KEVIN.MURPHY 以簡單髮型成為時裝綠葉
在本季的哥本哈根時裝週上,KEVIN.MURPHY 的外景造型團隊替 Stasia 以及 FONNESBECH 二牌的時裝秀擔任髮型設計。以不過於複雜的髮型,襯托出品牌時裝之美。
在本季的哥本哈根時裝週上,KEVIN.MURPHY 的外景造型團隊替 Stasia 以及 FONNESBECH 二牌的時裝秀擔任髮型設計。以不過於複雜的髮型,襯托出品牌時裝之美。
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">STASIA</div>
<p>哥本哈根時裝週上,KEVIN.MURPHY的外景造型團隊替品牌Stasia的時裝秀擔任髮型設計。Stasia的時裝靈感來自男性時裝的輪廓因此在剪裁上十分大膽,卻加入女性化元素為點綴,妝容也十分搶眼,因此外景造型大師Marianne Jensen、Juha-Matti Manninen和Massimo Morello三人決定採用樸實無華的長直髮,優雅精緻又不會搶走風采。</p>
<p> </p>
<p>The hair designed for Stasia's runway show during Copenhagen Fashion Week was inspired by a masculine reference. The Danish brand's sophisticated, stylish pieces were enhanced by dramatically detailed makeup, so to balance out the look, the hair was designed with a luxe, well-groomed vision in mind.</p>
<p>KEVIN.MURPHY SESSION.MASTER Marianne Jensen and STYLE.MASTERS Juha-Matti Manninen and Massimo Morello created this sophisticated look by sweeping the hair to the side, keeping it polished and refined.</p>
<p> </p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/115/90/mg_2553edit-683x1024.jpg?1612173944373" alt="mg_2553edit-683x1024" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">造型獨家技巧Step by step</div>
<p>◆ 在濕髮上噴灑我愛長髮,吹直頭髮後噴灑龍捲風撫平毛躁。</p>
<p>◆ 將頭髮塞至耳後,塑造細緻的髮型。</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">FONNESBECH</div>
<p>本紀靈感來自非洲大草原,選用大地色系的絲質布料營造舒適休閒感,著重細節的設計不失現代感。髮型設計上,外景造型大師Marianne Jensen、Juha-Matti Manninen和Massimo Morello打造一款輕盈鬆散的波浪髮,彷彿沐浴在陽光下,輕鬆愜意的度假感。</p>
<p> </p>
<p>A brand with an eco-minded, sophisticated vision, Fonnesbech sought to elevate the modern business woman style during this year’s Copenhagen Fashion Week. Inspired by the African Savannah, Fonnesbech’s runway featured sleek, elegant silhouettes with contemporary details to make it look as if the models had just stepped off the plains of Africa. SESSION.MASTER Marianne Jensen, along with STYLE.MASTERS Juha-Matti Manninen and Massimo Morello, created loose, effortless waves to capture a lived-in-the-sun look and reflect the likeness of the designer’s modern pieces.</p>
<p> </p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/115/90/fonnesbech_ss17_backstage-3140.jpg?1612173964364" alt="fonnesbech_ss17_backstage-3140" /></p>
<p> </p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/115/90/fonnesbech_ss17_backstage-2776.jpg?1612173964364" alt="fonnesbech_ss17_backstage-2776" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">造型獨家技巧Step by step</div>
<p>◆ 在濕髮上噴灑海洋天堂後吹乾。</p>
<p>◆ 使用大電棒在頭髮上分區操作。</p>
<p>◆ 噴灑乾洗髮、太超過和龍捲風,創造支撐力與質地效果。</p>
<p>◆ 把捲度撥鬆後,噴灑金光閃閃與龍捲風進行微調。</p>
<p>哥本哈根時裝週上,KEVIN.MURPHY的外景造型團隊替品牌Stasia的時裝秀擔任髮型設計。Stasia的時裝靈感來自男性時裝的輪廓因此在剪裁上十分大膽,卻加入女性化元素為點綴,妝容也十分搶眼,因此外景造型大師Marianne Jensen、Juha-Matti Manninen和Massimo Morello三人決定採用樸實無華的長直髮,優雅精緻又不會搶走風采。</p>
<p> </p>
<p>The hair designed for Stasia's runway show during Copenhagen Fashion Week was inspired by a masculine reference. The Danish brand's sophisticated, stylish pieces were enhanced by dramatically detailed makeup, so to balance out the look, the hair was designed with a luxe, well-groomed vision in mind.</p>
<p>KEVIN.MURPHY SESSION.MASTER Marianne Jensen and STYLE.MASTERS Juha-Matti Manninen and Massimo Morello created this sophisticated look by sweeping the hair to the side, keeping it polished and refined.</p>
<p> </p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/115/90/mg_2553edit-683x1024.jpg?1612173944373" alt="mg_2553edit-683x1024" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">造型獨家技巧Step by step</div>
<p>◆ 在濕髮上噴灑我愛長髮,吹直頭髮後噴灑龍捲風撫平毛躁。</p>
<p>◆ 將頭髮塞至耳後,塑造細緻的髮型。</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">FONNESBECH</div>
<p>本紀靈感來自非洲大草原,選用大地色系的絲質布料營造舒適休閒感,著重細節的設計不失現代感。髮型設計上,外景造型大師Marianne Jensen、Juha-Matti Manninen和Massimo Morello打造一款輕盈鬆散的波浪髮,彷彿沐浴在陽光下,輕鬆愜意的度假感。</p>
<p> </p>
<p>A brand with an eco-minded, sophisticated vision, Fonnesbech sought to elevate the modern business woman style during this year’s Copenhagen Fashion Week. Inspired by the African Savannah, Fonnesbech’s runway featured sleek, elegant silhouettes with contemporary details to make it look as if the models had just stepped off the plains of Africa. SESSION.MASTER Marianne Jensen, along with STYLE.MASTERS Juha-Matti Manninen and Massimo Morello, created loose, effortless waves to capture a lived-in-the-sun look and reflect the likeness of the designer’s modern pieces.</p>
<p> </p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/115/90/fonnesbech_ss17_backstage-3140.jpg?1612173964364" alt="fonnesbech_ss17_backstage-3140" /></p>
<p> </p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/115/90/fonnesbech_ss17_backstage-2776.jpg?1612173964364" alt="fonnesbech_ss17_backstage-2776" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">造型獨家技巧Step by step</div>
<p>◆ 在濕髮上噴灑海洋天堂後吹乾。</p>
<p>◆ 使用大電棒在頭髮上分區操作。</p>
<p>◆ 噴灑乾洗髮、太超過和龍捲風,創造支撐力與質地效果。</p>
<p>◆ 把捲度撥鬆後,噴灑金光閃閃與龍捲風進行微調。</p>