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GOLDWELL國際創意團隊大使Sascha Haseloff
活躍於德國髮型界的Sascha Haseloff,作為GOLDWELL國際創意團隊成員已長達八年,曾獲2003與2006年Elumen Award,常在瑞士、義大利、希臘、雅典、奧地利等地登台演出,亦參與德國VOGUE拍攝與擔任柏林時尚週後台團隊。除了擁有創造力,他更不斷激勵自我去發展實現新想法,也總是站在沙龍最前線。

#Sascha Haseloff
活躍於德國髮型界的Sascha Haseloff,作為GOLDWELL國際創意團隊成員已長達八年,曾獲2003與2006年Elumen Award,常在瑞士、義大利、希臘、雅典、奧地利等地登台演出,亦參與德國VOGUE拍攝與擔任柏林時尚週後台團隊。除了擁有創造力,他更不斷激勵自我去發展實現新想法,也總是站在沙龍最前線。
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Make Up
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2011/84/61/////////////84-61-003.jpg?1612855563116" alt="84-61-003" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">17歲入行 初試啼聲糗事多</div>
<p>在柏林出生、德國長大的Sascha Haseloff,17歲時就一頭栽入了美髮界。剛開始他在家鄉市郊的學校接受美髮訓練,做了3年的學徒,但這段歲月他發現無法獲得充足的教育資源,很多事情都必須自學,便搬到德國南方的富裕城市Stuttgart,換到一間規模較大的沙龍工作,讓自己學更多磨練創意。Sascha猶記得他2001年時首次的教學示範便獲得了極大的成功,非常開心。但早年也出過糗,某次幫顧客染髮時,因為配方比例的調配問題,結果染出了不是客人要的顏色。他也記得生平首次拍攝髮型圖時,所有彩妝師、服裝師與攝影師和16個模特兒都到齊了,結果他卻還沒構思出創作概念。</p>
<p>Born in Berlin, Sascha Haseloff set out on his hairdressing journey at the age of 17. He was an apprentice for three years and went to a school in the suburb to get styling training. But as soon as he realized the insufficiency of the educational resources, he relocated to Stuttgart, a rich city in Southern Germany, where he landed a job in a larger salon to find more challenges, opportunities and creativities.</p>
<p>A sought-after hairdresser today, Sascha can still recall those unforgettable experiences years ago. His very first seminar in 2001 was successful, where he demonstrated amazing talents. But as a rookie, he once mixed inaccurate portion of formula and came up with an unwanted hair color on the client. He also remembers his first collection photo shooting, where he had the makeup artists, costume designers, the photographer and 16 models on the scene yet without a hair concept.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2011/84/61//////////////84-61-002.jpg?1612855574203" alt="84-61-002" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">向沙宣精神看齊 追求永恆與經典</div>
<p>影響Sascha最深的前輩,當屬Vidal Sassoon。「Sassoon主張遵循一套系統,而非只按照自己的感受。在60年代便創造出超越時空的剪髮系統,非常厲害。即便到了今日,仍然適用,滿街仍可見大師的不朽髮型概念,經得起時代考驗。Vidal Sassoon已經不只是一個名字而已;他是一個經典的品牌代名詞。也是我自己美髮之路的榜樣。」</p>
<p>The role model of Sascha is Vidal Sassoon. &ldquo;Sassoon developed a cutting system in 1960, which required hairdressers to follow the system rather than just follow the feeling and solely the feeling. This system has been so timeless that nowadays you can still see the styles in the streets. Vidal Sassoon is not just a name; it&rsquo;s a lifestyle, a brand.&rdquo;</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2011/84/61///////////////84-61-006.jpg?1612855583809" alt="84-61-006" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">成立icono學院 寓教育於分享</div>
<p>Driven by passion and ambition, Sascha established the icono academy in 2002, beginning his mission of training the trainers. &ldquo;Not until 2003 did we become really professional and discover our philosophy to teach. We have three managing directors and ten trainers, all dedicated to our Train the Trainer Program.&rdquo; Sascha is an accomplished trainer well known for his ability to motivate and mobilize his students, making them keen to learn and to follow. &ldquo;Experiences and the willingness to share are the keys. I love sharing, not just me being the king!&rdquo; His next step is to open an icono salon in Milano by the end of 2012. icono academy is also shooting for the top educational institution in Germany. &ldquo;If anyone is asked to name the three very best academies in Germany, icono academy no doubt has to be one of them!&rdquo;</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2011/84/61////////////////84-61-008.jpg?1612855596029" alt="84-61-008" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">專業與效率並重 創意與收入兼顧</div>
<p>Besides unparalleled cutting and coloring skills, Sascha also displays an incredible talent in communication consultant, salon training, salon coaching, photo shoots and business management. He owns 13 salons in Germany, where he coaches managers and educators, assisting them with goal setting and achieving. &ldquo;Being sensitive and communicative is important. We were not very professional at our earlier stage of icono career, but we analyzed our communication problems between stylists and end consumers and knew we had to improve. Communication is also my own interest. I used to have a coach providing me with systematic communication training for years. And I read a lot of books.&rdquo;</p>
<p>Sascha argues that to hairdressers, creativity is important. And so is money. &ldquo;We develop a time management system that calculates the amount of time required for each salon service, so the stylists can plan their work strategically and accordingly. By doing so, they can optimize their productivities and making more money. In my salon, one haircut can only take up to 30 minutes.&rdquo;</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2011/84/61/////////////////84-61-009.jpg?1612855608925" alt="84-61-009" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">比賽三部曲 實現創意自由</div>
<p>As a frequent winner, Sascha highlights the value of participating in the competition and encourages stylists to take full advantage of it. &ldquo;Everyone has different styling concepts. It&rsquo;s good to get yourself estimated, to see the best parts of others and to advance yourself. It&rsquo;s the preparation that counts. Through the process you learn how to differentiate the face shapes, to photograph, and to polish your skills of trend interpretation. It&rsquo;s a process to understand, to interpret and then to create. It&rsquo;s your signature and it&rsquo;s all about creative freedom!&rdquo;</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2011/84/61//////////////////84-61-010.jpg?1612855618038" alt="84-61-010" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">找到對的夥伴 開拓無限視野</div>
<p>Sacha has been with the GOLDWELL master team for 8 years. &ldquo;The products are no doubt excellent. But I like to work with a team so professional and yet so humane. We work hard and we play hard afterwards. I like the brand philosophy and culture. It&rsquo;s harmonious, tolerant and professional. They respect artists. It&rsquo;s a win-win situation to me, for I am able to persistently advance and to share.&rdquo;</p>


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