Salon News Asia
Oribe Canales
以追求完美著稱的ORIBE創辦人Oribe Canales 於12月17日逝世,年僅62歲(9. 13. 1956 – 12. 17. 2018)。根據《紐約時報》引述他的配偶Zaki Amin的聲明,Oribe於11月至紐約接受癌症治療後,便患有肝臟與腎臟衰竭。Oribe的死訊震驚美髮、時尚圈,ORIBE官方翌日在Facebook粉絲專頁發布了悼念影片,引發千人轉發並紛紛留下hashtag「#oribeobsessed」、「#foreverobsessed」,感嘆美髮界痛失一位靈魂人物。

#Oribe Canales
以追求完美著稱的ORIBE創辦人Oribe Canales 於12月17日逝世,年僅62歲(9. 13. 1956 – 12. 17. 2018)。根據《紐約時報》引述他的配偶Zaki Amin的聲明,Oribe於11月至紐約接受癌症治療後,便患有肝臟與腎臟衰竭。Oribe的死訊震驚美髮、時尚圈,ORIBE官方翌日在Facebook粉絲專頁發布了悼念影片,引發千人轉發並紛紛留下hashtag「#oribeobsessed」、「#foreverobsessed」,感嘆美髮界痛失一位靈魂人物。
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<p>以追求完美著稱的ORIBE創辦人Oribe Canales 於12月17日逝世,年僅62歲(9. 13. 1956 &ndash; 12. 17. 2018)。根據《紐約時報》引述他的配偶Zaki Amin的聲明,Oribe於11月至紐約接受癌症治療後,便患有肝臟與腎臟衰竭。Oribe的死訊震驚美髮、時尚圈,ORIBE官方翌日在Facebook粉絲專頁發布了悼念影片,引發千人轉發並紛紛留下hashtag「#oribeobsessed」、「#foreverobsessed」,感嘆美髮界痛失一位靈魂人物。</p>
<p>Oribe Canales, the founder of ORIBE, who was known for his pursuit of perfection, died on December 17, at the age of 62 (9. 13. 1956 &ndash; 12. 17. 2018). According to the New York Times quoting, his husband, Zaki Amin's statement, Oribe suffered liver and kidney failure in a hospital after going to New York for cancer treatment in November.</p>
<p>Oribe's death shocked the hairdressing and fashion industries. ORIBE officially released a memorial video on the Facebook fan page the following day, causing thousands of people&rsquo;s sharing, leaving the hashtag "#oribeobsessed" and "#foreverobsessed", lamenting that the hairdressing industry lost a talented soul.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">八九○時尚大牌御用造型師 超級名模製造機</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2019/128/40/oribe_in_front_of_the_palms_marquee_2.jpg?1612340970552" alt="oribe_in_front_of_the_palms_marquee_2" /></p>
<p>Oribe出生於古巴哈瓦那(Havana, Cuba),1976年發跡於美國紐約。在80年末、90年初,那個流行誇張髮型、大墊肩的年代,Oribe曾經為Versace、Thierry Mugler、Calvin Klein、Chanel等高級精品品牌擔任時裝週後台造型師,並與彩妝師Fran&ccedil;ois Nars、攝影師Steven Meisel、造型師Carlyne Cerf de Dudzeele合作,幫助許多模特兒改造,使他們登上事業的巔峰。他更因為幫名模Linda Evangelista、Cindy Crawford創造出專屬她們的經典造型,而聲名大噪。</p>
<p>Oribe was born in Havana, Cuba, and first made his name in 1976 in New York, USA. In the late 80s and early 90s, the era of exaggerated hairstyles and large shoulder pads, Oribe served as a fashion week backstage stylist for leading high-end brands, such as Versace, Thierry Mugler, Calvin Klein and Chanel.</p>
<p>In the meantime Oribe collaborated with makeup artist, Fran&ccedil;ois Nars, photographer, Steven Meisel, and stylist, Carlyne Cerf de Dudzeele, in helping many models transform, bringing them to the top of their careers. He was also famous for creating classic, iconic styles for Linda Evangelista and Cindy Crawford.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">創立全球首支同名精品髮品品牌</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2019/128/40/oribe_cfda_163.jpg?1612341151682" alt="oribe_cfda_163" /></p>
<p>「我們把ORIBE當高級時尚精品品牌在經營,因為它本身就是。」2009年,ORIBE的誕生成為美髮市場上首支推出奢侈護髮產品的品牌,高級精工的產品研發、無法被複製的獨有高級感促使ORIBE成為讓人追隨的夢幻精品;創辦人Oribe結合自己在美髮界超過35年以上的傳統造型基本功與最新的尖端科技,讓ORIBE全系列產品保留了最正統的產品型態,更創造了突破性的極致效果及頭髮質地的細微變化。穿梭於外景工作、名人顧客(Jennifer Lopez、Lady Gaga、Naomi Campbell、Kate Moss等&hellip;)以及沙龍現場工作長達30年以上,Oribe對於時尚的見解已經超乎他在職業生涯上的深度與廣度。</p>
<p>"We have always treated OHC like a luxury fashion house (because we are)." In 2009, ORIBE became the first brand in the hairdressing market to introduce luxury hair care products. The sense of high quality has made ORIBE a dream product to follow; Oribe, the founder, combines his more than 35-year hairdressing skills with the latest, cutting-edge technology; therefore, the full range of ORIBE products retains the most orthodox product type and delivers breakthrough effects and subtle changes in hair texture.</p>
<p>30 years of working as a session, celebrity customers(Jennifer Lopez, Lady Gaga, Naomi Campbell, Kate Moss, etc.,) salon stylist, Oribe's insights into fashion had exceeded his depth and breadth in his career.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">巨星成名背後推手 無懼無私的啟蒙教師</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2019/128/40/oribe_and_models.jpg?1612341276068" alt="oribe_and_models" /></p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2019/128/40/oribe_1162.jpg?1612341610478" alt="oribe_1162" /></p>
<p>時尚圈名人Naomi Campbell、Cindy Crawford、Heidi Klum、Adriana Lima、Emily Ratajkowski、Miley Cyrus等也在社群發文表達對於Oribe才華的敬佩,Oribe的熱情、幽默使她們不只視Oribe為同事更是她們會永遠懷念的摯友。與Oribe合作10年之久的美國流行音樂天后Jennifer Lopez則在Instagram上感性地寫下她與Oribe的追憶:「我16歲的時候對翻閱雜誌很著迷,那時候我只要看到令人驚豔的髮型,往下找髮型師總會看到一個名字『Oribe』&hellip;&hellip;過幾年後,當我在製作第一張專輯要拍攝封面時,我立刻就想到要找Oribe來當我的設計師。」Jennifer Lopez更表示是Oribe使她蛻變成世界知名的JLO。</p>
<p>Fashion celebrities Naomi Campbell, Cindy Crawford, Heidi Klum, Adriana Lima, Emily Ratajkowski, Miley Cyrus, etc. also expressed their admiration for Oribe's talents in the community. Oribe's enthusiasm and humor make them not only see Oribe as a working partner but also a friend who will always be missed.</p>
<p>Jennifer Lopez who had worked with Oribe closely for 10 years, emotionally wrote down her recollections of Oribe on Instagram: "When I was 16 I was fascinated with Vogue magazine I would ride on the train and look at all the images of the supermodels and I was obsessed with the hair!! When I saw an image I loved I would check who did it and it was always someone named Oribe... Wow... he&rsquo;s amazing I would think!! Cut to years later I was making my first album. I started working with Benny Medina and he said to me we have to do an album cover shoot who do you want for hair and makeup... honestly I was so new to the industry I knew no one and remembered my time flipping thru those magazines on the 6 and said ummm Oribe and Kevin Aucoin...&rdquo;</p>
<p>Jennifer Lopez even said that Oribe was the one who helped her blossom into JLO.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2019/128/40/dsc_0506.jpg?1612341473049" alt="dsc_0506" /></p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2019/128/40/img_9171.jpg?1612341673006" alt="img_9171" /></p>
<p>Oribe無懼、無私的精神帶給這世代許多髮型師遠大的影響,他的門徒Kien Hoang、Dan Nguyen、Adam Livermore分別都在自己的社群網站打上訃聞向Oribe致意。Dan:「你的精神激勵我變得更好,你的光芒和從容不迫有著相當的渲染力,每當我想到你總提醒著我更於熱愛生命的美好。」Adam:「真正慷慨的精神是極為罕見的。你散發一種非常特別的魔法能夠提升任何人事物到他們最優雅、最性感、最反骨、最有趣、最令人渴望、最具視覺衝擊的狀態。然而你從來不為己利藏私,將你的魔法投射到每個你所到的地方&hellip;&hellip;我會永遠感激你鼓勵我放手一博去突破,你讓人相信沒有什麼是不可能的。很多人渴望和你一樣,但你是無法取代的。不管你現在去了哪裡,你所在的地方都會因為你變得更美好。」</p>
<p>Oribe's fearless, selfless spirit has brought a great influence to a generation of hairstylists. His disciples, Kien Hoang, Dan Nguyen, and Adam Livermore all saluted to Oribe on their own social networking pages.</p>
<p>"Your spirit inspired me to be better. You had such flare and poise that was intoxicating. I fall in love with life and its beauty that much more when I think of you." Dan Nguyen</p>
<p>" True generosity of spirit is exceptionally rare. You radiated a very special kind of magic that could elevate anything or everyone to its most elegant, most sexy, most rebellious, most fun, most covetable, and most striking. And yet, rather than saving all that magic for yourself and your own advancement, you blasted it outward in every direction&hellip;&hellip;I will always be grateful to you for making anything and everything seem possible. You made so many aspire to be just like you, but you are irreplaceable. Whenever you&rsquo;ve gone to now will become more beautiful than it ever was before. And while it hurts so bad to say goodbye, I say it with a deeply grateful heart." Adam Livermore</p>


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