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2014紐約大都會博物館慈善晚宴(MET Gala)是明星名人爭奇鬥豔的奢華場合,也是髮型師大展身手同場較勁的實力舞台,MOROCCANOIL名人髮型師Peter Butler與Marissa Marino分別為 Georgia May Jagger、Claire Danes與Selena Gomez兩位量身打造與穿著打扮相得益彰的華麗髮型。

2014紐約大都會博物館慈善晚宴(MET Gala)是明星名人爭奇鬥豔的奢華場合,也是髮型師大展身手同場較勁的實力舞台,MOROCCANOIL名人髮型師Peter Butler與Marissa Marino分別為 Georgia May Jagger、Claire Danes與Selena Gomez兩位量身打造與穿著打扮相得益彰的華麗髮型。
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<p>名人髮型設計師Peter Butler為Georgia May Jagger打造性感時尚的紅毯造型,利用了1940年的美式魅力和維若尼卡.蕾克的經典捲髮。其靈感受到奢華優雅的Charles James高級時裝禮服的啟發,Peter Butler為Georgia May Jagger量身打造了一個性感華麗的時尚風格。</p>
<p>Inspiration: Inspired by the very glam, ultra-elegant haute couture gowns of Charles James, Peter Butler for Moroccanoil created a luxurious style for Georgia May Jagger. The hairstyle draws on 1940&rsquo;s American glamour and Veronica Lake&rsquo;s iconic cascading curls.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">伸展台造型獨家技巧</div>
<p>◆ 取用優油輕盈豐量慕思塗抹於濕髮上,從髮根塗抹至髮梢,增添秀髮飽滿感與彈性。</p>
<p>◆ 使用優油野豬鬃毛梳35mm來吹整頭髮,讓秀髮更滑順。</p>
<p>◆ 由頂部頭髮開始,使用1.5吋電捲捧,以向後的方向來捲髮。完成後,以髮夾固定其捲度,讓髮絲自然冷卻。</p>
<p>◆ 接著,將頭部兩側的頭髮分成兩區。使用1.5吋電捲捧,將每一區的頭髮以向後的方向來捲髮。完成後,以髮夾固定其捲度,讓髮絲自然冷卻。</p>
<p>◆ 繼續將剩餘的頭髮分成兩區,使用電捲捧來創造出蓬鬆、飽滿、豐盈的波浪。然後以優油野豬鬃毛包頭梳來梳理這部份的頭髮,呈現出40年代風格的波浪捲髮。</p>
<p>◆ 移除髮夾,取用摩洛哥輕優油,用手至髮梢輕輕梳理,調整捲度、增加光澤。</p>
<p>◆ 使用優油長效閃亮噴霧,讓秀髮在紅地毯上,恣意的閃耀華麗光彩。</p>
<p>◆ Apply Moroccanoil Volumizing Mousse to wet hair from root-to-tip to create volume at the crown and give strands extra body and bounce.</p>
<p>◆ Blow dry hair smooth using Moroccanoil Boar Bristle Brushed 35mm.</p>
<p>◆ Starting with the top section of the head (full crown), use 1.5&rdquo; barrel iron to curl hair in a backwards direction. When strands are still hot, pin the curls and allow to cool.</p>
<p>◆ Next, take the hair on the sides of the head divide into two sections. Using a 1.5&rdquo; barrel iron, curl each section towards the back of the head. When strands are still hot, pin curls and set to cool.</p>
<p>◆ Divide rest of hair into 2&rdquo; sections and using barrel iron to create soft, full, voluminous waves. Then brush this hair using the Moroccanoil Boar Bristle Paddle Brush. This will soften the waves into 40&rsquo;s-style waves.</p>
<p>◆ Remove pins from top sections of hair and lightly finger-brush through ends with Moroccanoil Treatment Light to control flyaways and add extra shine.</p>
<p>◆ Spritz Moroccanoil Glimmer Shine for a red carpet-ready, ultra-shiny finish.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2014/100/80/%E5%9C%96%E4%BA%8C.jpeg?1612426152900" alt="圖二" /></p>
<p>針對今年「White Tie &amp; Decorations大禮服與裝飾」的MET Gala主題,Peter Butler為了襯托Claire Danes高雅、露肩的氣質以及搭配Oscar de la Renta禮服的優雅,特別為他創作一個柔軟的低髮髻髮型,其靈感來自於穿上Charles James高級時裝晚禮服所展現出來的女人迷人高雅氣質。</p>
<p>Inspiration: For this year&rsquo;s &lsquo;White Tie &amp; Decorations&rsquo; Charles James-inspired MET Gala, Peter Butler for Moroccanoil created a soft updo to complement Claire Danes&rsquo; elegant, strapless Oscar de la Renta gown. The hairstyle was inspired by Charles James&rsquo; haute couture evening gowns and his way of elegantly dressing glamorous women.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">伸展台造型獨家技巧</div>
<p>◆ 取用優油輕盈豐量慕思塗抹於濕髮上,從髮根塗抹至髮梢,增添秀髮飽滿感與彈性。</p>
<p>◆ 使用優油野豬鬃毛梳35mm來吹整頭髮,讓秀髮更滑順。</p>
<p>◆ 使用1.5吋的電捲捧,在圍繞整個頭部作出1吋捲度區;使用電捲捧前先以優油抗熱防護噴霧噴灑頭髮每一區,來保護髮絲,讓秀髮閃亮、強韌。</p>
<p>◆ 先作一大旁分,接著用手指梳理頭髮並扎一個非常低的馬尾。讓頭髮保持鬆而不緊,用橡皮圈固定。</p>
<p>◆ 接著, 把整個馬尾打一個結,由馬尾尾端串過。將尾端褶起來,同時以髮夾固定髮結。</p>
<p>◆ 輕輕拉出一些頭髮來修飾臉型。最後使用優油長效閃亮噴霧,讓秀髮恣意的閃耀華麗光彩。</p>
<p>◆ Apply Moroccanoil Volumizing Mousse to damp hair from root-to-tip to create volume at the crown and give strands extra body and bounce.</p>
<p>◆ Blow dry hair smooth using Moroccanoil Boar Bristle Brush 35mm.</p>
<p>◆ sing a 1.5&rdquo; barrel iron, curl 1&rdquo; sections around entire head; apply Moroccanoil Heat Styling Protection to each section before curling to protect strands and keep hair shiny and healthy. Allow to cool.</p>
<p>◆ Draw a deep side part and finger comb the hair into a very low ponytail, keeping the hair loose&mdash;not taut&mdash;and secure with an elastic.</p>
<p>◆ Next, wrap the entire ponytail into a physical knot, pulling end of the ponytail through. Tuck end under and secure entire knot with pins.</p>
<p>◆ Lightly pull out face-framing pieces and finish with Moroccanoil Glimmer Shine for a shiny, gorgeous style.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2014/100/80/%E5%9C%96%E4%B8%89.jpeg?1612426167291" alt="圖三" /></p>
<p>利用今年主題「White Tie &amp; Decorations大禮服與裝飾」與Charles James充滿結構感的時尚設計,Marissa Marino 為與著名設計師Diane von Furstenberg一同入場的Selena Gomez創造一個富有魅力與結構的高髻。受到傳奇設計師極富魅力感的高級時裝禮服的啟發,Selena的風格即為真正的美式魅力,髻加上令人印象深刻與驚嘆的耳環。</p>
<p>Inspiration: Drawing on this year&rsquo;s theme &ldquo;White Tie &amp; Decorations&rdquo; and Charles James&rsquo; structured approach to fashion design, Marissa Marino for Moroccanoil created a glamorous, structural updo for Selena Gomez, who attended alongside Diane von Furstenberg. Inspired by the legendary designer&rsquo;s glamorous approach to haute couture, Selena&rsquo;s style is truly American glamour (plus, the updo puts the show-stopping, stunning earrings on full-display).</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">伸展台造型獨家技巧</div>
<p>◆ 取用優油輕盈豐量慕思塗抹於濕髮上,從髮根塗抹至髮梢,增添秀髮飽滿感與彈性。</p>
<p>◆ 使用優油野豬鬃毛梳35mm來吹整頭髮,讓秀髮更滑順。</p>
<p>◆ 使用1.5吋的電捲捧,在圍繞整個頭部作出1吋捲度區;使用電捲捧前先以優油抗熱防護噴霧噴灑頭髮每一區,來保護髮絲,讓秀髮閃亮、強韌。</p>
<p>◆ 要創造高髻時,將頭髮分出三個區:底部(耳朵到耳朵);中段(太陽穴到太陽穴)以及頂部(頭頂全部)</p>
<p>◆ 從底部區域開始,後頸綁一個馬尾,然後將整個馬尾往上捲,用髮夾水平地固定,作出一個管狀的效果。</p>
<p>◆ 接著,平行地捲著中段的頭髮,將他們夾入底部髮捲下面固定。</p>
<p>◆ 輕輕逆刮頂部創造出豐盈感。然後垂直地捲髮(類似一個向下的法式髮髻)並固定夾進中段的髮捲裡。</p>
<p>◆ 最後使用優油打光強力定型霧,打造長效充滿彈性的支撐力。同時搭配優油長效閃亮噴霧讓秀髮在紅地毯上,恣意的閃耀華麗光彩。</p>
<p>◆ Apply Moroccanoil Volumizing Mousse to wet hair from root-to-tip to create volume at the crown and give strands extra body and bounce.</p>
<p>◆ Blow dry hair smooth using Moroccanoil Boar Bristle Brush 35mm.</p>
<p>◆ Using a 1.5&rdquo; barrel iron, curl 1&rdquo; sections around entire head; apply Moroccanoil Heat Styling Protection to each section before curling to protect strands and keep hair shiny and healthy.</p>
<p>◆ To create the updo, split hair in three sections: bottom (ear-to-ear); middle (temple-to-temple) and top (full crown).</p>
<p>◆ Starting with bottom section, create a ponytail at the nape of the neck, and then roll entire the ponytail upwards and pin horizontally for a tube effect. Secure with pins.</p>
<p>◆ Next, roll the middle section horizontally and pin underneath into the bottom roll.</p>
<p>◆ Lightly tease the top section for extra volume. Then, roll vertically (similar to a downward French twist) and pin into the middle roll.</p>
<p>◆ Finish with Moroccanoil Luminous Hairspray Strong for long-lasting hold and Moroccanoil Glimmer Shine for a photo-ready, red carpet finish.</p>


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