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International AIPP Awards 美髮奧斯卡
被譽為美髮屆奧斯卡獎,AIPP絕對是全球美髮人最夢寐以求的殊榮,今年總計收到679件報名作品,經過三個多月由國際專業媒體的評選,最終決定五個獎項冠軍,並於Alternative Hair Show中頒獎。

#英國 #AIPP
被譽為美髮屆奧斯卡獎,AIPP絕對是全球美髮人最夢寐以求的殊榮,今年總計收到679件報名作品,經過三個多月由國際專業媒體的評選,最終決定五個獎項冠軍,並於Alternative Hair Show中頒獎。
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<p>今年三月,才剛奪下AIPP最大獎項Grand Trophy的Angelo Seminara再次獲獎,擅長玩色的他以作品集Icon贏得最佳前衛造型;另一位美髮界的大師Anne Veck此番以黑白攝影作品,完美詮釋現代髮型的輪廓,獲得最佳攝影作品;最佳商業造型則由來自西班牙的Raffel Pages以作品集Bloom獲獎,這組以花為靈感的優美作品有著柔和的色彩與構圖,展現女性化的浪漫氛圍;澳洲髮型師Uros Mikic以作品集Luxe贏得最佳男士造型;最佳影片獎則頒發給西班牙團隊Hair&amp;More的作品After Love,影片中展現的活力和創意深受評審肯定。</p>
<p>明年春天,不分組別,五位得獎者將以秋冬全新創作再次比拚,努力爭取Grand Trophy這項最大殊榮。</p>
<p>Hosted by Linda Evans &amp; Sergi Bancells, General Secretary of the AIPP, at the 20th annual AIPP Awards Ceremony event, Raffel Pages (Spain) won the Best Commercial Award for his beautiful collection &lsquo;Bloom'; Angelo Seminara (UK) grabbed the Best Avant-Garde Award for his fascinating collection &lsquo;Icon&rsquo; &ndash;as Angelo was unable to attend the ceremony, Mr. Paolo Braguzzi received the award on his behalf&ndash;; Anne Veck (UK) earned the Best Photography Award for an awe-inspiring collection shot in black &amp; white; Uros Mikic (Australia) won the Best Men Award for his &lsquo;Luxe&rsquo; collection made of appealing male styles; and Hair&amp;More (Spain) conquered the Best Video Award for a very dynamic and creative video showing their latest collection, &lsquo;'. Award recipients were voted by the AIPP Magazine Members throughout the world over last month. This year participation was impressive, having received 679 photo collections from 32 countries all around the globe!</p>
<p>What follows now is the AIPP Grand Trophy 2016-2017, where the 5 winners of the AIPP Awards compete against each other to become the over-all winner by sending in their Fall-Winter Collections. The AIPP Grand Trophy 2016-2017 will be awarded next Spring 2017 in a prestigious venue still to be announced.</p>
<p>Alternative Hair Show的創辦人Tony Rizzo和資深技術師Annie Humphries一同頒發傳奇人物獎給Klaus Peter Ochs,感謝其多年貢獻。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/115/144/alternative_hair_show_2016__aipp_abh_0164sml.jpg?1612171939080" alt="alternative_hair_show_2016__aipp_abh_0164sml" /></p>
<p>The AIPP and the Alternative Hair Show, also had the grand pleasure of presenting the coveted International Legend Award to the world-acclaimed hair icon Klaus Peter Ochs. Ochs was presented the award by Tony Rizzo, Founder of the Alternative Hair Show, and haircolourist legend Annie Humphries.</p>


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