Salon News Asia
Marianne Jensen
Marianne Jensen, age 44, award-wining hairstylist, based in Copenhagen, Denmark.  Earlier this year I won Elle Style Awards 2015 for Best Hair Stylist. Marianne is THE Stylist in Denmark. With her twenty years in the industry, Marianne Jensen is known for fusing the traditional barber techniques together with today’s trends. She’s not only reflecting the seasonal trends, she always adds her own touch and balance in full when she is styling hair.

#Marianne Jensen
Marianne Jensen, age 44, award-wining hairstylist, based in Copenhagen, Denmark.  Earlier this year I won Elle Style Awards 2015 for Best Hair Stylist. Marianne is THE Stylist in Denmark. With her twenty years in the industry, Marianne Jensen is known for fusing the traditional barber techniques together with today’s trends. She’s not only reflecting the seasonal trends, she always adds her own touch and balance in full when she is styling hair.
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<p>Marianne wants to become a hairdresser since she was a little girl. She put her goal into practice when she turned 15 by starting as a trainee and finished her education as a hairdresser at 19. She then opened her own shop after a couple of years. &ldquo;But if you had asked me when I was 20 years old and showed me the life I have today, I don&rsquo;t think I could even imagine how it has turned out. I&rsquo;m so grateful of where my skills and my job has taken me, &ndash; the places I&rsquo;ve traveled?and seen. The people I meet are beyond what I would ever have expected.&rdquo; She said.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2015/108/50/P6.jpg?1612520480047" alt="P6" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">毅然決然飛往紐約尋找更多可能</div>
<p>在家鄉丹麥經營沙龍一陣子後,Marianne決定飛往紐約與美國知名的髮型教父Sam McKnight工作,追求更蓬勃的美髮環境。在她到達紐約後不久,Marianne懷上了她的第一個女兒,「很意外,不是最適切的時機點,卻是我人生中最美好的一件事!」不出所料,Marianne在紐約得以與最頂尖的髮型師一起工作,更在黑人聚集的哈林區習得她最擅長也最引以為傲的編髮技術,「這一切都讓我知道當初跳上飛機,飛了10幾個小時的決定是正確的!」</p>
<p>The biggest turning points of her career happened when she moved to New York worked for well-respected hairstylist Sam McKnight and some of the best hairstylists in the world. It&rsquo;s also the time Marianne got pregnant with her first daughter, &ldquo; Not best timing in my career, but the best thing that happened in my life.&rdquo; She continued, &ldquo;New york is where the top top stylists works so I am so happy that I made it there and learned so much.&rdquo;</p>
<p>Marianne成功的在紐約打響知名度,參與許多國際時裝週、平面拍攝與廣告攝影等外景工作,更曾替丹麥超級名模Helena Christensen、知名女演員Connie Nielsen甚至搖滾巨星Sharin Foo &amp; Pernille Rosendahl等人做造型。</p>
<p>She has gained great recognition in New York where she has worked on many shows, shoots and campaigns, in particular Noir, Day, Baum und Pferdgarten, Bruuns Bazaar, BZR and plenty of magazines at home and abroad. She has styled Helena Christensen, Connie Nielsen among many others. Marianne took the lead when she gave rock stars Sharin Foo &amp; Pernille Rosendahl the page back.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2015/108/50//P10_001_.jpg?1612520511496" alt="P10_001_" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">透過教育自我審查 忠實呈現自己的實力</div>
<p>Marianne has been an educator for more than twenty years, she is now based in Denmark working worldwide as a hair-trainer. &ldquo;I love teaching other hairdressers, &ldquo; seeing everybody dedicated into hairdressing inspires Marianne a lots, &ldquo;and teaching always keep you on your toes, you have to be very clear with your skills especially everybody easily can understand what you mean.&rdquo; she continued.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2015/108/50///P80_001_.jpg?1612520553847" alt="P80_001_" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">把高端時尚帶進髮廊</div>
<p>The most important thing or goal for Marianne is to bring the fashion into the salons. &ldquo;Fashion goes so fast these days and is important for the hairdressers in the salon to know what&rsquo;s going on.&rdquo; She then explained, &ldquo;In Denmark, there is a hair trend that comes from the salons and sometimes it&rsquo;s very far from what actually is happening in the international fashion world.&rdquo;</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2015/108/50////p9.jpg?1612520566637" alt="p9" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">酷愛外景工作的刺激感 激發無限創意</div>
<p>Other than educating hairdressers, Marianna is also the Session Master for KEVIN.MURPHY. Home in Denmark, Marianne has worked on numerous shows. She has been responsible for the looks at CIFF Trend Show at Copenhagen Fashion Week for nine seasons now. &ldquo;I really like the versatility in my job that every day is new. I enjoy especially the intensity and energy when working backstage at a show at fashion week and being super creative, when doing a look for a beauty editorial.&rdquo;</p>
<p>很多最難忘的回憶,都是因為外景工作而來,「工作的緣故,我認識了很多傑出的女孩,像是名模Kate Moss或Helena Christensen,她們直到20年後的今天都還是我非常要好的朋友!」</p>
<p>除了美好回憶,也不乏好笑的時刻,Marianne回憶兩年前男歌手Justin Bieber邀請她擔任髮型師,在Justin Bieber自創的Key Collection香水廣告擔任髮型總監,沒想到Justin Bieber竟然荒唐的遲到兩天又五個小時!「實在是場鬧劇!」想到往事,Marianne忍不住哈哈大笑。</p>
<p>She has some of the most unforgettable moments while doing hair on set. &ldquo;I worked with so many amazing girls from Kate Moss to Helena Christensen, whom I after 20 years still have a great relationship with. And when I groomed Justin Bieber&rsquo;s hair for his &ldquo;Key&rdquo; perfume - the most surprising thing was that he was 2 days and 5 hours too late. What a show that was hilarious!&rdquo; she laughed.</p>
<p>To give some advice to those who wants to do hair on set, Marianne said, &ldquo;Keep it clean, and pick the right products before start, because the products need to match your style.&rdquo;</p>
<p>Marianne loves to be playful in her work, so she is always open for new ideas and be inspired by people she works with. &ldquo;When working in the fashion industry, you get inspiration from many other things like the designers and photographers that you work with. They are a great source of inspiration for me to be creative.&rdquo;</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2015/108/50/////p4.jpg?1612520584743" alt="p4" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">永遠不要停止學習的步伐</div>
<p>Talking about the best advice she has received, as an educator, &ldquo;Never stop learning!&rdquo; she said. She also mentioned that hair is a difficult material to work with, so it is important to improve your skills over the years and to have the right techniques, so that the result will turn out beautiful every time.</p>
<p>Marianne enjoys traveling a lot, one of her goals is to have the chance to teach in Asia. Especially being someone good at braiding, Marianne loves the texture of Asian hair which is thicker than European hair texture. As for what&rsquo;s in for 2016 hair trends, Marianne still votes for braiding, &ldquo;With that said braids have a staying power for fall as well!&rdquo;</p>


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