Salon News Asia
Jake Thompson
NAHA Avant Garde Winner 2014 & 2011

#Jake Thompson
NAHA Avant Garde Winner 2014 & 2011
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<p>Jake Thompson,擅長前衛創作,他將美感與前衛結合的恰到好處,深厚的藝術底子和精湛的技術,給了他更遼闊的創作空間,得以將天馬行空的想像幻化成絕美的作品。他的作品深受時尚雜誌和專業雜誌愛戴,更曾被北美最富盛名的美髮賽事NAHA提名六次,並兩次獲獎,Jake Thompson絕對是目前美髮界最炙手可熱的人才之一。</p>
<p>Two-time NAHA winner and being nominated for six times, Jake is now gunning for three more NAHA trophies to accomplish his goal. Jake is no doubts one of the most sought-after hairdressers in North America.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2015/105//44/105-44-008.jpg?1612775639304" alt="105-44-008" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">髮藝創作讓他能發揮藝術長才</div>
<p>Jake always knew he was destined to become big, but not knowing which path to take until his mother suggested hairdressing.</p>
<p>Always being in touch with his creative side, his mother mentioned hairdressing to him. Although it took a while for her to convince him, Jake still entered hair school in 1995. He wasn&rsquo;t that much into this industry because the school he attended has made hairdressing harder that it should have been. He fell in love with his craft a few years after he graduated and has been doing what he loves ever since.</p>
<p>Before long, he had a hard time suffering from the biggest difficulties in his career, &ldquo;I used to be the shyest boy ever!!! I was super shy, so approaching strangers to ask them to come in to have me do their hair was really challenging. I struggled with that for my first couple years but I overcame it now.&rdquo; It&rsquo;s hard to tell that this successful hairdresser who enjoys sharing his passion with others on stage was once a shy boy.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2015/105//44//105-44-004.jpg?1612775656906" alt="105-44-004" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">無所不能的前衛創作</div>
<p>不過對Jake來說,客人的期待卻侷限了他的創作力,當越來越多的想法積聚在腦海裡,前衛設計就成了他的雙翼,帶領他衝上雲霄,遠離框架,飛到更高更遠更寬廣的世界,而在這個世界裡,只有他和源源不絕的靈感,共同交織出絢爛的色彩。 </p>
<p>&ldquo;I love hairdressing day to day in the salon, but avant-garde work really allows me to &lsquo;create.&rsquo; When you&rsquo;re paid for something, there is an expectation or limit to how far you can go, but when creating for a shoot, especially avant-garde,?you&rsquo;re left to your own inspiration, opinion, vision and taste.&rdquo;</p>
<p>如同所有前衛創作者,Jake也把傳奇大師Robert Lobetta視為典範,更將他比喻成美髮界的鬼才藝術家薩爾瓦多.達利,改變了整個前衛創作的領域。</p>
<p>每當Jake在創作時,總會如此勉勵自己,「若是Robert Lobetta在這裡,他絕對不會只滿足於這個階段,他一定會盡所有的努力勇往直前,即使到了懸崖邊緣,他也會不顧一切的往前跳!」</p>
<p>Jake has made his name in hair industry by his amazing avant-garde works. All things beautiful inspire the way he dresses hair. He has always enjoys the darker side of things. &rdquo;I find beauty in the things most people over look. And avant-garde was an outlet to spread my creative wings, I could do anything, and believe me when I say this, I DID!&rdquo;</p>
<p>Winning two NAHA by category avant-garde really proves his talent. Just like many avant-garde hairdressers, Jake sees the legendary Robert Lobetta as his #1 mentor; Jake describes Lobetta as the Salvador Dal? of hairdressing, the one of the most recognized hair artists to walk this earth. Whenever he is creating a collection, he asks himself &ldquo;Is this how far Robert would go? No, he would take it to the edge and jump!&rdquo;</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2015/105//44///105-44-001.jpg?1612775676061" alt="105-44-001" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">比賽賦予創作更深的意義</div>
<p>If creating is really what drives Jake. Then NAHA is a reason to create.</p>
<p>&ldquo;Entering NAHA is my legacy - it allows me to create and capture my art, and share and inspire others.&rdquo; It helps him take himself to the next level and get the best results. And winning NAHA for the first time in 2011 means the world to him. &ldquo;To be chosen by your peers from all over the world is a mind blowing emotion. I respect a competition like this cause it allows artist like myself to enter, be judged and hopefully prevail and win!&rdquo;</p>
<p>Jake的作品深受大自然和動植物影響,他認為,「美麗的事物能啟發我創作,但是他們黑暗的一面卻是真正吸引我的地方。」,這組於2014年NAHA的得獎作品La Noir Reine(闇黑女王)便是取材自火山熔岩,他用燃燒過的假髮試圖創作出火山滾燙的岩漿流入大海,凝固後,隨著時間推移,植物破土而出的樣貌。</p>
<p>He is deeply inspired by nature and creatures of the world. His 2014 NAHA winning collection &lsquo;La Noir Reine&rsquo; (The Black Queen) is based on lava and how it runs into the ocean and over time foliage grows out of it, he created the looks with burned hair. This is also his currently favorite collection, due to a great team work and incredible members.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2015/105//44////105-44-003.jpg?1612775695181" alt="105-44-003" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">好的團隊是成敗關鍵</div>
<p>La Noir Reine不只幫助他再下一城,奪得第二座獎盃,更是他目前最喜歡的作品,他將這次的成功歸良好的團隊合作。</p>
<p>The secret of him leading a team is when he&rsquo;s doing a collection; he creates a vision board?containing images or anything that have inspired his particular vision. He then asks his team members to bring or create something &ldquo;similar&rdquo; so they can work together cohesively to ensure they are all on the same page.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2015/105//44/////105-44-002.jpg?1612775709494" alt="105-44-002" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">創作謹記三大重點</div>
<p>Jake advised those who want to join the competitions never create a collection to please other people, just make sure to stay consistent with the main goal and don&rsquo;t over-do it.</p>
<p>Not only is he a hairdresser, Jake is also a photographer. He recommended a hairdresser could stand right beside the photographers, and ask to look in the camera, try to see what they are seeing, because you need to try to start to see two dimensionally. And the hair should be the main focus, it is important to cancel out anything that is distracting.</p>
<p>The last but not the least, Jake encourages hairdressers to try to see beauty that others can&rsquo;t. &ldquo;I worked many years trying to &ldquo;see&rdquo;. I always try to take it all in, walk slower, stop and breathe, just look like you haven&rsquo;t seen it, try not to take all the beauty for granted.&rdquo;</p>
<p>Jake is humble, hard-working, talented, and most important of all, he is willing to share. Just as he says, &ldquo;I love what I do every day, especially being able to share my passion with other hairdressers.&rdquo;</p>


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