Salon News Asia
ghd 橫掃 2019 全球各大秋冬時裝週
ghd團隊再次出現在各大時裝週後台與Eugene Souleiman、Jimmy Paul、Anthony Turner合作,分別為Dion Lee、Jeremy Scott、Preen、MSGM、Moschino五支時裝品牌的2019秋冬發表帶來畫龍點睛的髮型設計。

ghd團隊再次出現在各大時裝週後台與Eugene Souleiman、Jimmy Paul、Anthony Turner合作,分別為Dion Lee、Jeremy Scott、Preen、MSGM、Moschino五支時裝品牌的2019秋冬發表帶來畫龍點睛的髮型設計。
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">Dion Lee Autumn / Winter 2019&nbsp;</div>
<p>傳統、無瑕的剪裁結合具影響力的實驗性質設計,Dion Lee於今年紐約時裝週發表的秋冬系列可以說是使出殺手鐧。Wella Professionals全球創意總監及ghd時裝週大使Eugene Souleiman則在髮型上大玩新現代與歌德浪漫,打造出完美的馬尾造型。</p>
<p>Traditional, flawless tailoring combined with experimental, influential design&hellip; Dion Lee came, saw, conquered and took no prisoners with his exhilarating AW19 collection at this season&rsquo;s New York Fashion Week.</p>
<p>「在要為品牌時裝週創造髮型時,我不太會從系列的本體去思考靈感。我會從要穿這些衣服的人還有這個系列是為誰設計的去著手。」Eugene以人為構想的設計概念呈現集堅韌、新潮、優雅為一體的成果&mdash;&mdash;完美體現Dion Lee的力量和靈魂。</p>
<p>It was this idea of designing with people in mind, as is true with Lee&rsquo;s collections, that inspired Eugene: &ldquo;When it came to creating the hair looks, I didn&rsquo;t really think about the collection&hellip; I thought about the girl who would be wearing those clothes&hellip; who the collection was designed for&hellip; that was my inspiration.&rdquo; Resulting in hair styles which were tough, cool, and refined all at once - a perfect personification of the strength, spirit and sophistication of today&rsquo;s Dion Lee woman.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2019/128/85/10-02-2019_dionlee_29_(1).jpg?1612156095219" alt="10-02-2019_dionlee_29_(1)" /></p>
<p>Hair Design by ghd Fashion Week Ambassador Eugene Souleiman</p>
<p>關鍵工具小記 Notes to Stylists:</p>
<li>ghd Platinum+ Styler</li>
<li>ghd Air Professional Performance Hairdryer</li>
<li>Wella Professionals EIMI Mystify Me Strong</li>
<li>Wella Professionals EIMI Root Shoot</li>
<li>Wella Professionals EIMI Dry Me</li>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">Jeremy Scott Autumn / Winter 2019&nbsp;</div>
<p>Eugene Souleiman向Jeremy Scott所傳達的「我們時代的奇跡和驚悚」致敬。Eugene為Jeremy Scott設計的髮型靈感主要圍繞在這次系列的三個關鍵主題上:黑白調色、不對稱的使用、材料的操作/遮罩。</p>
<p>For Eugene Souleiman, the inspiration for the hair looks focused mainly around three of the key themes seen in Jeremy&rsquo;s collection: the monochromatic colour palette, the use of asymmetry and the manipulation/masking of materials. These themes combined to create hair looks that paid a &ldquo;true homage&rdquo; to Jeremy Scott&rsquo;s expression of &ldquo;the wonder and horror of our times.&rdquo;</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2019/128/85/08-02-2019_jeremyscott_31_(1).jpg?1612156359837" alt="08-02-2019_jeremyscott_31_(1)" /></p>
<p>Hair Design by ghd Fashion Week Ambassador Eugene Souleiman</p>
<p>關鍵工具小記 Notes to Stylists:</p>
<li>ghd air professional performance hairdryer</li>
<li>ghd platinum plus styler</li>
<li>Wella Professionals EIMI Mystify Me Light</li>
<li>Wella Professionals EIMI Stay Firm</li>
<li>Wella Professionals EIMI Sculpt Force</li>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">Preen Autumn / Winter 2019&nbsp;</div>
<p>Eugene Souleiman打造出完美詮釋Preen秋冬系列的造型:他使用頭髮的質地、律動、赤裸的原生美感來表達Preen這次的靈感來源「英國古典舞」。</p>
<p>The look crafted for the collection by ghd fashion week ambassador, Eugene Souleiman, was a perfect translation of these themes, using texture, movement and raw, natural beauty to convey the love of historical British dance that inspired Preen.</p>
<p>選擇以束狀Pin Curls讓在太陽穴和後頸部的紋理感鮑伯頭和馬尾表現得更加別致&mdash;&mdash;帶來女性化、優雅細緻入微、不完美的完美效果。這些造型是透過精心策劃才設計出,代表Preen的品牌印象「一位兼具美麗、精緻、強韌的女人」。</p>
<p>Textural bobs and ponytails were made even more chic through wispy pin curls at the temples and nape of the neck &ndash; the effect of which is feminine, artfully nuanced and perfectly imperfect. These looks were curated to represent the strength and refinement of the Preen woman; a woman who, in Eugene&rsquo;s own words, is &ldquo;beautiful, sophisticated and tough&rdquo; all at the same time.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2019/128/85/%E5%BF%85%E6%94%BE6.jpg?1612156458087" alt="必放6" /> <img src="assets/uploads/files/2019/128/85/%E5%BF%85%E6%94%BE5.jpg?1612156458087" alt="必放5" /></p>
<p>Hair Design by ghd Fashion Week Ambassador Eugene Souleiman</p>
<p>關鍵工具小記 Notes to Stylists:</p>
<li>ghd air professional performance hairdryer</li>
<li>ghd platinum plus styler</li>
<li>Wella Professionals EIMI Mystify Me Light</li>
<li>Wella Professionals EIMI Stay Firm</li>
<li>Wella Professionals EIMI Sculpt Force</li>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">Moschino Autumn / Winter 2019</div>
<p>Jimmy Paul用三個形容詞形容Moschino AW19時裝秀:滑稽、性感、幽默。他表示這場秀給予他和ghd團隊將創意發揮到極致的機會。以大假髮詮釋八零年代遊戲節目的復古詼諧的風格,這種體積大的性感髮型也變成Jimmy Paul的標誌性造型。</p>
<p>&laquo;I am so happy I can work with Moschino and Jeremy Scott here at Milano fashion week for the first time: this show let me and my team really get our creativity juices flowing and create unique and unforgettable hair looks&raquo;.</p>
<p>&laquo;Three words to describe the hairstyles of this show: funny, sexy, umoristic&raquo; says Jimmy Paul, assisted by the ghd team for the creation of the looks. The hairstyles are inspired by the Game Shows of the 80s and interpreted with big wigs - umoristic and feminine at the same time - with a retro feeling. &laquo;Big and sexy hair &raquo; says Jimmy &laquo;became a sort of signature look for me.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2019/128/85/%E6%94%BE5.jpg?1612156576783" alt="放5" /> <img src="assets/uploads/files/2019/128/85/%E6%94%BE2.jpg?1612156576783" alt="放2" /></p>
<p>Hair Design by Jimmy Paul, assisted by the ghd team</p>
<p>關鍵工具小記Notes to Stylists:</p>
<li>ghd air&reg;</li>
<li>ghd ceramic brush</li>
<li>ghd narrow dressing brush</li>
<li>ghd oval dressing brush</li>
<li>ghd final fix spray</li>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">MSGM Autumn / Winter 2019</div>
<p>ghd-stylist團隊創造了受MSGM SPEZZACUORI(HEARTHBREAKER)啟發的造型,一部在米蘭的街頭呈現出現代童話故事的幻想電影。「我為這場秀創作的髮型是個體化和女性力量的慶典。」FW19系列領導髮型師Anthony Turner評論。這位髮型師創造了自然而極富女性化的髮型,代表MSGM女性的新篇章。Anthony Turner想要透過頭髮講述一個城市愛情故事,如同激發整個系列和時裝秀的故事。</p>
<p>In the backstage, the ghd-stylist team created romantic looks inspired by the MSGM SPEZZACUORI (HEARTHBREAKER), an imaginary movie which presents itself as a modern day fairy tale in the streets of Milan.</p>
<p>&laquo;The hair look I created for the show are a celebration of individuality and female power&raquo; comments from the backstage of the FW19 collection the lead hairstylist Anthony Turner, supported by the ghd team for this event.</p>
<p>The hair stylist created natural and extremely feminine looks to represent this new chapter of the MSGM woman.</p>
<p>Through the hair looks Anthony Turner wants to tell an urban love story just like the one which inspired the collection and the fashion show.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2019/128/85/_msg1028.jpg?1612156655183" alt="_msg1028" /> <img src="assets/uploads/files/2019/128/85/_msg1000.jpg?1612156655183" alt="_msg1000" /></p>
<p>Hair Design by lead hairstylist Anthony Turner, supported by the ghd team</p>
<p>關鍵工具小記Notes to Stylists:</p>
<li>ghd root lift spray</li>
<li>ghd air&reg; hairdryer</li>
<li>ghd curve&reg; classic wave wand</li>
<li>ghd platinum</li>
<li>ghd final fix</li>


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