Salon News Asia
Hester Wernert Rijn
在今年荷蘭的Coiffure Awards頒獎典禮上, Hester Wernert Rijn接下她生涯的第三座年度最佳髮型師獎盃,她的得獎作品帶著濃郁的色彩,每張畫面都有兩位模特兒,呈現著色彩相似而結構大相逕庭的絕妙畫面,巧妙的構圖和髮型架構,讓她一舉奪下年度最佳髮型師、中北部最佳女士風格和媒體票選最佳作品三個獎項,更讓她正式名列名人堂,成為荷蘭美髮界舉足輕重的角色。

##Hester Wernert Rijn
在今年荷蘭的Coiffure Awards頒獎典禮上, Hester Wernert Rijn接下她生涯的第三座年度最佳髮型師獎盃,她的得獎作品帶著濃郁的色彩,每張畫面都有兩位模特兒,呈現著色彩相似而結構大相逕庭的絕妙畫面,巧妙的構圖和髮型架構,讓她一舉奪下年度最佳髮型師、中北部最佳女士風格和媒體票選最佳作品三個獎項,更讓她正式名列名人堂,成為荷蘭美髮界舉足輕重的角色。
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<p>Hester Wernert Rijn has just been awarded as the Hairdresser of The Year at 2016 Dutch Coiffure Award. After taking this award for the third time, she has officially become a member of Hall of Fame this year. Not only is she an excellent hairdresser, she is also a top stylist, an Ambassador for Wella Professionals, an endorser for Balmain hair and also an educator at the Mogeen Hairschool.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">自小嶄露天賦 獨到的美學素養讓美髮昇華成藝術</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/114/64/10.jpg?1612254952797" alt="10" /></p>
<p>Hester has always had a huge interested in hairdressing since 4 years old. She even gave their new carpet &ldquo;a haircut&rdquo; just to express her passion for hair cutting. As taking hairdressing as her life career, Hester started the career at 15 after finishing high school.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/114/64/11022016_coiffure_awards_2016_32871def.jpg?1612255026949" alt="11022016_coiffure_awards_2016_32871def" /></p>
<p>「我從髮型師起家,當我越深入的認識美髮,我越發現它的大千奧妙。」於是,Hester在20歲時踏出荷蘭,開始環遊世界,在時尚的領域裡探索學習,讓自己的美髮不只是技術,而是與時尚結合的藝術。四年後,她認識了人生中最重要的老師-Eugene Souleiman,這開啟了她日後在創作上無限的靈感,「在我眼中,頭髮不再等於髮型,它成了創作的素材,跟著Eugene讓我了解到如何把髮型與設計結合,他帶給我的啟發實在無法性言語形容,對我來說,他不僅是恩師,也是我非常好的朋友!」Hester說道。</p>
<p>&ldquo;First I started as a hairdresser, but along the way I found out there were so much more things you could do with hair.&rdquo; By the age 20, she traveled to different countries to explore and learn as much as she could in fashion industry so she would be able to combine these skills within hairdressing industry. Four years later, she met her mentor- Eugene Souleiman. &ldquo;He is one of the best talented hairdressers in the world, my mentor, my teacher and after 12 years a very dear friend, he made me a better hairstylist and thought me so many things. His big loving hart teaches me never to forget to enjoy our work.&rdquo; She said. Working with Eugene makes her truly started to understand hair and using hair not as hair but as a piece of fabric that can be control in many ways. &ldquo;I learned how to combine hairdressing with hairstyling!&rdquo; she said.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">幫助他人擁有自信是髮型師的最大成就</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/114/64/20.jpg?1612255079239" alt="20" /></p>
<p>&ldquo;Hair is a never ending story. I eat, sleep, breath hair! It never feels like a job but more like a hobby!&rdquo; This is how crazy Hester is about hair. &ldquo;Providing people the look that truly suits them from the inside out is my main goal. Giving clients a haircut that makes them feel great and beautiful, even if they had a difficult day, brings me so much pleasure and joy.&rdquo;</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/114/64/24012016_coiffure_awards_2016_31434def.jpg?1612255117581" alt="24012016_coiffure_awards_2016_31434def" /></p>
<p>Hester是Mogeen Salon的創辦人之一,熱愛現場的她仍然持續在店內服務,並以自身經歷培訓新進髮型師,帶領他們走向更國際的美髮世界觀。</p>
<p>Hester is the co-founder and -owner of salon Mogeen in Amsterdam. In this salon she trains young and ambitious hairdressers to reach the same international top-level of hairdressing as she does.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">永遠不無聊的時尚界帶來豐富的閱歷</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/114/64/24012016_coiffure_awards_2016_31685_2def.jpg?1612255175662" alt="24012016_coiffure_awards_2016_31685_2def" /></p>
<p>Besides doing hair behind the chair, Hester is also a top-stylist who works both closely with fashion magazine both national and international and cannot be missed backstage at the different Fashion Weeks internationally.</p>
<p>談起這麼多年來豐富的外景造型經驗,Hester最難忘的還是自己與恩師Eugene Souleiman的初次合作。「那是D&amp;G的時裝秀,而我是Eugene的首席助理,我仍然清晰記得當我們一起聯手作完所有的髮型,看著模特兒一個接一個走上舞台時,我心臟快得彷彿要跳出胸膛,而我的腦中只剩下『哇!』的讚嘆聲!」即便已經過了11年,當時的興奮仍然烙印在她心裡。</p>
<p>&ldquo;I could still remember an unforgettable moment when I was the first assistant of Eugene for D&amp;G for the first time. I remember that together we finished the looks before the models went on stage and my heart was beating so fast, I was thrilled, satisfied and I could only think &lsquo;WOW&rsquo;! This was eleven years ago and I will never forget this moment and the feeling it provided.&rdquo; She recalled.</p>
<p>&ldquo;Working in fashion industry is never boring. Creating and making hair for a magazine is beyond, it&rsquo;s more challenging, it provides opportunities to make different kinds of hair and it is inspiring every single time.&rdquo;</p>
<p>However, there was some not that perfect moments. &ldquo;Working for Playboy was my &lsquo;OMG what the hell am I doing here?!&rsquo; moment.&rdquo; Hester explained, &ldquo;it&rsquo;s a cool magazine but totally not for me! I couldn&rsquo;t focus on the hair and I was giggling all the time!&rdquo;</p>
<p>But still, it&rsquo;s always fun, amazing and never dull to work in the fashion industry.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">將時尚的視野帶入美髮 呈現兼具美感與實用的髮型風格</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/114/64/30.jpg?1612255273190" alt="30" /></p>
<p>Hester&rsquo;s winning collection of &ldquo;Hairdresser of The Year&rdquo; was the combination of hairstyling and fashion. The styling, make-up photography blends into each other with all the different colors and structures as a waterfall of hair without losing balance. &ldquo;The hair I create is small and simple or really big and colorful. It&rsquo;s important that the models still look sexy and beautiful. For this collection, I wanted to make a lot of hair and four models just weren&rsquo;t enough. With the double twin collection, I was able to show hair as a hairstylist and hairdresser.&rdquo; She said.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/114/64/p1.jpg?1612255377422" alt="p1" /></p>
<p>After taking the most desired award in 2011 and 2012.Hester was awarded again as the Hairdresser of The Year this year. &ldquo;This is the third and very last time because now, after winning around twenty the last few years I enter the Hall of Fame. &ldquo; It&rsquo;s always one of her goal to enter the Hall of Fame. Now after she finally achieved her ambition, she can now fully devote herself to educating others as a mentor. &ldquo;For the upcoming year, my focus is on inspiring people in different ways; meet them around the world or in the Mogeen Hairschool in Amsterdam.&rdquo; Talking about her ultimate goal on hairdressing, she said, &ldquo;I hope to be seen as a great hairdresser, a teacher and a source of inspiration.&rdquo;</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">發自內心的熱誠永遠是最好的動力</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/114/64/40.jpg?1612255424055" alt="40" /></p>
<p>Hester gets her inspiration mostly from architecture, nature and art. She never let herself focus on something that&rsquo;s already been done. She also encourage hairdressers to &ldquo;follow your heart with whatever you do, train yourself to master what your heat is telling you. That&rsquo;s how you create your signature style!&rdquo; It&rsquo;s also important to keep on learning, taking different courses, assist as many as one can and travel the world. As Hester said, she&rsquo;s living her dream, not someone else&rsquo;s, never work for money but do it out of love, and never ever give up. And always remember to stay true to yourself, &ldquo;be humble and keep an open mind for learning. Otherwise your love for hair will diminish.&rdquo;</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">無論工作多麼繁忙 家人是Hester最好的避風港</div>
<p>身為髮型師、外景造型師、教育者、Wella Professionals的國際大使和Balmain hair的經營者,多重身分常讓她忙不過來,「如果不是我的家人,我可能會沉溺在工作中而忘了真實生活,我很慶幸我所選擇的這份工作能讓我有足夠的時間陪伴家人!」面對忙碌的生活,是對這份工作的熱忱和家人的支持讓她繼續義無反顧的投入美髮產業,「到頭來,最感謝的還是家人,他們的愛是我往前的最大動力!」</p>
<p>Being a top stylist, Hester travels around the world as a hairdresser, a hairstylist, an Ambassador for Wella Professionals, an endorser for Balmain hair. It&rsquo;s always her family that supports her and keeps her feet on the ground.</p>
<p>&ldquo;Loose from all the cool work I love my family the most. With this hard work sometimes you forget the real life and that it&rsquo;s not only about work, I&rsquo;m glad that I chose the jobs that I really like to do and enable me to have quality time with my family. It&rsquo;s really about the people that love you relentlessly, cuddle you and surround you with love.&rdquo;</p>


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