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KEVIN.MURPHY的Session.Master Massimo Morello分別在兩場時裝秀上預告了2017年的髮型趨勢-未完成感與簡約的超自然髮型。

KEVIN.MURPHY的Session.Master Massimo Morello分別在兩場時裝秀上預告了2017年的髮型趨勢-未完成感與簡約的超自然髮型。
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<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">Stylein SS17</div>
<p>在Stylein位於斯德哥爾摩時裝週的發表上,KEVIN.MURPHY的Session.Master Massimo Morello選擇「超級自然」的髮型以搭配Stylein的西裝設計。將重點放在如同原生髮般的自然紋理,微亂的質地增添自然感。</p>
<p>This collection showcased minimal silhouettes and textures, and the hair was created to follow suit. STYLE.MASTER Massimo Morello directed the hair for Stylein's runway show during Stockholm Fashion Week, with the support of the KEVIN.MURPHY team including Frida Claeson, Fia Svensson, Karin Adali, Jennifer Karlsson, Jenny Sundstrom, Carolina Janzen, Linda Karstheden, Malin Andersson, Emma Bjorkman, Fanny Brander and Julia Westerlund.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2017/117/82/03.jpg?1612329003224" alt="03" /> <img src="assets/uploads/files/2017/117/82/01.jpg?1612329003224" alt="01" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">獨家造型技巧Step by Step</div>
<p>◆ 噴灑上引噴霧作為前置,創造自然質地。</p>
<p>◆ 在髮中髮尾塗抹返老還童增加光澤,或是噴灑乾洗髮加強髮絲線條。</p>
<p>◆ 使用大電棒加熱塑形,用手指撥鬆創造自然紋理。</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">Ida Sjostedt</div>
<p>Ida Sjostedt在斯德哥爾摩的時裝秀中發表了最新作品Heal the World。美得令人屏息的禮服靈感橫跨了整個世紀,質感來自1920和30年代柔軟的蕾絲材質,融入1980和90年代迪斯可派對的狂歡氣息,並加入1970年代愛與和平的花卉作為代表,展現青春的活力與創作力。</p>
<p>Ida Sjostedt&rsquo;s couture collection, called &lsquo;Heal the World&rsquo;, echoes the &rsquo;70s peace and love message, blended with the &rsquo;80s and &rsquo;90s club party scene. This overarching theme is captured in bright and breathtaking gowns which are inspired by the &rsquo;20s and &rsquo;30s soft and feminine era, creating a beautiful blend of playfulness, love, and joy.</p>
<p><img style="font-size: 14px;" src="assets/uploads/files/2017/117/82/04.jpg?1612329034808" alt="04" /><img src="assets/uploads/files/2017/117/82/09.jpg?1612329034808" alt="09" />&nbsp;</p>
<p>KEVIN.MURPHY的Session.Master Massimo Morello以2017年的強勢潮流-「未完成感和凌亂風格」為主軸。Massimo在頂部黃金區向後扭轉兩束髮束,創造如皇冠一般的編髮,使用電棒在剩餘頭髮上創造自然紋路。為了增添更多1970年代奔放自由的氛圍,Massimo更在後側隨興編出一股三股辮,拉鬆髮絲塑造隨興的未完成感。亦可在髮中髮尾處以彩色蟲上色,增添春天氣息。</p>
<p>The hair for the show was directed by STYLE.MASTER Massimo Morello, with the support of the talented KEVIN.MURPHY team. The team designed looks to mirror the inspiration of the collection, capturing the hair softly at the crown in a twist while allowing the rest of the hair to move and bounce freely. This look reflected both a soft and feminine aura while still speaking to the &rsquo;90s nightclub feel. In order to add more freedom to the look and to echo the &rsquo;70s freedom era, the team added a braid to the back of the hair to look as if the hair was full yet &ldquo;undone&rdquo;. The team also used COLOR.BUG on a few of the models to add a dash of playful colour, and some of the girls were even seen wearing butterflies in the crown of the hair.</p>


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