Salon News Asia
藉著2019年台灣開創性第一屆Alternative Hair Show公益髮秀,Mikel Luzea首次踏上台灣的舞台。Mikel Luzea,國際美髮大獎International Hairdressing Award創辦人,西班牙最具指標美髮大獎Fígaro Award創辦人、世界各地都有他舉辦髮秀的蹤跡,你不可不知的西班牙髮界傳奇。

藉著2019年台灣開創性第一屆Alternative Hair Show公益髮秀,Mikel Luzea首次踏上台灣的舞台。Mikel Luzea,國際美髮大獎International Hairdressing Award創辦人,西班牙最具指標美髮大獎Fígaro Award創辦人、世界各地都有他舉辦髮秀的蹤跡,你不可不知的西班牙髮界傳奇。
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2019/132/44/img_9201.jpg?1612150173958" alt="img_9201" /></p>
<p>&ldquo;In my opinion, you have to love your job deeply so you can master it! Never stop enriching yourself and never be confident you have already know enough about something. We all have something to teach others, and get chances to learn from others. There are four people in my artist team. We have worked in a salon and done shows around the world together, for this reason, we know each other very well. Thus, when one of us come up with a great idea, we will work on it and to try different ways until we make it happen,&rdquo; Mikel shared his philosophy of work.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">踏入美髮世界 命運選擇了自己</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2019/132/44/adjustments_(1).jpg?1612150382523" alt="adjustments_(1)" /></p>
<p>Mikel started his legendry hairdressing journey since 1987. He never thought of being a hairstylist when he was little. Because his friend talked about it and encouraged him to give it a try, he madly fell in love with hair designing ever since. Mikel described it was like love at first sight. He realized it was fate brought them together. He moved to London, where the most well-developed hairdressing industry is, and started to learn British hairdressing in 1991. He worked in different salons in the capital during the five years, his clients included well-known figures of BBC and MTV.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">建立西班牙第一個美髮網站</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2019/132/44/img_1899.jpg?1612150408962" alt="img_1899" /></p>
<p>回西班牙後,他建立了MIKEL LUZEA品牌沙龍,各大時尚雜誌爭相出版他的作品,並成為愛用封面,Mikel也成了電視節目座上嘉賓,為人改頭換面。1999年,他創立西班牙第一個美髮網站,還做了一件非常前衛的事,他的網站是有直播功能的!透過網路人們能知道沙龍裡正發生甚麼事,「直播」這個詞是近兩年才變得比較熱門,Mikel在20年前就做到了。如此創舉也讓他受到國際媒體關注,至今這個網站仍是西班牙美髮網站中瀏覽數最高的。</p>
<p>After moving back to Spain, he launched his brand MIKEL LUZEA salon. Prestigious professional fashion magazines strive to be the first to publish his works and became the most welcome cover figure. Also, he was a popular guest on TV shows, helping people change their looks. In 1999, he founded the first hairdressing website in Spain. He did a very progressive thing that his website featured with live-streaming. Because of this feature, people are able to observe the work going on his salon. Live-streaming is getting popular until recent years, but Mikel did it 20 years earlier. This huge innovation attracted international media&rsquo;s attention, and his website is presently one of the most visited hairstyling sites in Spain.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">引起國際關注 大獎殊榮不斷</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2019/132/44/img_0898.jpg?1612150441144" alt="img_0898" /></p>
<p>MIKEL LUZEA是一支龐大的專業團隊,Mikel目前跨國也為Revlon Professional擔任藝術顧問。他的第二家沙龍在2003年開張,設計新穎,多次受到雜誌報導,也榮獲Navarre Chamber of Commerce頒布的沙龍設計獎,此外,他更推出自己的髮品。這樣的非凡成就讓Mikel獲得GLOBAL SALON BUSSINES AWARDS (全球最佳沙龍企業家),並多次登上國際指標公益髮秀Alternative Hair Show舞台,終於在今年來到亞洲與台灣觀眾見面&hellip;&hellip;</p>
<p>MIKEL LUZEA is a large professional team, and Mikel currently works as an artistic adviser for Revlon Professional. His second salon, opened in 2003 with modern design, attracted many magazines&rsquo; attention, and won a design award granted by the Navarre Chamber of Commerce. Mikel has his own haircare products line as well.</p>
<p>His extraordinary achievement earned him the GLOBAL SALON BUSSINES AWARDS (Awards are given to the best hair salon entrepreneurs worldwide), and he has been invited to perform on London&rsquo;s Alternative Hair Show for many years. Widely anticipated, eventually, Mikel came to meet Taiwan audience on a show in 2019.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">創辦西班牙最具代表美髮大獎</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2019/132/44/img_9202.jpg?1612150481008" alt="img_9202" /></p>
<p>西班牙最具公信力的美髮大獎F&iacute;garo Award創辦人,正是Mikel Luzea,兩年前,他獲得Club F&iacute;garo授予的榮譽獎,回顧在美髮產業30多年點滴,頒獎典禮上,他流下激動的淚水&hellip;&hellip;同年,他創立了INTERNATIONAL HAIRDRESSING AWARDS國際美髮大獎, Mikel誓言要將它發展成奧斯卡等級的世界美髮獎項,兩年期間收穫的美髮作品數量龐大、及遍及全球,2020年春季,我們將於西班牙馬德里迎來第二屆INTERNATIONAL HAIRDRESSING AWARDS。</p>
<p>Mikel Luzea was the founder of Figaro Award, Spain's most credible hairdressing award. Two years before, he won the honorary award given by Club F&iacute;garo. Looking back over the past 30 years, he cried with joy and excitement on the ceremony. In the same year, he founded the INTERNATIONAL HAIRDRESSING AWARDS, it was his most ambitious professional project. Mikel have promised the IHA will become the Oscar level in the hairdressing industry. In the past 2 years, IHA received numerous works from hairstylists all over the world. We are looking for the second INTERNATIONAL HAIRDRESSING AWARDS holding in Madrid, Spain in 2020 spring.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">心中的理想髮型師</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2019/132/44/adjustments_(2).jpg?1612150529018" alt="adjustments_(2)" /></p>
<p>關於創作靈感,Mikel這麼說:「旅行是最佳途徑,當身心感到全然放鬆,靈感就會自然地回到身邊。對我來說,倫敦吧!倫敦對我來說別具意義,一個充滿靈感的城市。」在一位藝術家、沙龍大師的面前,編輯很好奇Mikel會怎麼形容一位好的髮型師?。「一個好的髮型師會熱愛自己的工作,每天都辛勤努力,知道如何帶給顧客他們心中期盼的自己,當然,要懂得感激身邊的人,這就是我心中的理想髮型師。」Mikel Luzea</p>
<p>Regarding the inspiration of his work, Mikel said, &ldquo;Travel is the best way. When the body and mind feel completely relaxed, inspiration would naturally come back to you. For me, London! London is so meaningful to me. It is an inspirational city.&rdquo; In front of a talent artist, salon master, our editorial team were curious about how Mikel would define &ldquo;A good Hairdresser&rdquo;. "A good hairstylist loves his work, strives to improve every day, and they know how to reach clients&rsquo; expectation, also they have to be grateful to people around them. This is the ideal hairstylist in my heart," said Mikel Luzea.</p>


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