Salon News Asia
Jean-Baptiste Mazella
從南法小鎮到倫敦大城,Jean-Baptiste Mazella 憑著精湛的精準剪髮創辦了 M&P 學院,在美髮教育界闖出一片天,不僅席捲英法的美髮圈,更快速竄升為全球知名的髮型教育平台。

#Jean-Baptiste Mazella
從南法小鎮到倫敦大城,Jean-Baptiste Mazella 憑著精湛的精準剪髮創辦了 M&P 學院,在美髮教育界闖出一片天,不僅席捲英法的美髮圈,更快速竄升為全球知名的髮型教育平台。
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<p>自 15 歲踏進美髮業的那刻起,Jean-Baptiste(JB) Mazella 的目標就很明確,他不僅要成為一個優秀的髮型師,更要在這個圈子闖出一番事業,入行 25 年,他踏實地踩在夢想的道路上,2011 年創辦了 Mazella &amp; Partners 美髮教育學院,還在倫敦精華地段開設了沙龍,更在今年接任知名理髮剪品牌 Mizutani 的品牌大使,同時創辦了線上教育平台 Precision Cutting for Everyone,JB 的創業之路仍在拓寬中。</p>
<p>When stepping into the hairdressing industry at only 15 years of age, Jean-Baptiste Mazella had a clear goal. He wanted to not only be a good hairdresser, but also develop his own business. With passion and dedication, he has been moving towards his dream over the past 25 years. He co-founded Mazella &amp; Partners (M&amp;P) in 2011, and recently opened a salon in central London. He became the global ambassador for the prestigious Mizutani Scissors brand this year. Meanwhile, he also set up the online education platform &ldquo;Precision Cutting for Everyone&rdquo;, expanding his business non-stop.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2020/139/56///10001.jpg?1612519337496" alt="10001" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">耳濡目染下開啟美髮旅程</div>
<p>從小就在髮廊裡長大的 JB,母親是位美髮界的女強人,曾同時在南法經營三間沙龍,一直工作到三年前才退休,或許是耳濡目染、也或許是骨子裡本就流著美髮師的血,JB 在 15 歲的年紀就開啟了他的美髮人生,母親是 JB 的啟蒙導師也是一生中影響他最深的人,「我看著我的母親對美髮有多麼熱忱,我就要有多麼熱忱。」JB 說。</p>
<p>JB, as he&rsquo;s popularly called, grew up in her mother&rsquo;s salons when he was young. His mother is an alpha female, who owned three salons in Southern France and retired just three years ago. Maybe it was because of the environment, or maybe hairdressing was just in his blood, JB started his hairdressing career at only 15 years old. &ldquo;My mother is one of the most influential people in my life. It is my mother&rsquo;s passion that makes me always assionate about what I was doing.&rdquo; said JB in the interview with us.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2020/139/56////dsc_9320_rgb0.jpg?1612519354991" alt="dsc_9320_rgb0" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">踏上倫敦大舞台一展美髮天賦</div>
<p>2001 年是 JB 美髮生涯的一大轉捩點,他從南法的小鎮,毅然決然踏上了倫敦這座大城,進入了美髮教育龍頭的沙宣成為學徒,不過多久便被提拔為沙宣的創意總監,JB 開始隨著團隊到世界各地作秀,也在各個沙龍和學院擔任講師,這不僅燃起了對美髮教育的熱情,也成了他日後創業的奠基。</p>
<p>2001 was a big turning point for JB&rsquo;s career. He moved to London from his hometown in Southern France, entering the leading hairdressing company, Vidal Sassoon. Shortly after his apprenticeship, he was designated as Creative Director and started to teach in salons and academies around the world. This has inspired his devotion to education and became the cornerstone of his future businesses.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2020/139/56/////m_p13000.jpg?1612519374558" alt="m_p13000" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">十年磨一劍的創業路</div>
<p>告別了十年的沙宣旅程,JB 和當時的同事共同創辦了 Mazella &amp; Partners(M&amp;P)教育學院,以他過往十年的教學經驗和細膩的剪髮手藝,在各地開課講授。談起創業動機 JB 只簡單說了一句「是時候到了」,但這句話事實上蘊含了十幾年的心血和準備,從 15 歲踏入美髮業的那刻起,他就期許有天能有自己的公司並闖出一番事業。</p>
<p>After his ten-years Sassoon journey, JB co-founded Mazella &amp; Partners, an education company based on precision cutting and colouring. &ldquo;It was the time to do what we believe in.&rdquo; JB shared his entrepreneurial motivation. However, this simple motivation contains over ten-years preparation and hard work in hairdressing. From the moment JB entered the industry, he had already set his mind to build up his own company into a successful business.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2020/139/56//////img_8375_copy0.jpg?1612519390856" alt="img_8375_copy0" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">教學足跡橫跨60國</div>
<p>遙想 2011 年剛創業之際,看著 M&amp;P 在倫敦市中心的門牌,那股激動之情令 JB 永生難忘,轉眼在創立短短五年之際,M&amp;P 的教學足跡就遍佈了超過 60 個國家,全球教學講座和髮秀邀約不斷,JB 和團隊也曾多次來台分享精湛的剪髮技巧。即將邁向十年的 M&amp;P,教學版圖不僅日益壯大,近期還在倫敦市中心開了同名沙龍,要在寸土寸金的倫敦開業,以及在競爭激烈的美髮產業下做出成績,需要的不只是實力,過人的韌性更是關鍵。</p>
<p>Thinking of the time when he had just started M&amp;P back in 2011, JB still vividly remembers how excited he was when he first saw the company postcode &ldquo;W1&rdquo;, the most prestigious and expensive postal address in London. Over the next five years, M&amp;P was teaching in over 60 countries and building its international reputation. JB and the team have also been invited to Taiwan on several occasions to share his brilliant cutting techniques with Taiwanese hairdressers. Growing rapidly and steadily, M&amp;P have also opened their first salon in central London recently. To be able to have a successful business in London, one does not simply need to be capable &ndash; which is given &ndash; one also needs extraordinary perseverance.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2020/139/56///////ilona_3_40.jpg?1612519402932" alt="ilona_3_40" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">不只是如何剪 而是為何剪</div>
<p>「不只是如何剪髮,而是為何剪。」這是 M&amp;P 創立十年來不曾變過的教育宗旨,說到這句話的由來 JB分享:「我在當講師 20 年的時間裡,最常聽到的就是『為什麼?』,為什麼這樣剪、這樣站、手勢為何抬高,因此我在創立 M&amp;P 時毫無猶豫就想到了這句話。」在 M&amp;P 比起學習各種剪髮技巧,更重要的是了解使用這些技巧的時機。</p>
<p>M&amp;P have their own philosophy, &ldquo;Not just how to cut hair, but why.&rdquo; This has been M&amp;P&rsquo;s core component over these years. &ldquo;The main question always asked by the students is &ldquo;why?&rdquo; Why do you do this? Why do you do that? So, the slogan just came into my mind.&rdquo; said JB. In M&amp;P, you not only learn how to cut, but, more importantly, you learn why and when to use the techniques.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2020/139/56////////m_p17610.jpg?1612519411659" alt="m_p17610" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">越是艱難 越是向前看</div>
<p>2020 年無非是全球美髮人最難熬的一年,JB 也直言這是他的美髮生涯中面臨的最大困難,課程被迫取消、活動邀約終止、沙龍生意受挫等挑戰接踵而來,但越是艱難,JB 越是往前看,他成立了全新的線上剪髮教學平台「Precision Cutting for Everyone」,因為線上平台省去了學員的交通費、住宿費和旅行時間,反倒為他開啟了一大商機,也讓更多學員可以學習他的剪髮要領,「當你找到方法,你會發現所有危機都能是轉機。」這是 JB 在突破重圍後的最深體悟。</p>
<p>2020 has no doubt been one of the most difficult years for the hairdressing industry. JB said it is as well one of the greatest difficulties of his career. Courses and events were cancelled, and the loss of salon business has been tremendous. However, the harder the situation is, the tougher JB becomes. He has recently started a new online education platform &ldquo;Precision Cutting for Everyone&rdquo;. Without the cost of transportation, ccommodation, and the time wasted in travelling, more hairdressers can join the cutting</p>
<p>lessons online, which definitely opens the door to JB&rsquo;s renewed education career. When you find your way, it will be truly very beneficial to your life.&rdquo; JB advices all those who are suffering from current pandemic to take a step back and breathe a little bit, and then you will find your way.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2020/139/56/////////mandp-1697_rgb0.jpg?1612519431059" alt="mandp-1697_rgb0" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">不斷學習才能活用技巧</div>
<p>JB 在過去十幾年培育出無數優秀新生代髮型師,他想與年輕的髮型師們分享:「盡可能和越多優秀的髮型師學習,美髮教育資源越來越豐富,可以趁年輕學習各種技巧,不一定要只專精在一件事;還要學習如何掌握不同人的頭髮,別讓髮型空有技巧,而是要將技巧運用得宜,否則你設計出的髮型就會像頂安全帽一樣。」在 JB 的字典沒有所謂的潮流,只有適合與否,而要培養如此精準的判斷力,就像 JB 所言,盡可能地學習是不二法門。</p>
<p>In nearly 20 years as an educator, JB has nurtured countless excellent hairdressers. &ldquo;Learn from lots of people and don&rsquo;t concentrate only on the cutting hair side. Understand how to manipulate hair, so it looks like the hair belongs to the person. It is not just like a strong helmet.&rdquo; Said JB, sharing his advice with all the young aspiring hairdressers.</p>


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