Salon News Asia
Gen Itoh 伊藤 源
如何成為美髮世界的稀珍人物?首先要成為一個好故事。這裡我們收藏了TIGI亞太創意總監Gen Itoh伊藤源的成名點滴,作為一位亞洲人在強勢的歐洲市場闖蕩出一片天,去年他返回東京接手TIGI亞洲市場,對於接下來的挑戰他與我們分享最真誠的私語。

#Gen Itoh #伊藤 源
如何成為美髮世界的稀珍人物?首先要成為一個好故事。這裡我們收藏了TIGI亞太創意總監Gen Itoh伊藤源的成名點滴,作為一位亞洲人在強勢的歐洲市場闖蕩出一片天,去年他返回東京接手TIGI亞洲市場,對於接下來的挑戰他與我們分享最真誠的私語。
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<p>Gen Itoh生於紐約,小時候住在東京郊區海邊附近,是個嚮往衝浪的陽光少年,他未曾想過走美髮這條路,17歲搬往英國,一切的緣份才打開。朋友介紹他認識日本Toni&amp;Guy創辦人Kenji Saiga,此外,他看了Anthony Moscolo在舞台上的美髮技術表演,那時候便在心中埋下成為髮型師的夢想種子。</p>
<p>Gen was born in New York and grew up in Tokyo near the sea. He was a sunshine boy who was passionate for surfing. Gen never thought of devoted himself in hairdressing career when he was young. At the age of 17, he moved to UK with his parents then his fate started changing. A friend introduced him to meet Japan&rsquo;s Toni &amp; Guy founder Kenji Saiga. What&rsquo;s more, after he watched Anthony Moscolo's hairdressing performance on the stage, he planted the seeds of his dream of becoming a hairdresser.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2020/135/48////////final_2019_tokyo_pd_show_3721_m_v1.jpg?1612515848009" alt="final_2019_tokyo_pd_show_3721_m_v1" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">全心盛開的努力 終與偶像同台</div>
<p>In 1998, Gen joined the Toni &amp; Guy Academy for learning hairdressing and working in the salon. Gen said, "Merely getting basic qualifications is not enough, one needs to do as many courses as one can. This industry is constantly evolving, and every six months there is a new look.&rdquo; In 2008, Gen's decision to move from his old team Toni &amp; Guy to TIGI was an important turning point in his career. With 23 years of hairdressing, he has countless working experiences with the industry icon, Anthony. Last year is the first time he shared the spotlight with Anthony in Tokyo. Gen invited his parents watching that show, which became his most memorable experience.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2020/135/48//00003_001_.jpg?1612515129457" alt="00003_001_" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">Gen Itoh的工作日常</div>
<p>2019年Gen正式升任TIGI 亞太區創意總監,從倫敦搬回東京老家。一年之中,他有一半時間周遊各國做市場開發,為了深入亞洲市場,他前往台灣、越南、韓國、菲律賓、馬來西亞、中國、香港、印度等地,探勘亞洲美髮市場需求。</p>
<p>Last year, Gen was officially promoted to TIGI APAC Creative Director. He left London and moved back to his hometown, Tokyo. Gen traveled around the world for market development half of the time in a year. To explore the needs of Asian hairdressing market, he went to Taiwan, Vietnam, South Korea, the Philippines, Malaysia, China, Hong Kong, India, etc.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2020/135/48////00004_001_.jpg?1612515152120" alt="00004_001_" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">沉醉多元性 探索亞洲髮型藝術</div>
<p>「亞洲有很多相當有才華的髮型師,各地發展出獨特而啟發人心的風格。亞洲人和歐洲人的審美觀真的很不同,作為日本人,過去在倫敦生活23年,了解英國各區對時尚潮流的品味也不一樣,我非常喜歡這種多元性。我們的工作和藝術有絕對的關係,TIGI最大的特色就是能夠快速地運用技巧塑造出絕美的髮型,團隊裡每個人各有獨到的絕活。」Gen Itoh一語道出TIGI成為潮流先鋒之關鍵。</p>
<p>"There are so many talented hairstylists in Asia, developing unique and inspiring styles everywhere. The aesthetics of Asians and Europeans are really different. As a Japanese, during the 23 years I spent in London, I observed that people's sense of fashion varies from area to area in UK. However, I enjoy the diversity very much. Our work definitely related to aesthetic design. TIGI features that hairdressers can create beautiful hairstyles in a very short time by our professional skills. And everyone in our team demonstrates their unique skills."said Gen Itoh.</p>
<p>Gen watches people in different cities during the trips, learns their living environment, fashion tastes and trends. Gen Itoh, "In recent years, Asia is becoming the model of world fashion and hairstyle trend. We should be grateful for we are part of the Asian market. Now is the best time to expand our skills and use our creativity to connect with the world."</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2020/135/48/////00001_001_.jpg?1612515170017" alt="00001_001_" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">熱情與靈感的獵人</div>
<p>The secret to keep passion for work is always get along with great hairstylists. It would naturally trigger me to keep learning from them and stay enthusiastic! In terms of inspiration, I open my mind to new ideas wherever and whenever I am because inspirations sometimes suddenly comes from nowhere when you expose yourself to different fields. To receive new inspirations frequently, it is good to open up to all kinds of knowledge," Gen frankly shared.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2020/135/48/////////1695127_copy.jpg?1612515880584" alt="1695127_copy" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">鍾愛的TIGI國際創意團隊</div>
<p>TIGI International Creative Team partners scatter all over the world. However, they communicate the ideas, update each market dynamic and discuss the fashion trends by conference calls so everyone are on the same page. Worked with London team for over 10 years, Gen&rsquo;s colleagues all came from different nations and had their stories. Through during those years, they worked together and learned together, sometimes argued together, and they never stop creating. TIGI is an inspirational big family, they are familiar with others' personal strengths and weaknesses, which help them to work together efficiently in any situation.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2020/135/48//////////2017_10_24_editorial_shoot_bts_0030_cropped_copy.jpg?1612515915542" alt="2017_10_24_editorial_shoot_bts_0030_cropped_copy" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">對抗困難要打團體戰</div>
<p>&ldquo;It is important to experience difficulties together. while to understand and accept what we are weak in is what really matters. I believe this is one of the keys to stay professional, increase our capacity and possibilities and creativity as a team. I do struggles for challenges, but my team is my biggest support. When I face tough situations, instead of refusing budge, ask for support usually helps. Hairdressing is not your own show, it requires teamwork instead.&rdquo;said Gen.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2020/135/48///////////traditional_magic_niamh_01_0281_copy.jpg?1612515931164" alt="traditional_magic_niamh_01_0281_copy" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">Gen給髮型師的建議</div>
<p>Gen got promotions step by step. When was asked to share the reason to get successful with young hairstylist, he answer very humbly, "I don't know if I have developed reputation, but the reason is simple. To focus on one thing and persist to it; however, slow and steady wins the race. Persistence pays off."</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2020/135/48/////////////screenshot_2019-08-05_at_13-28-36_copy.jpg?1612515951055" alt="screenshot_2019-08-05_at_13-28-36_copy" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">為東方美髮 加上狂熱音符</div>
<p>忙碌於工作的Gen,讓我們期待未來能看到「TIGI亞洲藝術團隊」,還有TIGI透過亞洲設計師所研發的產品「TIGI COPY RIGHT CARE」系列,除此之外,Gen也致力於邀請更多優秀的歐洲、美國髮型師來到亞洲辦研討會、髮型秀,讓我們一起期待東方頭髮美學的世界更熱鬧吧!</p>
<p>Let us look forward to seeing Gen creates "TIGI APAC Creative Team" and expand TIGI business in Asia even more with their new product series, TIGI COPY RIGHT CARE, with talented Asian hairdressers. What's more, Gen is committed to invite more US and European hairdressers to visit Asia for forums and hair shows so they can share skills and creativities. It is the time for us to make more nosies for the rising eastern hairdressing world!</p>


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