Salon News Asia
Emiliano Vitale
2016 Hair Expo Awards Australian - Hairdresser of the Year

##Emiliano Vitale
2016 Hair Expo Awards Australian - Hairdresser of the Year
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/115/58/p5%E9%85%8D%E5%9C%96__1_.jpg?1612252210781" alt="p5配圖__1_" /></p>
<p>Emiliano Vitale在2000年創立&eacute; SALON,憑藉著獨到的藝術美感與潮流洞察力,&eacute; SALON傑出的作品三次獲得澳洲Hair Expo年度最佳沙龍團隊的肯定,Emiliano自己也在2014年獲頒AHFA (Australian Hair Fashion Awards)年度最佳髮型師的殊榮;更曾在2011和2010年分別贏得美髮界奧斯卡AIPP最佳商業髮型和男士髮型,如此豐碩的戰績和城就,也讓Emiliano成為南半球美髮界舉足輕重的要角。</p>
<p>Winning Hair Expo Salon Team of the Year for a 3rd time in June 2016, and Australian Hairdresser of the Year in 2014 in Australian Hair Fashion Awards, Emiliano Vitale also won AIPP award with his Men&rsquo;s Collection in 2010.</p>
<p>With such a record, Emiliano has become a regular aboard and behind the scenes at the internationally acclaimed AIPP awards, riding a reputation for thought provoking digital projects and visuals that question the established standards of beauty.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">追隨父親腳步 立志成為受人愛戴的髮型師</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/115/58/p8.jpg?1612250664144" alt="p8" /></p>
<p>多年後,Emiliano與父親手牽手,一同站上Alternative Hair Show的舞台,讓在場5000位觀眾見到美髮產業美好的傳承。</p>
<p>Emiliano was born in a hairdresser family. He started his career at 11 working after school on Thursday nights, Saturday mornings and in the school holidays in his father, Samuel Vitale&rsquo;s salon. &ldquo;I had always been drawn to hairdressing as all my cousins, my father and aunties are all hairdressers. It&rsquo;s in the family!&rdquo; he says.</p>
<p>He started his apprenticeship with his father in 1987, "I remember watching the way my father worked; so hard, so passionate and I especially remember the way everyone respected and loved him; all I ever remember wanting to do was what he was doing."</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">一手打造獲獎無數的沙龍與創意團隊</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/115/58/p110.jpg?1612250730127" alt="p110" /></p>
<p>2000年,Emiliano離開父親的沙龍,一心只想創立一片屬於自己的天地:「我用名字的開頭,將這間髮廊命名為 &eacute; SALON。這裡是我的空間,我能夠決定規則,也能打破它們!」他坦言,這樣的心態的確是以自我為中心,當他真正擔任經營者後,也面對了許多沒有想過的責任和壓力,「現在的我能夠很有自信的說, &eacute; SALON是一間為了顧客著想、為了美髮產業著想、不斷展現出創造力的一間髮廊!」</p>
<p>In 2000, Emiliano opened &eacute; SALON in Wahroonga, Sydney&rsquo;s eastern suburbs. He has been the Creative Director since then. "The name is the first letter in my name. I just wanted to have my own space. Live by my rules, make the rules and break them. I believe that &eacute; SALON is now a vehicle that serves. It serves our team, our clients, our community, our industry and more importantly our world; creatively, spiritually and quality.&rdquo;</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/115/58/p100.jpg?1612250756621" alt="p100" /></p>
<p>&eacute; SALON能獲得三次沙龍團隊,身為創意總監的Emiliano功不可沒,他熟知團隊的需要,也深刻了解美髮產業的動態,他認為,團隊的成功來自於向心力,每一位成員都應該放下自我,一起為了團隊共同的目標努力,過程中,有些人會因為過於重視自己所得到的,而忽略了付出的重要,這時候領導者就應該幫助他們了解,一分耕耘一分收穫的重要。每一個成功的團隊、甚至公司,都有一群願意為了彼此付出的成員。</p>
<p>The energy behind Hair Expo Salon Team of the Year 2013+2015+2016, Emiliano understands the dynamics of a team, the sensitive salon environment and the requirements of building a successful brand in a crowded, de-sensitized market. "It is important that everyone is harmonious and selfless in the pursuit of the company VISION. Sometimes people lose the vision or your team starts focusing on what THEY can get rather than what they can GIVE. Everyone, including the leader, must always be focused on what they can GIVE that serves the team. This is the way great teams and companies are built."</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">從NOISE取經 創辦Ssh! 開拓髮型師國際視野</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/115/58/p120.jpg?1612250902656" alt="p120" /></p>
<p>As the successful salon owner slash creative director of &eacute; salon, Emiliano is growing as a sought after career/business coach for salons around the country. Beyond the touted list of creative achievements, Emiliano is also responsible for the amazing hairdressing event, Ssh!, which is been seen as Noise in Australia three years ago.</p>
<p>與Richard Ashforth在倫敦舉辦的NOISE地下髮型秀有著異曲同工之妙,Emiliano將這兩場髮型秀視為姊妹:「我們很喜歡NOISE的概念,它提供髮型師一個純粹創作的舞台。對我來說Ssh!是更成熟的NOISE,它同樣是以創作為主,也沒有經過任何商業包裝,它們都是從非主流的活動崛起,但是在Ssh!能看到更多教育性的技巧與演出。」</p>
<p>"NOISE is Richard Ashforth&rsquo;s baby and as much as we love the concept, and Richard, we wanted to do something that&rsquo;s different.&rdquo; says Emiliano, "I see NOISE and Ssh! as sisters. We are from the same family yet with slightly different personalities. It is also RAW and cool; I just see it more as grown up, a slightly more mature event than what NOISE is. It is still born from the underground movement, though it has a slightly more educational element to it.&rdquo;</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/115/58/p40.jpg?1612250862793" alt="p40" /></p>
<p>For Emiliano, &lsquo;design is a solution, it acts like our freedom&rsquo; and through collaborating with an elite, global gathering of stylists across pioneering stage shows, is working to empower the industry&rsquo;s upcoming generation with fundamentals, tools and, importantly, unlimited perception. With events like Ssh! it is enabling world class education to be available to the younger generation and the current generation of hairdresser, with no competition and no ego &ndash; "something we are extremely proud of.&rdquo; Emiliano says.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">相信帶來力量 貴人相助成就Ssh!的成功</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/115/58/p6.jpg?1612250957126" alt="p6" /></p>
<p>&ldquo;When I believe in something or I get a new idea, like Ssh! I make sure it comes to life.&rdquo; Emiliano believes that the ability to make things happen is what sets him apart. &ldquo;I only believe in having one PLAN and you make that PLAN successful. I find it easy if you believe in yourself, if you believe in a new concept, if you believe in what you&rsquo;re doing everything comes easy.&rdquo;</p>
<p>幸好,Emiliano在籌劃的過程裡遇到不少貴人,給予他很大的支持和協助。其中一位,就是美髮界的傳奇大師,也是在第一屆Ssh!壓軸登場的Robert Lobetta:「Robert和他的妻子Kay幫助我們的表演能夠更上一層樓,他們教導我們透過不同的角度思考,讓我們能傳遞很多細節,也幫助整場秀更加流暢精采。他們更啟發了我們的創作力,讓我們得以見到以前從未看見過的全新視野。」</p>
<p>"From being creative and turning into event planners, there&rsquo;s been a huge learning curve, but the support of the industry has been amazing.&rdquo;</p>
<p>"Robert and Kay Lobetta helped us to take our stage shows and presentations to another level. They helped us deliver details, think about things from a different angle, a different vantage point. They opened our creative minds and allowed us to see a world that we never knew existed.&rdquo;</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/115/58/p10.jpg?1612251647809" alt="p10" /></p>
<p>在這感人的師徒情誼背後,卻有個十分搞笑卻溫馨的故事,Emiliano還原與Robert Lobetta相識的經過:「當時我們一同受邀至西班牙參加SECRET MASTERCLASS,X-Presion的Jorge教課進行到一半,突然邀請我等等與他一同上台,在通風不佳的空間裡,我早已滿頭大汗,身上穿的棉質Tshirt也早已出現汗漬。」</p>
<p>於是,Emiliano決定起身前往廁所,沒想到Robert Lobetta竟然跟在他身後,這讓他更加緊張,當他們抵達廁所時,Robert語出驚人地叫Emiliano脫去上衣,放在烘手機下看看能不能烘乾他溼透的衣服,「你能想像,我打著赤膊和Robert Lobetta,這位傳奇大師,一起在廁所用烘手機烘乾衣服,旁邊還有人進進出出嗎?」現在講起來仍帶點羞赧,這是Emiliano與Robert的初次見面,卻也造就了日後兩人互相鼓勵的好情誼。</p>
<p>There&rsquo;s a story behind how Emiliano and Robert started their friendship. &ldquo;I first met Robert in Spain. We were both invited to the SECRET MASTERCLASS. We were sitting in the audience watching X-Presion doing their seminar. The auditorium was super-hot and I had to go up on stage with Jorge. I was sweating profusely and I had a blue cotton shirt which you could see the sweat marks. When I say I was sweating, I was drenched.&rdquo;</p>
<p>He then went to the bathroom to see if there&rsquo;s anything he could do with Robert Lobetta following him. Robert said to him, &ldquo;MAN, you&rsquo;re drenched&rdquo; However, it made Emiliano very nervous and sweated even more.</p>
<p>&ldquo;By the time we reached the toilets, I was so embarrassed yet Robert so cool. I had no idea what to do, but Robert said. Take your shirt off, dry it under the dryer and dry yourself off. So there we were, Robert Lobetta and I in Madrid, Spain, I had my top off drying it under the hand dryer with people walking in and out, and it was my very first full conversation with Robert Lobetta.&rdquo; Said Emiliano.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">深受旁人啟發 與妻子攜手創作不輟</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/115/58/p90.jpg?1612252019896" alt="p90" /></p>
<p>過去兩年,Robert Lobetta、X-Presion和Brooks and Brooks等大師級的髮型師都受邀至Ssh!演出,或多或少,Emiliano從他們的身上獲得不少啟發:「他們的作品展現出絕佳的原創性、精緻度和創造力,即使前衛獨特卻仍然美麗無比,甚至結合時尚,引導美髮潮流。」</p>
<p>With many talented hairdressers joined Ssh! in the past two years including Robert Lobetta, X-Presion and Brooks and Brooks, or even Peter Gray from NOISE have inspired Emiliano in many different ways. &ldquo;They have the ability to be original, truthful, and intricate yet make beautiful creations that go beyond the hair and fashion but are still beautiful &amp; thought provoking.&rdquo;</p>
<p>Emiliano also gets a lot of inspiration from his lovely wife, &ldquo;Meeting my wife was the biggest turning point in my life.&rdquo; He says, &ldquo;Once we started working together it was like the missing link to my career. Together we are able to work magic, and as a team, our shows took on a new dimension. It is like she thinks and I act, or I think and she acts. Our hands are like one, yet four. When we think and work on concepts it is like 3 minds working together not 2. I really believe this!&rdquo;</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">網路發達的好處與美髮界當前困境</div>
<p>He thinks that instant fame has become the biggest issue that hairdressing industry is faced with today. &ldquo;I just feel everyone wants to be INSTA-FAMOUS and wants everything now. They don&rsquo;t want to do the hard yards, the sacrifice, the long nights and early starts. This not only happens in Australia but also around the world.&rdquo; Due to the Internet and fast growing social media, everyone wants to be famous in a short time. However, with every disadvantage there is opportunity. Emiliano believes that there is also more opportunity to learn through the online mediums, including YOUTUBE, Facebook etc.</p>
<p>Emiliano has visited Taiwan in July for NOISE Taipei. Talking about Taiwanese hairdressers, he thinks they are &ldquo;AMAZING, the hospitality shown to us was amazing. I am forever grateful. I noticed that the hairdressing is so precise and the work so creative.&rdquo; He also said that this is one of the beauties of the small world due to online mediums; &ldquo;we now get to see the brilliance of artists all over the world.&rdquo;</p>
<p>FLUIDITY credtis:</p>
<p>hair: Emiliano Vitale</p>
<p>Makeup: Chereine Waddell</p>
<p>photographer: Robert Lobetta</p>
<p>styling: Fleur Egan</p>
<p>salon: &eacute; SALON</p>
<p>Sinuous Credits:</p>
<p>Hair: Emiliano &amp; Lisa Vitale for &eacute; SALON</p>
<p>Photography: Paul Scala</p>
<p>Makeup: Chereine Waddell</p>
<p>Styling: Jonathan Ailwood</p>
<p>Cautivar credits:</p>
<p>hair: Emiliano Vitale</p>
<p>makeup: Max May</p>
<p>photographer: Paul Scala</p>
<p>salon: &eacute; SALON</p>


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