Salon News Asia
萬眾期待的地下美髮集會NOISE再次回歸,告別龐克氣氛濃厚的東倫敦,今年攻佔王公貴族雲集的西敏,舉辦於Pall Mall,鄰近白金漢宮、大笨鐘等知名地標,讓當代美髮藝術氣息吹進莊嚴肅穆的倫敦市區。

#英國 #Noise
萬眾期待的地下美髮集會NOISE再次回歸,告別龐克氣氛濃厚的東倫敦,今年攻佔王公貴族雲集的西敏,舉辦於Pall Mall,鄰近白金漢宮、大笨鐘等知名地標,讓當代美髮藝術氣息吹進莊嚴肅穆的倫敦市區。
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/115/146/_e0p8627.jpg?1612171464424" alt="_e0p8627" /></p>
<p>Returning for the fifth year, Richard Ashforth's NOISE took over the Institute of Contemporary Arts on Pall Mall, bringing its edgy, underground hairdressing vibe to the Queen's neighbourhood!</p>
<p>NOISE was created to share knowledge, passion and inspiration, connecting the viewer to the performer with more of a 'pop up' feel rather than a formally staged show, pushing the hairdressing industry forward and taking creativity to a whole new level. The last minute announcements of artists and venue purely on social media give the whole event an 'unexpected feel', as much for the audience as for the artists!</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">七組團隊輪番上陣 令人屏息的精采演出</div>
<p>NOISE創辦人Richard Ashforth領軍的SACO團隊與模特兒上台,引人注目的鮮明色彩呈現品牌精神,團隊更直接示範最精髓的精靈剪髮;波蘭團隊Jaga Huplo先以誇張的「安全帽」髮型開場,在拿下這頂假髮,露出截然不同風格的髮型,再次造型後呈現全新風貌,在短短的15分鐘裡創作三款造型,讓觀眾大飽眼福。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/115/146/_e0p7999.jpg?1612171498851" alt="_e0p7999" /></p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/115/146/jaga_huplo.jpg?1612171515410" alt="jaga_huplo" /></p>
<p>The SACO team kicked off the proceedings with their three striking colour models ensconced in huge branded jumpsuits, before the team finished off their SACO signature textured pixie crops live on stage. Polish team Jaga Huplo then brought their models to the stage (complete with NOISE hair wefts covering their faces), cutting the hair to create an exaggerated 'hair helmet' before removing these to reveal completely different looks underneath! New headpieces were then added again to change the look once more.</p>
<p>睽違已久,外景造型師Tyler Johnson再次回到NOISE的舞台,以不規則的參差剪裁,創造頹廢酷感,兩位模特兒分別展示男孩短髮和鮑伯髮型,配上鮮紅的繪圖紅唇與眉毛,舞台效果十足;來自克羅埃西亞的Zgat同樣示範短髮剪裁,只是他們以削刀創造乾淨整齊的邊緣線,搭配鮮豔色彩,創造完美平衡; Mark Anderson和來自哥本哈根的Creademic攜手合作,當他們揭下模特兒霓虹色的面罩後,隨即露出藏在安全帽下的三款粉霧色系鮑伯短髮,隨著削刀快速飛舞,創作出精彩的短髮造型。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/115/146/_e0p8341.jpg?1612171550286" alt="_e0p8341" /></p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/115/146/_e0p8327.jpg?1612171586691" alt="_e0p8327" /></p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/115/146/_e0p8421.jpg?1612171617214" alt="_e0p8421" /></p>
<p>Returning to the NOISE stage this year, session stylist Tyler Johnson created a jagged pixie crop to enhance the cool, dirty blonde of his model's hair, with a short, sharp bob and jagged fringe cut into his other model &ndash; both with cartoon cut out lips and heavy eyebrows. Croatian team Zgat then took over the stage creating their signature style of powerful balances and clean lines with a beautiful, deep pink, razor sharp crop on one model, balanced with a beautifully shiny, clean blonde asymmetric bob on the other. Mark Anderson and the Creademic team from Copenhagen then brought their models to the stage wearing neon visors and strategically placed NOISE tape to showcase their Rebel collection. With the visors lifted, three pastel coloured bobs were revealed, which were then chopped and razored for a dramatic finish.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/115/146/x_presion.jpg?1612171656892" alt="x_presion" /></p>
<p>The eagerly anticipated entrance of Spanish team and NOISE regulars, Xpresion, then followed, bringing with it the theatre and spectacle this team are renowned for. Presenting their Pollution collection, two models appeared on stage before the team joined them and 'dressed down' their hair, backcombing, slicing and pinning. The finale of Xpresion's show saw a male model appear on the stage where the team painted and sprinkled ash over his hair before he produced dry ice from his collar!</p>
<p>最後擔任壓軸的正是美髮界傳奇大師Tim Hartley,以他獨到的藝術眼光,替男模造型出如中古畫作裡的金色捲髮,和女模一頭不對襯的短髮粉色鮑伯,精采的技巧示範讓人目不轉睛。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/115/146/_e0p8667.jpg?1612171686245" alt="_e0p8667" /></p>
<p>Closing the show, NOISE stalwart and industry legend Tim Hartley presented with his usual artistic flair and created his signature beautiful looks on different models to the norm. A beautiful blonde perm looked incredible on his male model, while an elegant mature model arrived on the stage with an incredible pink hue which was chopped and undercut to an asymmetric, short bob live on stage.</p>
<p>最後,NOISE的創辦人Richard Ashforth表示,今年的演出實在令人驚豔,難能一見的靈感與藝術流動在每段演出,堅強的團隊陣容更是頸上添花。「很可惜這次的場地無法容納更多人,我們甚至得拒絕一些人入場,只好說明年請早!」</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/115/146/_e0p8163.jpg?1612171730457" alt="_e0p8163" /></p>
<p>Of the event, organiser Richard Ashforth said: "It was incredible! The very exclusive and special venue added to the electric vibe of the night, and the amazing teams we had this year created such a buzz. The night was a complete sell out &ndash; we even had to turn people away &ndash; get there early next year so you don't miss out!</p>


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