Salon News Asia
Kohsuke Visual Network藝術總監 琢磨陵征
亞洲頂尖設計師琢磨陵征(Takuma Ryosei)在其迄今已達15年的職業生涯中,活躍於日本海內外各大國際舞台並廣受肯定。這位年輕又創新的髮型師兼化妝師

亞洲頂尖設計師琢磨陵征(Takuma Ryosei)在其迄今已達15年的職業生涯中,活躍於日本海內外各大國際舞台並廣受肯定。這位年輕又創新的髮型師兼化妝師
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<p>除了經常在海內外進行發表秀與教育會之外,由他所領軍的Kohsuke Visual Network團隊也代表亞洲在倫敦、芝加哥、維也納各地等匯集世界團隊的Alternative Hair Show髮型歌舞秀中,發表令人驚豔的舞台髮妝表演;並多次於婚禮界重量級、在日本海內外擁有十足份量的高級訂製服品牌大師桂由美(Yumi Katsura)的東京與巴黎時裝發表會中,擔綱髮型與彩妝。除了可在東京都的上野功涼沙龍見到他的身影外,他也是資生堂的亞洲客座大師,作品常見於各大雜誌與媒體。</p>
<p>Top Asian hairstylist Takuma Ryosei, art director of Kohsuke Visual Network, has been widely acknowledged on the global stage during his 15 years of hairdressing career. Based in Tokyo, the young, innovative hairstylist and makeup artist from Japan is a two-time finalist of AIPP Award and a frequent winner across many Japan and international competitions. He also presents seminars and major hair shows nationwide and globally. His team brought astounding performance to Alternative Hair Show in London, Chicago and Vienna over the years. The network did the hairstyling and makeup of the 2009 Yumi Katsura&rsquo;s Grand Collection Tokyo held in Paris. He has also been a partner instructor of Shiseido in Japan and Asia. Nowadays his artwork is widely featured across Japan and international magazines.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2011/81//53/81-_53-005.jpg?1612846445189" alt="81-_53-005" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">15年一步一腳印 小髮藝創造大驚奇</div>
<p>入行已經15年的琢磨陵征,曾在1995-1996年間於倫敦的沙宣學院進修,同時汲取時尚、彩妝與趨勢資訊,並前往芝加哥繼續研習沙龍經營管理與教育。歸日後,進入了Kohsuke Visual Network,擔任眾多音樂家、歌手、模特兒的髮型師,也參與美容美髮雜誌等平面媒體的髮型拍攝。在日本嚴峻的時尚界中,琢磨陵征有如嶄露頭角的超級新星,至今他仍會憶起剛入行時的難忘體驗。「我發現只剪了一英吋的瀏海,竟然就能瞬間讓一個人的外型煥然一新,也讓人心情大好。我認為這是非常了不起的工作,能讓自己也讓別人開心。」</p>
<p>15 years has passed since Takuma Ryosei became a hairdresser. He studied at the Vidal Sassoon Academy in 1995-1996 in London in order to gain a deeper understanding of fashion, makeup and trends. Then he also went to Chicago to learn staff education and beauty business management. After returning to Japan, he entered Kohsuke Visual Network and was a stylist of some Japanese musicians, singers, and models, participating in magazine editorial shootings.</p>
<p>A rising star in Japan&rsquo;s demanding fashion scene, Ryosei can still recall his most unforgettable experiences after entering the industry. &ldquo;I cut only 1 inch of hairbang and realized how one&rsquo;s image had nicely changed and how one could be awfully delighted. At that time, I felt that this occupation would bring the gladness to people.&rdquo;</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2011/81//53///81-_53-004.jpg?1612846482819" alt="81-_53-004" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">上野功涼啟蒙大 鼓勵培養國際視野</div>
<p>對他職業生涯啟蒙最大的人,莫過於Kohsuke Visual Network的執行總監上野功涼本人了,這也反映在他對做為一個優秀設計師的定義。「你自己一定要具備國際視野,一定要激勵自己做一個對別人而言不可或缺的設計師,也要永遠無畏新的挑戰。」</p>
<p>The icon that most inspiring to Ryosei in his hairdressing career is Kohsuke Ueno, the executive director of Kohsuke Visual Network. And that is reflected in his definition of a good hairdresser. &ldquo;You must always have a global and broad outlook, always be an indispensable hairstylist to people and always keep on challenging new things.&rdquo;</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2011/81//53////81-_53-006.jpg?1612846496679" alt="81-_53-006" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">舞台造型才華亮眼 躍升訂製時裝彩妝大師</div>
<p>Kohsuke Visual Network在琢磨陵征的領軍下,參與了眾多活動並表現亮眼,包括沙龍業界、學院、雜誌、電視與時尚秀,他們在倫敦與美國等地的大秀也獲得熱烈迴響。然而琢磨陵征的成就不僅止於髮型界。他獨特與新潮的舞台造型才華也備受推崇,成為日本首屈一指的高級訂製時裝與彩妝大師,在髮型秀中也會負責處理影像與音樂元素。他表示自己從很年輕時,就不斷致力於在國際舞台自我磨練。而隸屬於像Kohsuke Visual Network這般長年活躍在海外的獨特公司,也替他爭取來很多發展的機會。「重點是,當機會來臨之時,你做了多少準備?能發揮多少?我一直鞭策自己做到最好,對於每次工作都樂在其中。最棒的是,我甚至不斷替自己創造新的機會。」</p>
<p>With Ryosei on the lead as the art director of Kohsuke Visual Network, the network engages in impressive activities including salon work, cutting school, magazine, TV and fashion shows, and it has participated in major Hair Shows in London and America with unanimous applause.</p>
<p>Ryosei&rsquo;s achievement is not just limited to a hairstylist. Well known for his unique and creative stage styling talents, he is also one of Japan&rsquo;s leading figures in haute couture and makeup artists. At the Hair Show of Kohsuke Visual Network, he not only took the charge of creating the hair but also the image and music.</p>
<p>He shares that since very young, he worked on an international scale, and belonging to such a particular company, Kohsuke Visual Network, which has been really active all around the world for a long time, also earned him many wonderful opportunities. &ldquo;The most important thing is how well you are prepared and could respond to an opportunity when it arrives? I have been always doing my best and enjoyed every work. Moreover, I am even creating the work one after another.&rdquo;</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2011/81//53/////81-_53-010.jpg?1612846512352" alt="81-_53-010" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">藉海外舞台提升自我 靈感來源豐富多元</div>
<p>Ryosei and his team have done stage performance in Paris, Vienna and London. He points out that these experiences are no doubt very exciting and inspiring as he gets to witness the top-level work of globally famous artists and stylists. In the backstage of Vienna and London shows, he had the chance to communicate with these top beauticians. He observed that there is the &ldquo;atmosphere of inspiration instead of competition among all the top artists.&rdquo; And every master respects and acknowledges each other. He thinks this humble attitude is very important and that&rsquo;s why these masters become who they are today.</p>
<p>Where does this talent get all his inspiration? Ryosei indicates that he has been greatly and strongly inspired by the movies and music. Also, the design, outlook and color of recent car innovations and electronic gadgets also shed a light on his creations.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2011/81//53//////81-_53-009.jpg?1612846528440" alt="81-_53-009" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">鼓勵參賽獲益無窮 期望設立品牌沙龍</div>
<p>Ryosei is the winner of 2008 Best Newcomer Hairdressing Award at the Aoyama Art Festival in Japan. And he thinks it is important for hairdressers to join competitions. &ldquo;It&rsquo;s crucial to get yourself estimated by another person. Accession from others would give good influence on growth and advancement for yourself and become aware of various things. As a hairstylist, knowing your own estimation would be related to your future.&rdquo;</p>
<p>Any future goal Ryosei is going to fulfill? Of course. &ldquo;I think of having the salons of Ryosei Takuma over all parts of Asian countries. Even though there are many difficulties in finding big sponsors and local beauticians, I still have the confidence and will do my best to realize it.&rdquo;</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2011/81//53///////81-_53-001.jpg?1612846544920" alt="81-_53-001" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">關於琢磨陵征</div>
<p>1997-「World Hairdressing Congress」London</p>
<p>-「Hair Cut Show」Taiwan</p>
<p>-「Hair Asia Pacific &lsquo;98」Sri Lanka</p>
<p>1998-「International Beauty Forum」Tokyo</p>
<p>1999-「Yumi Katsura Millennium Collection」Tokyo</p>
<p>-「Alternative Hair Show」London</p>
<p>2000/2003-「Asia Beauty Expo」Tokyo</p>
<p>2003-「LOOKS Las Vegas」USA</p>
<p>-「Alternative Hair Show」London</p>
<p>2005-「Alternative Hair Show」Chicago</p>
<p>2007/2008-「Int&rsquo;l Beauty Forum」Tokyo</p>
<p>2008-「19th Japan Hairdressing Awards-New Comer of the Year」Tokyo</p>
<p>  -「AIPP Awards 2008-2009」 Finalist. France</p>
<p>2009-「Yumi Katsura 45th Anniversary Grand Collection」Tokyo</p>
<p>-「Alternative Hair Show」Vienna Austria</p>
<p>-「AIPP Awards 2009-2010」Finalist. France</p>
<p>2010-「Alternative Hair Show」London</p>


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