Salon News Asia
Guy De Waen
Guy De Waen

#Guy De Waen
Guy De Waen
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<p>早在六歲,應該還是懵懂無知的年紀,Guy De Waen就已立志成為一位傑出的美髮師,當時周遭的人都認為這只是一般童言童語沒當作一回事,但這股對於美髮的熱情卻一直在Guy的血液裡燃燒,並於14歲那年Guy選擇進入美髮學院就此展開他的美髮生涯。</p>
<p>「I remember when I said I want to become a hairdresser, just got the feeling, and all of my family was like &ldquo;ya right, we will see, we will see&rdquo;&hellip;」 Guy De Waen set on his goal to be a great hairdresser when he was 6, and the passion keep floating in his mind all youth. And when the time right, he finally started his career by join professional hairdressing school. At that time, he was only 14.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">HAIRREVOLUTION ACADEMY 獨家為設計師量身打造的美髮學院</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2013/97/48/gcha_-_el_guy_2.jpeg?1612425485765" alt="gcha_-_el_guy_2" /></p>
<p>一路走來Guy接受了許多挑戰與磨練,曾身負沙龍經營管理及創意總監等重要職責,1999年他更開創了一間超級不一樣、專門為每位設計師訂製量身打造課程的專業美髮學院HAIRREVOLUTION ACADEMY。創立美髮學院並培養出一組最專業的團隊一直都是Guy最大的夢想,他期望著能夠以團隊的力量帶動整個美髮產業,透過專業技術及親身經歷的分享激勵更多美髮人積極向上,同時總是具有獨到思維的Guy認為每位設計師都有不同的程度,為每個人量身打造最貼身的專業課程是絕對必要的,因此HAIRREVOLUTION ACADEMY大膽跳脫一般制式化的運作,採用客製化的方式滿足所有學員的專業需求。</p>
<p>Guy has worked in many salon before as a manager and creative director etc., and in 1999, he established his own academy 〝Hairrevolution Academy inc.〞. It is always Guy&rsquo;s biggest goal, to create his own team and establish academy to teach people to be a good hairdressers, and also to inspire existing hairdressers to get better and make them more stronger in what they do. Comparing with other academy, the strength of HAIRREVOLUTION is personalized training, as there is never a group or people could be well controlled in the same level, everyone has their own problem and need to be treated on their own training. HAIRREVOLUTION Academy got much customized training.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">掌控細節是作品完美的先決要件</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2013/97/48/hairrevolution__3_.jpeg?1612425535212" alt="hairrevolution__3_" /></p>
<p>Involving in heavy session works, from tv shows, films, magazines and being the ambassador of Schwarzkopf Professional, Guy states that these experiences make him become better and better. As doing session works, like photo shooting, every detail of the hair will be judged seriously as they would be very clear in the photo, so you got to become very aware of the quality and preform the highest standards. And these habits will let you to reach higher satisfaction when you work in salon.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">模特兒實操演練為必要過程</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2013/97/48/529945_225159634294882_1905955244_n.jpeg?1612425563812" alt="529945_225159634294882_1905955244_n" /></p>
<p>It is a big challenge to transfer session look into more commercial. Guy stated that it is necessary to develop the existing trends from the worldwide market, and then bring them back to the reality of salon, and it is the way how Schwarzkopf Professional Essential Look does.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">實用技巧才是市場最終需求</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2013/97/48/40s_retro_catwalk_look.jpeg?1612425629068" alt="40s_retro_catwalk_look" /></p>
<p>Travelling around the world doing teaching and session works, Guy found that, especially in this five years, the trends turns so much real, all the collections changed from very strong directional trends toward to a more still remaining progressive but more commercial. He believe that these are the real techniques that people can really use as in the real life no one would take two hours to put furs on hair. Guy believes that it is the reality that people are more into detail, and hairdressers are become well all over the world.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">關於Guy De Waen</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2013/97/48/%E9%96%8B%E9%96%80%E5%9C%96___punkettes%E9%BE%90%E5%85%8B%E7%86%B1%E6%BD%AE_catwalk_look.jpeg?1612425701391" alt="開門圖___punkettes龐克熱潮_catwalk_look" /></p>
<p>&bull;Started out as a hairdresser in Belgium, in the globally known fashion city of Antwerp</p>
<p>&bull;Worked in several salons and building up a good reputation as a hairdresser</p>
<p>&bull;Created collections for the Belgian Federation of hairdressers</p>
<p>&bull;Make-over programs for Belgian Fashion television(Vitaya)</p>
<p>&bull;BENELUX Schwarzkopf professional ambassador</p>
<p>&bull;Hair shows &amp; seminars &amp; masterclasses in: Belgium,the Netherlands, Luxemburg, France, Germany, Spain, Russia, Austria,United Kingdom</p>
<p>&bull;Judge in hairdressers award for The Netherlands &amp; Belgium</p>
<p>&bull;Founder &amp; owner of Hairrevolution Academy inc.</p>
<p>&bull;Guy De Waen perfected the way to learn and inspire motivated young people and established hairdressers in his academy. For this, he got international acclaim, students come from all over Europe to learn being a professional hairdresser. All students become succesfull hairdressers</p>
<p>&bull;Traning hairdressers has become his second nature because of the passion he has for his job and the daily experience running his own academy</p>
<p>&bull;Intensive research and training was and is always a major part in his career</p>
<p>&bull;As an experienced educator always engaging hairdressers to give the best of themselves and staying ahead of the game</p>
<p>&bull;More than 10 years experience in Essential Looks</p>
<p>&bull;Assisting Tyler Johnston in many world launches backstage</p>
<p>&bull;On main stage in EL 2012 World Launch Barcelona</p>
<p>&bull;Collaborated in international Essential Looks Photoshoot</p>
<p>&bull;Trainer of the Benelux Essential Looks team</p>
<p>&bull;Specialising in precision hair cutting with great attention to detail which delivers an individual sense of style and great finish</p>


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