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ghd創意總監Sam McKnight以筆直厚實髮型襯托Anya Hindmarch秋冬時裝
ghd全球創意總監Sam McKnight表示:「沿用Anya Hindmarch反傳統文化的創作概念,結合其優美精緻手工技術及完美品質定位,我們決定在髮型上呈現同樣的優美精緻感。」

ghd全球創意總監Sam McKnight表示:「沿用Anya Hindmarch反傳統文化的創作概念,結合其優美精緻手工技術及完美品質定位,我們決定在髮型上呈現同樣的優美精緻感。」
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<p>拿出造型祕密武器的ghd eclipse專業造型夾,Sam打造出筆直厚實的造型,沒有任何分線,呈現獨特個性化的髮型風格,特別要突顯的是一種完美、個性化的當代家庭主婦形象。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2014/99/47/anyahindmarch_ghd_aw14__897.jpeg?1612427456349" alt="anyahindmarch_ghd_aw14__897" /></p>
<p>Anya Hindmarch 2014秋冬包系列的概念是從日常物品中尋找美麗元素,例如洗衣粉盒上鮮明奪目的「POP」圖案,還有品嚐巧克力餅時產生罪惡感下的愉悅;Anya Hindmarch想要以特別角度與觀點看待每天的生活;一個有?蛇圖案的麥片外盒或是一個家喻戶曉的品牌在特別節日推出的精緻皮製品。Sam McKnight在整體性上創造了完美雅緻以及光滑質感;他沒有任何分區,創造一種無縫造型,同時與該系列所表現的印花圖騰並列呈現,此正呼應超市輸送帶的概念。</p>
<p>&ldquo;We took Anya Hindmarch&rsquo;s Counter Culture concept and created a sleek style that drew inspiration from the impeccable craftsmanship which inspired her AW14 collection. Using the ghd eclipse we created a straight and blunt look, removing the parting to inject style and eccentricity into the hair. The effect is that of a modern Stepford wife; perfect, but very much &lsquo;now&rsquo;.&rdquo; ghd global creative director Sam McKnight</p>
<p>This collection began with the idea of finding bea uty in the banal. The vivid &lsquo;pop&rsquo; graphics of a washing powder box or the guilty pleasure of the humble chocolate digestive. Anya Hindmarch wanted to treat the everyday ordinary in an extraordinary way; a cereal box in python, household brands celebrated with incredible intarsia leatherwork inlaid and seamlessly joined.</p>
<p>Sam McKnight created a style for the Anya Hindmarch woman that looked impeccably slick and elegant from both the front and back. The removal of the parting created a seamless look that juxtaposed the graphics in the collection and complemented the idea of a supermarket conveyor belt.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">伸展台造型獨家技巧</div>
<p>◆ 使用ghd豐盈彈性泡沫於頭頂上方,並以ghd專業寬尺梳自髮根完整地梳至髮尾。</p>
<p>◆ 使用ghd air專業造型負離子吹風機搭配ghd方型板梳,引導髮際邊的頭髮延著頭型往上並往後吹整;吹整時將頭頂的頭髮貼平頭皮。</p>
<p>◆ 使用ghd eclipse 專業造型夾依頭髮吹乾時的方向夾直、夾順、夾亮。</p>
<p>◆ 將頭髮自頂冠至耳後分一區,由下往上操作,以小分區作逆刮並於每一束分區的髮根處噴ghd定型噴霧。</p>
<p>◆ 使用ghd尖尾梳將頭髮的周邊、頭頂以及背後之區域梳平貼。</p>
<p>◆ 使用ghd定型噴霧固定頭髮表面。</p>
<p>◆ 使用ghd eclipse專業造型夾於髮尾創造直順光滑質感。</p>
<p>◆ 使用ghd亮澤鎖色噴霧增加頭髮光澤。</p>
<p>◆ Apply ghd style total volume foam to the top of the head and comb through the hair from the roots to the ends using a ghd detangling comb.</p>
<p>◆ Using the ghd air hairdryer and ghd paddle brush, direct the hair at the sides of the head up and back away from the face. Blow dry the hair on top of the head flat to the scalp.</p>
<p>◆ Using the ghd eclipse, smooth and straighten the hair back in the same direction it was dried.</p>
<p>◆ Section off the hair from the crown to behind the ears, and working your way towards the front of the hair, backcomb small layers and apply ghd final fix hairspray to the roots of each section.</p>
<p>◆ Using a ghd tail comb, comb the hair at the sides and on top, back and flat to the head on every section.</p>
<p>◆ Hold the last layers on top of the head in place with ghd style final fix hair spray &ndash; this will stop the finished hair looking too wet.</p>
<p>◆ Leave the end of the hair dry and finish by running the ghd eclipse throughout to create a straight and sleek finish.</p>
<p>◆ Finish with a spritz of ghd final shine spray.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2014/99/47/anyahindmarch_ghd_aw14__482.jpeg?1612427473932" alt="anyahindmarch_ghd_aw14__482" /></p>


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