Salon News Asia
Effervescene 前衛造型的奇妙旅程

#西班牙 #Effervescene
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<p>今年10月19日,總召集人Mikel luzea將Effervescene舞台搬上了在馬德里舉辦的Salon Look International,一場歐洲美髮界最重要的盛會,讓更多求知若渴的髮型師能一窺前衛造型的創作始末。</p>
<p>On October 19, Mikel luzea presented in salon look international Madrid, a new show that he called Effervescene that aims to bring together the most renowned hair stylists of the Spanish AVANT GARDE every year.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">讓創意爆炸的Effervescene</div>
<p>Effervescene取名源自英文effervescent scene,意味著歡騰的場景,象徵Effervescene將為觀眾獻上許多令人興奮的新點子,以及讓髮型師歡欣鼓舞的新技巧和技術。這四位前衛髮型師包括Marcel montlle&oacute;、Antonio Calvo、Pelsynera和Mikel Luzea。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2014/103/104/2_resized.jpg?1612254495093" alt="2_resized" /></p>
<p>The name of the show is a play on words whose translation would be effervescent scene, which seeks to be just that: pure effervescence of ideas, tricks and techniques. A training show where the guest hair stylists explain live all the techniques used for creating their last works.</p>
<p>In this first edition, were invited the following firms, Marcel montlle&oacute; ,Antonio Calvo, Pelsynera and the own Mikel Luzea.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">獲獎無數的四位頂尖前衛髮型師</div>
<p>在美髮界已經有30餘年經驗的Marcel montlle&oacute;,是第一次登上Effervescene的舞台,他的風格正好滿足了Mikel Luzea一直在尋找的條件。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2014/103/104/1-%E5%BF%85%E6%94%BE_resized.jpg?1612254908784" alt="1-必放_resized" /></p>
<p>Antonio Calvo曾獲得兩次FIGARO Awards和年度最佳髮型師,他在前衛風格上的創作一直都具有指標性,對西班牙的前衛髮型創作有著深遠的影響。</p>
<p>Pelsynera獲獎次數更勝Antonio,他在2010年首次榮獲年度最佳髮型師,並在兩年後一舉贏得兩項FIGARO Awards,更值得一提的,他還曾是AIPP的得主之一。</p>
<p>總召集人MIKEL LUZEA的前衛作品常常登上各大國際雜誌封面,他的得獎紀錄更是輝煌,他有兩次AIPP得獎紀錄,更有多達五次的AHS表演紀錄。這四位戰績顯赫的髮型師們在Effervescene各自秀出獨門絕技,用最酷最炫的前衛造型震撼現場觀眾。</p>
<p>In this first edition we will have the participation of Marcel montlle?, who is certainly a reference in their hairstyling. Due to his great career he has been customary for 30 years now at international fashion shows in Barcelona, Par?s, New York, Milan and Berlin.</p>
<p>Antonio Calvo, his AVANT GARDE collections have rapidly become essential in awards and professional publications. 2013 was his great year after winning two F?GARO Awards and the Spanish Style Master.</p>
<p>PELSYNERA is one of the most F?GARO awarded hair stylist. In 2010 he became the first &ldquo;Spanish hair stylist of the year&rdquo; and in 2012 he won two F?GARO Awards. He also has an AIPP AWARD.</p>
<p>MIKEL LUZEA, his AVANT GARDE works are usual in professional magazine covers around the world. He owns, among many others, two AIPP AWARDS and he has participated five times in the ALTERNATIVE HAIR SHOW of London.</p>
<p>These four excellent hairdressers rocked Effervescene with a different concept show, with different format.</p>


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