Salon News Asia
Ian Michael Black
銀色尖頭皮鞋配上別具巧思的西裝,站在台上用幽默的風格配上高超技術,示範著2014年秋冬的染髮趨勢,憑藉著舞台魅力,吸引所有目光,他是Ian Michael Black,AVEDA的全球染髮藝術總監。曾獲 Hair Color USA最佳染髮講師獎,被歐美媒體譽為「最具啟發性的講師」、「色彩大師」,並獲哈潑時尚票選為「年度最佳染髮師」。

#AVEDA #Ian Michael Black
銀色尖頭皮鞋配上別具巧思的西裝,站在台上用幽默的風格配上高超技術,示範著2014年秋冬的染髮趨勢,憑藉著舞台魅力,吸引所有目光,他是Ian Michael Black,AVEDA的全球染髮藝術總監。曾獲 Hair Color USA最佳染髮講師獎,被歐美媒體譽為「最具啟發性的講師」、「色彩大師」,並獲哈潑時尚票選為「年度最佳染髮師」。
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<p>&ldquo;I once snapped a lady&rsquo;s hair, it was so many years ago, I felt so sorry for her, however, it was the moment that changed me, made me wanna learn more. Now, I take it as the best thing that ever happened&rdquo; said Ian Michael Black, Aveda&rsquo;s Global Artistic Director of Hair Color.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2014/102/42//dr13_00057490_r1.jpeg?1612779102379" alt="dr13_00057490_r1" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">一場意外成為人生轉捩點</div>
<p>Ian在十六歲的時候進入美髮業,討厭幫客人吹髮、剪髮的他一開始並不知道未來該做什麼,當時選擇工作的美髮沙龍也只是因為他最喜歡的時尚人物Vivienne Westwood所經營的店就在兩扇門的隔壁。</p>
<p>&ldquo;Hairdressing drew me in. I was fascinated in how changing aspects of your appearance can shape perceptions of you.&rdquo; He entered hair industry since he was 16, he hated blow drying hair and wasn&rsquo;t good at cutting, he didn&rsquo;t know what he want to do then. He even chose a job which only because of the location (two doors away from the store run by his favorite fashion icon, Vivienne Westwood).</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2014/102/42/////dsc_6920.jpeg?1612779144349" alt="dsc_6920" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">美髮生涯的啟蒙Toni&amp;Guy</div>
<p>However, after he snapped his client&rsquo;s hair, he decided to improve his skill by getting more training. After training, he joined Toni&amp;Guy, which he was always longing for. &ldquo;I used to watch those hairdressers walking into Toni&amp;Guy through the window with a &lsquo;wow&rsquo;.&rdquo; says Ian. It was the time working in Toni&amp;Guy that he realized he wouldn&rsquo;t have to dry hair or cut hair as a colorist. Few years later, he joined Aveda. The style of Toni&amp;Guy is various from Aveda, one is crazier, another is more like an adult, they both affect him.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2014/102/42//////st14_4024_r1.jpeg?1612779153628" alt="st14_4024_r1" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">喜歡思考是愛上染髮的原因</div>
<p>Ian is well-known and is recognized around the world for his spectacular coloring technique. He gives credit to the fact that he loves thinking and methodical. He could picture what the color and texture will be like by using his left-brain and put it into practice, and then, just wait, wait to see the result.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2014/102/42///////aveda2014_aw_03.jpeg?1612779165292" alt="aveda2014_aw_03" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">生活週遭事物啟發靈感</div>
<p>&ldquo;Nowadays, we all have camera in our cellphones, I love to take photos when I see something interesting. When it&rsquo;s time to plan for a new show or a collection, I&rsquo;ve got these visual record of things that interested me.&rdquo; says Ian, who pointing at the waffle and the strawberry ice cream on the plate, &ldquo;Like these two colors, brown of the waffle and pink of the ice cream, I will be thinking of how to use them as an coloring idea.&rdquo; Traveling is the main source of his inspiration, luckily his job gives him lots of opportunities to travel around the world. As for this trip to Taiwan, the dressing style of Taiwanese girls, in his words, which is between Japanese and Chinese, attracted him.</p>
<p>As every hairdresser, he sometimes runs out of inspiration. &ldquo;People always thought that we found the inspiration out of nowhere, however, the truth is you will only be inspired when you really want it.&rdquo; Therefore, when he lost his inspiration, he will look back to see his works seeking for some ideas and go out, see things and feel them. &ldquo;But sometimes, it&rsquo;s all about if it is the right day. I once went to an exhibition with my friend and felt very bored, but I woke up the other day and was drawn by one of the photos when browsing through the photos I took that day and I went back to the gallery immediately, spending the whole day looking at the photo thinking what&rsquo;s so special of it.&rdquo;</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2014/102/42////////aveda_2013_fw.jpeg?1612779176932" alt="aveda_2013_fw" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">被迫上台造就最具啟發性的講師</div>
<p>Ian is also known for an inspirational educator. He started teaching by accident, one of the hairdressers in Toni&amp;Guy encouraged him to teach, using his words, he was forced to do so. However, he found a great pleasure in teaching, when he is on the stage demonstrating coloring technique, he can get more creativity. He is always well-prepared as long as he is on the stage, at the same time, he wishes himself to be like a fool and to absorb as much as he can.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2014/102/42/////////aveda_2013_fw__5_.jpeg?1612779184150" alt="aveda_2013_fw__5_" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">選擇你所愛 愛你所選擇</div>
<p>For those who want to improve themselves, education and competition are both good ways, you can learn from them, see more and see further. However, the most important of all is to learn what you like, this career is all about learning and growing up. Ian spilled the secret of his success, &ldquo;Never think you know everything and there&rsquo;re people you can&rsquo;t learn a thing.&rdquo; Every time he saw a thing he was no fond of, he will ask himself &ldquo;Why don&rsquo;t I like it?&rdquo;, there&rsquo;s always something he can learn.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2014/102/42//////////004.jpeg?1612779193949" alt="004" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">只要有信心站上國際舞台不是夢</div>
<p>Speaking of how to become a well-known hairdresser, he talks about the cultural difference, he says the hairdressers in Asia are shy, they don&rsquo;t like Europeans or American, they like to talk about themselves and sharing thoughts. Hairdressers in Asia are talented, they are good enough to stand on the stage, they need to speak out loud.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2014/102/42///////////006.jpeg?1612779230745" alt="006" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">待客之道 誠實為上策</div>
<p>Ian也特別分享他的待客之道 &ndash;誠實,「好的髮型一半歸功於設計師,另一半則是歸功於顧客。」若是有一位顧客拿著不適合的髮型範本來到沙龍,他也會坦白建議顧客,最好的解決方法,就是由顧客選出幾個喜歡和不喜歡的髮型,再與設計師一同討論出最棒的造型。</p>
<p>Another thing he wants to share with the hairdressers is &ldquo;always being honest&rdquo;, &ldquo;When a client asks for a hair style which won&rsquo;t look nice on her, I will tell her the truth. A good hairstyle is 50% the client and 50% me.&rdquo; He also says that the clients can choose a few styles they like and don&rsquo;t&rsquo; like, in that case, hairdressers and clients can work out which will fit.</p>
<p>This year, he still has three big demonstration shows and after that, he said he really needs to use some vacation!</p>


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