Salon News Asia
Joe-yves Asmar
Joe-yves Asmar年紀輕輕在瑞典最富聲望的美髮比賽贏得銀獎(silver price)後,便成為比賽的常勝軍,陸續入圍許多國際比賽也獲得佳績,之後,他的身影出現在雜誌照片的拍攝片場,也穿縮於伸展後台,不時也會看見他登上舞台傳授髮型技巧。他是美國流行天后蕾哈娜的御用髮型師。

#wella #Joe-yves Asmar
Joe-yves Asmar年紀輕輕在瑞典最富聲望的美髮比賽贏得銀獎(silver price)後,便成為比賽的常勝軍,陸續入圍許多國際比賽也獲得佳績,之後,他的身影出現在雜誌照片的拍攝片場,也穿縮於伸展後台,不時也會看見他登上舞台傳授髮型技巧。他是美國流行天后蕾哈娜的御用髮型師。
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<p>Joe-yves Asmar年紀輕輕在瑞典最富聲望的美髮比賽贏得銀獎(silver price)後,便成為比賽的常勝軍,陸續入圍許多國際比賽也獲得佳績,之後,他的身影出現在雜誌照片的拍攝片場,也穿縮於伸展後台,不時也會看見他登上舞台傳授髮型技巧。他是美國流行天后蕾哈娜的御用髮型師。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2014/103/40/p3.jpg?1612846059580" alt="p3" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">承接了哥哥的夢想 立志成為髮型師</div>
<p>Joe-yves Asmar在一片烽火中誕生於黎巴嫩,由於戰亂,五歲時便隨同家人搬至瑞典。Joe-yves想成為髮型師的夢想,從他八歲時萌芽,他的哥哥是當時很有名的髮型師,服務對象甚至包含約旦的皇室貴族,然而卻因為戰爭而英年早逝,在他過世後,Joe-yves接手了這個夢想。雖然從來沒有機會親眼見到哥哥工作的樣子,但是對Joe-yves來說,哥哥是在他職業生涯中影響他很深的人,雖然沒有特別創作紀念哥哥的作品,但他認為每一件作品都是為了哥哥製作的。</p>
<p>"I want to be a hairdresser since I was 8 years old. My brother was a famous hairdresser but died in the war, it's when hairdressing became my dream." Joe-yves grew up in Lebanon in war-time then he moved to Sweden where he still works now.</p>
<p>When he was 14 years old, he had his first job in a salon as a shampoo guy. Wanting to improve himself, he went to school then became a professional hairdresser and soon he won his very first competition.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2014/103/40//P1-P2%E9%96%8B%E9%96%80%E9%A0%81%E6%96%B0%E5%9C%960.jpg?1612846088589" alt="P1-P2開門頁新圖0" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">相信自己 永不放棄</div>
<p>雖然他的職業生涯看似平步青雲,但其實在三年前,Joe-yves的作品也曾不被看好。當時他投稿二十件作品至瑞典的Mirror Magazine,沒有一件作品受到刊登,他的失望之情可想而知。但他並沒有就此放棄,當他又有新創作時,他再度投稿,這次,不但相片獲得青睞,還登上Mirror Magazine的封面!</p>
<p>Although his career path is going smoothly, he still had his ups and downs. Three years ago, he sent 20 images of his works to Mirror Magazine, however, there wasn't any of them was published. He was disappointed but didn't give up, after he had a new collection, he still sent them anyway. That's it. Mirror Magazine had not only published his works, they even used it as cover!</p>
<p>Talking about this, he says that hairdressers should always send the five best images to the publishers and wait for their response. Sometimes they say yes but sometimes no. The point is never give up, keep trying. "Nowadays, famous hairdressers or academies like Sasoon, L'Oreal, they spend a lot of money on shooting, they do get many great photos, so if you are not famous, of course it will be hard to compete with them, but once your work has been published, people will notice you then."</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2014/103/40///p60_001_.jpg?1612846110828" alt="p60_001_" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">善用工具 變化出新花樣</div>
<p>Joe-yves gets his inspiration from almost everything around him, especially from nature. In 2012, he used flat iron to create vein lines on hair just like the wooden floor. When he lost his inspiration, he will stop and relax, maybe take a trip or what and then come back to do new things again.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2014/103/40////p110_001_.jpg?1612846129996" alt="p110_001_" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">攝影能將瞬間的美麗永遠保存下來</div>
<p>Joe-yves has worked for magazine, runway backstage, editorial photo shooting, television and salon. Of all these works, he has a huge passion for fashion industry. Five years ago, he ran into couture fashion and was hooked. He had done many hairdressing works but he wanted to go deeper with fashion, which is more casual and soft.</p>
<p>「相片能將剎那間的美麗,永遠保存下來,是我愛上為雜誌攝影做造型的原因」Joe-yves如此說,雖然在拍攝現場,髮型師偶爾得聽命於攝影師,不停地重新為模特兒做造型,直到攝影師能捕捉到最美的瞬間,因此Joe-yves也特別提醒有計畫往這方面努力的髮型師們, EQ要夠高,也要夠謙卑,團隊合作的能力更是不可或缺。</p>
<p>"I love photo shooting because that 'picture will live forever' thing." The camera can catch a glimpse of fashion and the photo will live forever. This is the reason why he loves photo shooting. Although there's times that the photographers are not happy with the hair so they have to wash it over and do it again and again until the photographers get good photos. The passion for fashion is always the motivation that keeps him away from giving up.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2014/103/40/////P90.jpg?1612846144484" alt="P90" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">不論領域 優秀髮型師必備條件</div>
<p>For him, defining "a good hairdresser" has many different standards. Working in a salon, you have to know how to speak with the clients and make them want to come back again. Being good with the team is as important as being with the clients. As a platform artist, you need to speak more and show your work. However, no matter what you do, you still need to have the sense for art and good taste which can be improved by training, taking class or attending competitions.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2014/103/40//////p120.jpg?1612846157700" alt="p120" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">參賽技巧大公開</div>
<p>Joining the competitions is good for practice. If you want to work in fashion industry, this is a very good opportunity to learn. "It's never about to win, it's about what you create in the end."</p>
<p>On account of many different competitions, the hairdressers not only have to pay attention to the hair cut but also the total look. "If you want the total look to be great, you have to have a good model and a good team." Joe-yves finds his model from agency, he will first talk with them and see how they walk. Because catwalk also plays an important role in the competitions. Then he will find a good photographer, everything will be a lot easier when the photographer is good.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">事先計畫 實現計畫</div>
<p>一個傑出的團隊,只是輔助,重點還是髮型師自己,Joe-yves時常用「事先計畫,實現計畫」提醒自己,良好的計畫和重複練習,是Joe-yves給想參加比賽的設計師們最真誠的建議 。</p>
<p>And the most important of all - "Plan your work, work your plan". It's important to have a structure before you start, and always practice. Practice not only make perfect, it also make you know what to do and what you're doing. These two pieces of advice will help hairdressers overcome the pressure and feel less confusing.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">美髮已成為生命中不可或缺的一部分</div>
<p>Asking about his secret of being a successful hairdresser, he says that he only does his best, works hard and keeps holding on even it's in a hard time. For Joe-yves, his job is not a job but is his lifestyle. Just like he say, "I really love what I do and I will do it until the day I die."</p>


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