field, Cos stepped in the industry by mistake. He studied in business at university which he actually found a bit boring. After graduation, he was not sure what to do, and a friend of his worked at Toni &amp; Guy in Covent Garden asked him if he&rsquo;d ever thought about going into hairdressing. &ldquo;No way! &ldquo;was what first came to his mind. But he still went along and had a look. Unexpectedly, when seeing the stunning images in the window and people having fun in the salon, he fell in love with the place. This was how Cos started his career in Toni &amp; Guy and become a talented hairdresser from an ordinary business student.&ldquo;That was 27 years ago and I haven't regretted the decision once! &ldquo;said Cos.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2020/138/54///alina.jpg?1612518516859" alt="alina" /></p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2020/138/54////20160317_beauty_sh04_0189_prv.jpg?1612518526612" alt="20160317_beauty_sh04_0189_prv" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">美髮路上貴人不斷</div>
<p>雖然比大多數美髮師起步晚,一開始也非美髮專業出身,但 Cos 很幸運在一路上碰到許多貴人,對他影響深遠。在他一開始踏入美髮業時,他經常跟隨現在的 TIGI 國際創意總監 Anthony Mascolo 一起工作,他看著Anthony 從剪髮、造型到拍攝的整個過程,從中獲得大量的經驗。Toni Mascolo 的女兒、也是現任 Toni&amp;Guy全球創意總監的 Sacha Mascolo-Tarbuck,是影響他很深的一個人,他們一起長大,直到現在也常一起工作,Sacha 對美髮的熱情和毅力是 Cos 一直很欽佩的,而現階段對 Cos 影響最大的則是他的美髮團隊,這 35 人的團隊時刻都有新點子,不停督促著 Cos 繼續前進。</p>
<p>Though starting later than most hairdressers and having zero hairdressing background, Cos has been lucky to be surrounded by amazing people throughout his career. In the early years, he worked around current TIGI international creative director, Anthony Mascolo, and learnt a lot by watching him from cutting hair to photo shooting. The daughter of Toni Mascolo and Toni &amp; Guy global creative director, Sacha Mascolo-Tarbuck, is another influential person to him.&ldquo;I grew up with Sacha and we have worked together since we were young. Her passion and determination has always been incredible.&rdquo;Cos shared with us. Today, his team which is composed of 35 artistic directors inspires him most. They always come up with new and exciting ideas and keep him on his toes.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2020/138/54/////cos_sakkas_london_1.jpg?1612518541391" alt="cos_sakkas_london_1" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">雙重身分 肩負重任</div>
<p>Toni &amp; Guy 在全球擁有超過 20 間學院、每年為超過十萬名髮型師授課,Cos Sakkas 身為全球創意總監暨教育長可說是身負重責,在疫情尚未停歇的期間,Cos 更是一刻不得閒,不僅要與全球各區的創意團隊進行視訊討論和課程教學,也同時要應疫情改變各地學員的課程模式,「不能變通是麻煩的根源。」Cos 說,美髮和時尚產業瞬息萬變,即使疫情當前,美髮人也停不下來。</p>
<p>Toni &amp; Guy has over 20 academies worldwide, sharing their vision and knowledge with over 100,000 hairdressers every year. As both international artistic director and head of education, Cos has always been in the hot seat, especially during the pandemic. Not only does he have to catch up with artistic directors from across the world, he is also busy with planning sessions on Instalives and adjusting the education program. &ldquo;If we do not change, we are going to be in real trouble. &rdquo;said Cos. The fashion and hairdressing industries are changing every second, and hairdressers cannot afford to stop even during the pandemic.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2020/138/54///////cos_sakkas_london_3.jpg?1612518576975" alt="cos_sakkas_london_3" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">27 年職涯奉獻關鍵在歸屬感</div>
<p>Cos 在 Toni &amp; Guy 一待就是 27 年,人生一半的時間都奉獻在這裡,「Toni &amp; Guy 一直都是家族企業,所以在這裡工作感覺就像在家一般,屬於這裡的一份子,當大家聊著一些陳年往事時,也可以輕鬆地融入其中。我們有很多來自各個國家的夥伴,讓這些異鄉遊子們也感覺得到家的溫暖很重要,在 Toni &amp; Guy 你可以盡情地做自己,因為就像家人一樣,我們會接納各種樣子的你。」Cos 分享他一直選擇待在 Toni &amp; Guy 的原因。</p>
<p>Cos has worked at Toni &amp; guy for 27 years, spending half of his life in the company. &ldquo;Working for a family business, you always feel like you are at home. There&rsquo;s that warmth, the support and when old-school stories are being told, you feel included. We have a lot of hairdressers who come from outside of UK, so creating a home from home is really important. You are accepted for being who you are.&rdquo;Cos shared the key reasons of</p>
<p>working at Toni &amp; Guy for such a long time.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2020/138/54/////////cos_sakkas_04.jpg?1612518601535" alt="cos_sakkas_04" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">教育是美髮產業之本</div>
<p>Cos 認為「教育」是美髮產業中不可或缺的一環,也是他最擅長的事情之一。隨著網路的蓬勃發展,客人能掌握更多的美髮的知識,在家自己弄頭髮的人越來越多,面對這樣的情況 Cos 說﹔「真正的專家還是我們這些美髮師和設計師,但要讓客人一直願意上髮廊找我們弄頭髮,就必須隨時學習和精進自己,走在產業的尖端。」身為教育長的他也時時秉持著因材施教的教育理念,肩負著提供更好的教育環境給未來的髮型師們。</p>
<p>&ldquo;We are nothing without our education.&rdquo;This is what Cos always believes as an educator in the industry for decades. With the prosperity of Internet, clients are more educated than ever, and more and more people getting the look at home. But we are the true expert. We need to be on the top of our game all the time.&rdquo;Cos emphasized the importance of keeping learning. As the head of education, he also works really hard to create a better hairdressing education environment to all the aspiring hairdressers.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2020/138/54//////////cos_sakkas_london_7.jpg?1612518639239" alt="cos_sakkas_london_7" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">比賽激發創意 突破創作舒適圈</div>
<p>實力和創意都突出的 Cos 是美髮賽事中的常勝軍,回想二十年前 Cos 在英國美髮大賽初試啼聲,就一舉獲得年度最佳新人獎,在宣布的那一刻,他激動到跳起來往桌上的人偶頭打了一掌,他深信比賽可以激發潛能和發揮更多技巧,也是有了這些累積,他才能在今日三次獲選倫敦年度最佳髮型師,以及在 2018 及 2019 年被提名為英國年度最佳髮型師,「比賽可以激發髮型師的創意,並讓你離開原本的創作舒適圈,以及在創作時不斷思考自己為何要創作。」Cos 鼓勵髮型師們多參加髮型比賽。</p>
<p>Dedicated to the industry for years, Cos has won numerous awards. 20 years ago, when he first won the Newcomer of the year in BHA, he was so excited and slapped the back of the head on the table when his name was announced. He believes competition can motivate a hairdresser and is a great opportunity to show advanced techniques. With these award-winning experiences, he's able to win London Hairdresser of the Year three times and be nominated for British Hairdresser of the Year in 2018 and 2019. &ldquo;They push your creativity, take you outside your creative boundaries and make you think about why you are creating a collection. &ldquo;Cos encouraged the young hairdressers to seize the chance to participate in more competitions.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2020/138/54///////////cos_sakkas_london_4.jpg?1612518651646" alt="cos_sakkas_london_4" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">找到專精 加以鑽研</div>
<p>看過無數對美髮產業有憧憬的年輕人們,Cos 建議想踏入美髮業的人應該多認識自己生活圈以外的人,和業界優秀的髮型師一起工作、結交其他髮廊的設計師、創作者和攝影師都是很有幫助的,可以讓你學到更多的技能,也能幫你成為自信又有能力的設計師。Cos 接著強調﹔「『做自己』是最重要的,太多人喜歡模仿,但別人在做的不見得就是最好的,因為美髮產業非常多元,每個人都該找到自己想要專精的領域,並加以鑽研。」這些建議除了是對後輩們的提點,想必也是 Cos 對自己一直以來的堅持,才能讓他在美髮界有今日的成就。</p>
<p>Cos advised those who aspire to work in hairdressing industry to surround themselves with people from outside their everyday environment. Meeting some amazing people and getting involved with like-minded stylists, artists and photographers from outside your salon are definitely helpful. &ldquo;Most importantly, be yourself. There are too many followers &ndash; just because someone else is doing it, doesn&rsquo;t mean it&rsquo;s the best. The industry is so diverse and there is a specialty for everyone, you just have to grab hold of it.&rdquo;These tips are probably not only for those young hairdressers but also the keys to Cos&rsquo;s success along the way.</p>


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