Salon News Asia
Heidi Pfiffner
曾拿下Wella流行趨勢大賞冠軍以及連續兩年奪下新南威爾斯最佳設計師獎的Heidi Pfiffner,自小就嶄露驚人的天賦與才華,17歲便以超乎常人的獨到眼光與經營管理能力,在英國開設了兩間成績斐然的沙龍。她勇於挑戰的個性,更讓她毅然決然離開英國前往澳洲大陸,繼續發光發熱。現在Heidi不只在雪梨擁有多間指標性的Toni&Guy模範沙龍,積極投入現場工作與教育,更活躍於Toni&Guy的教育活動,是每年趨勢發表的固定班底,忙碌的身影也常見於時尚週與髮型秀。

#Heidi Pfiffner
曾拿下Wella流行趨勢大賞冠軍以及連續兩年奪下新南威爾斯最佳設計師獎的Heidi Pfiffner,自小就嶄露驚人的天賦與才華,17歲便以超乎常人的獨到眼光與經營管理能力,在英國開設了兩間成績斐然的沙龍。她勇於挑戰的個性,更讓她毅然決然離開英國前往澳洲大陸,繼續發光發熱。現在Heidi不只在雪梨擁有多間指標性的Toni&Guy模範沙龍,積極投入現場工作與教育,更活躍於Toni&Guy的教育活動,是每年趨勢發表的固定班底,忙碌的身影也常見於時尚週與髮型秀。
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<p>天賦過人的Heidi Pfiffner,自小就展現了卓越的銳利眼光與取之不竭的創造力。她孩提時代在父親位於英國的沙龍長大,時值流行全頭漂染、銳利剪裁當道的80年代。她母親也是店內的櫃台人員。放眼盡是美髮與時尚的成長環境,造就了她常自己創造髮型;Heidi才12歲就第一次拿刀剪出第一款作品,而且常常帶同學回家,在父親的監督指導下,幫同學剪頭髮。講起她個人最難忘的經歷,她憶起有一次她幫忙拆了一位老太太一整頭的燙髮捲子,最後發現拆錯人了,結果搞的設計師必須整頭重新捲回去。Heidi年屆15歲時,在髮型設計的各領域已經非常傑出,還在每個週六開設自己的專欄寫作。同年她在劍橋的365 Salon實習,一個月後就能正式上線工作,而且只花了六個月,便獲傑出學生的殊榮畢業。</p>
<p>Heidi Pfiffner is no ordinary hairdresser. Her sharp eye for detail and fountain of creativity started at a young age. In the 80&rsquo;s, the era of full head bleaches and strong undercuts, Heidi grew up in her father&rsquo;s salon in the UK. Her mother was also the receptionist there. Being constantly surrounded by hair and fashion, she started experimenting with her own ideas. Heidi did her first haircut when she was 12 and started bringing in school friends to practice on under the watchful eye of her father which was mostly successful. Her fondest memory was &ldquo;Removing a full head of perm rollers for a senior to find out it was the wrong lady and it was supposed to be the lady having a shampoo and set so the stylist had to rewind the whole perm.&rdquo;</p>
<p>By the time she was 15, Heidi was competent in all aspects of hairdressing and ran her own columns on Saturdays. Six months later, she started her apprenticeship at 365 Salon in Cambridge, which she completed in six month with honours.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2011/82/68/82-68-004.jpg?1612848130506" alt="82-68-004" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">英國沙龍成績斐然 前往澳洲尋找挑戰</div>
<p>更難能可貴的是,Heidi在1990年時於英國成立了她的第一間沙龍,當時她年僅17歲,不久後又開設了她的第二間店。雖然成績傲人,但她超越自我的企圖與對旅行的渴望,讓她決定在1997年前往澳洲雪梨。她說﹕「我生來就有冒險的精神,也總是持續搜尋更美更有挑戰的目標。所以在一次雪梨度假的機緣後,我決定賣掉英國的兩間沙龍,然後買下澳洲Toni&amp;Guy的一間店,讓我自己能有機會加入一個更堅強的團隊。」所以之後她便加入Toni&amp;Guy 澳洲教育管理總監Dennis Langford的團隊,一起在雪梨的Toni&amp;Guy工作。</p>
<p>Remarkably, Heidi opened her first salon in 1990 when she was 17, in Claire, UK and a second one shortly after. But her urge of wanting to excel further and travel took her to Sydney, Australia in 1997. She said: &ldquo;I have always had an adventurous bug and always looking for something better or more challenging, so after a holiday in Australia, I decided I wanted to sell my 2 UK salons and buy a franchise with Toni&amp;Guy so I could join a strong team and excel more.&rdquo; Thus, she started working with Dennis Langford and his team at Toni&amp;Guy Pitt Street, Sydney.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2011/82/68//82-68-007.jpg?1612848147996" alt="82-68-007" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">主張淘汰就是進步 橫掃大獎備受肯定</div>
<p>Heidi的設計師生涯在雪梨繼續發光發熱,她先設立了Toni&amp;Guy Mosman,並於2010年3月跟她的技術團隊總監Jacinta Ly成立了Lance Cove分店。Heidi強大的團隊與成功的經營資歷,更將她的創造力推向巔峰,並讓她不斷尋求挑戰。這也意謂著她必須投注無數的時間,努力搜尋靈感、並在自己的工作室中創作,還有參加比賽。「每當我感到自己已做出完美作品時,我立刻就會再自我突破,找到更好的以取代原先的。這就是我。我一直在找最好的東西」。她的努力當然獲得了肯定;Heidi先後贏得2007 Wella Trend Vision Award、2007 International Toni&amp;Guy Photographic Collection;她也獲得2009與2010 澳洲美髮大賽的新南威爾斯最佳設計師獎。「得獎的意義對我至關重大,肯定了我對沙龍工作、教育、經營所付出的無數心力。我的顧客也很開心看到我在各領域擁有成就之時,也不斷的在比賽中得獎。」</p>
<p>Heidi&rsquo;s career in hairdressing continued to bloom in Sydney. She has opened Toni&amp;Guy Mosman and just recently in March 2010, Lane Cove with her head technician, Jacinta Ly. With a strong team and successful businesses behind her, Heidi brought out her creative side and challenged herself to get recognised for her work. This meant spending countless hours researching and experimenting with ideas in her workshop and entering awards: &ldquo;as soon as I thought I had a great collection I would replace it with a better idea. That&rsquo;s just me, always looking for the best.&rdquo; All her hard work has paid off when Heidi was awarded 2007 Wella Trend Vison Award and 2007 International Toni&amp;Guy Photographic Collection. She was also the winner of the 2009 and 2010 NSW Hairdresser of the Year at the Australian Hair Fashion Awards. She said: &ldquo;The awards mean a lot to me as I know how much work I put into my salon, education and running a successful business too. My clients love the fact I multitask and still win awards.&rdquo;</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2011/82/68///82-68-002.jpg?1612848159646" alt="82-68-002" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">投身現場與教育 篤信因材施教</div>
<p>Aside from all her success, Heidi is also a passionate educator and delivers education that is current, forward thinking and motivating. Other than entering awards, Hedii is also involved in educational events such as the annual Toni&amp;Guy collection launch, Fashion Week and Fashion Weekend. In her own salon, Heidi is constantly encouraging her stylists and technicians to push their own creativity. She also often educates her assistants while working with her clients as well as weekly training sessions: &ldquo;[In order] to deliver good education for the level of student, it&rsquo;s important to understand where they are at in their expertise and deliver more. The student should always walk away having learned something and be inspired to learn and try more and not feel they are not good enough. Always praise the good things they can do so they feel comfortable enough to be shown new ideas.&rdquo;</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2011/82/68////82-68-009.jpg?1612848170767" alt="82-68-009" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">獲模範沙龍殊榮 秘訣無他以身作則</div>
<p>Heidi的Toni&amp;Guy Mosmon沙龍在2009與2010年被公認為澳洲Toni&amp;Guy體系中的模範沙龍。她深信這樣的成就,來自於團隊合作與她個人以身作則。她的經歷在領導風格中扮演了重要角色。她願意花時間傾聽,並從各個團隊成員的角度去了解事情,「我覺得我總是搶先一步做出計畫,而且我花時間跟員工相處,鼓勵他們。我自己很努力,他們也看在眼裡,所以他們很了解我。擁有一個開心的團隊,你自然會賺錢。」對於未來想自己開店的設計師們,Heidi也提供了很簡單的建議﹕「努力絕對是不可或缺的因素,但是很多人做不到。如果你對自己的決定很有信心決心,而且你願意為這個目標投注大量時間、努力不懈直到目標達成,那你就放手去做。如果你只想圖個美名但落得輕鬆,那麼建議你還是算了吧。」</p>
<p>The Toni&amp;Guy Mosman salon has also been recognized as the top salon within the Toni&amp;Guy group for 2009/10. Heidi believes this is a result of team efforts and her will to lead by example. Being a successful owner of two salons, Heidi is definitely a hands-on sort of boss. She takes time to listen and see things through each person on her team: &ldquo;I feel I am always one step ahead in planning things and I spend time with my staff to motivate and encourage them. I am a hard worker and they see that, so they get where I&rsquo;m coming from. A happy team will make you money.&rdquo; Her advice to future aspiring salon owners is quite simple: &ldquo;Hard work is all it takes, although a lot of people can&rsquo;t do it. If you are determined that something will work and are happy to work all hours until you achieve this, then go for it. If it&rsquo;s the title you want and to relax back, then don&rsquo;t do it.&rdquo;</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2011/82/68/////82-68-007.jpg?1612848181798" alt="82-68-007" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">勇於追夢成就無限 計畫朝媒體更進一步</div>
<p>The sky is the limit for Heidi. It is without doubt that with her strong will to excel and seek new challenges will push her creative edge to new horizons. Her success with her salons and work so far is only a prelude to amazing things in the future. Heidi is already planning her next challenge: to get an agent and do more work for magazines and shows.</p>


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