Salon News Asia
Pascal van Loenhout

#Pascal van Loenhout
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<p>Pascal van Loenhout曾於2009年獲得比利時年度髮型師,在安特衛普擁有一間美髮沙龍與剪髮學院,為比利時頗負盛名的髮型師,然而不止國內,Pascal在韓國也有18間沙龍分店。擅長各種剪髮技巧,Pascal稱呼自己為專職剪髮者,獨到的美學品味和傑出的技巧帶領他在美髮界屢有突破。</p>
<p>Pascal Van Loenhout is one of the well-known hairdressers in Belgium and even the world. He owns a salon and an academy back home in Antwerp and also 18 salons in South Korea. Saying himself as a &ldquo;cutter&rdquo;, he has such a talented vibe in his works and led him to the position he has got now.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">自幼耳濡目染 發揮潛藏於血液裡的美髮因子</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/110/42/p8.jpg?1612339967207" alt="p8" /></p>
<p>Pascal has a mother who opened her salon at 18, and according to his own words, he was literally being milked by his mom&rsquo;s clients and grew up in the salon. The genetic reason could be why he has such passion and good taste on hairdressing. However, it wasn&rsquo;t until he was 14 when he started to have interest in hairdressing.</p>
<p>&ldquo;I was very rebellious and a bit problematic teenager, I knew I was creative but I didn&rsquo;t know what to do with it.&rdquo; He says. Back then, he just took the easiest path &ndash; becoming a hairdresser which he will always have his mom to rely on.</p>
<p>Though it wasn&rsquo;t a great motivation, he still went to school and actually did well. Everything just happened naturally, like it was in his blood from the beginning. &ldquo;I can cut hair even before I can blow dry.&rdquo; He then explains, &ldquo;I love the longevity of cutting hair, unlike blow dry, a nice haircut could last for at least 6 weeks.&rdquo; He was so obsessed with cutting hair, even the sound of chipping wet hair seems amazing to him.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">飛往倫敦追尋心中渴望已久的答案</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/110/42/P60.jpg?1612340067545" alt="P60" /></p>
<p>After finishing his apprenticeship at some other salon, he went to work at his mom&rsquo;s salon and has become successful. However, there&rsquo;s a hole inside his heart which made him very unhappy. &ldquo;I didn&rsquo;t feel confident deep in my heart. I didn&rsquo;t think myself being good enough.&rdquo; In order to get rid of that feeling, he started on a search by going to London in 1991.</p>
<p>&ldquo;I went to Sassoon, and I will never forget the first five minute for me to expose to Sassoon.&rdquo; That&rsquo;s the moment when he has found the thing that he has been looking for.</p>
<p>&ldquo;I felt like there&rsquo;s something in my head had been turned on from that very moment.&rdquo; To complete his pursuing on knowledge, he went back home, drove his mom crazy and went back to London four times a year. Eventually, the more often he went, the hungrier he became. He then realized there&rsquo;s only one solution &ndash; settle himself to live at there.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">帶著滿滿收獲回到家鄉重新開始</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/110/42/p4.jpg?1612340245810" alt="p4" /></p>
<p>在倫敦美髮界打滾多年後,Pascal加入Toni&amp;Guy追求更穩定的成長,他努力不懈地爬到全球僅有5位的國際藝術總監之位,年復一年的巡迴全球的表演和教學,甚至是站在倫敦皇家亞伯特音樂廳舞台上,對著5000位觀眾演示剪髮技巧,Pascal形容自己已經沒有任何未竟之事,這一刻彷彿所有的夢想清單都已經悄悄打勾。這讓他開始思考未來之路,於是他在告別陪伴他10 年的Toni&amp;Guy,帶著滿滿的收獲回到家鄉比利時,成立沙龍與學院,對此他表示「我不希望自己只是經營一間沙龍,我想要的是創造一個品牌,打一片屬於我的天下。」</p>
<p>He spent most of his career in London being surrounded by greater hairdressers and thinking about hairdressing 247. He worked himself up to international art director of Toni&amp;Guy where he has deeply influenced by Anthony Mascolo. &ldquo;I love this man&rsquo;s great personality and the way he makes technic into something really cool.&rdquo;</p>
<p>Pascal traveled all over the world and did some seminars and shows. There was also a moment that he did a show in Royal Albert Hall in London with 5,000 audience. He had a really successful career until he came to a point that all the boxes had been ticked.</p>
<p>帶著遠大的理想,Pascal回到競爭激烈的家鄉,一切從零開始,在2007年成立Hair by van Loenhout。少了過往待在大公司隨手可得的資源,Pascal在創業初期經歷不少挫折,光是要找到適合的人才就以煞費苦心,更別說建立一個強壯的團隊,培養屬於Hair by van Loenhout的作品。當他在兩年後獲得比利時年度最佳髮型師時,彷彿向全世界證明了自己,這座獎項給予象徵著他當時最需要的肯定。</p>
<p>Therefore, he decided to take all the expertise he has gathered back to his root Belgium and open his business in 2007. &ldquo;I wanted to really start a brand rather than just open a hairdressing salon.&rdquo; Starting all over again from zero without the resource a big company has, everything became hard. It did take some time for him and the team to find their way and built up a strong team.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">貴人相助 事業版圖擴及亞洲</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/110/42/p1.jpg?1612340323174" alt="p1" /></p>
<p>2011年,正在籌備課程的Pascal突然接到一通電話,這通他等待很久、久到都忘了的電話。電話另一端是Pascal在倫敦熟識的髮型師,這位來自韓國首爾的髮型師曾許諾Pascal,「總有一天,我會打一通特別的電話給你。」事隔多年,Pascal早已把這件事拋在腦後,沒想到這位韓國友人竟帶著一個計劃飛來安特衛普,向他提議在韓國開設Hair by van Loenhout的分店,「他是一位你無法向他說不的人,我不知道這麼縝密的計劃花了他多少時間,但我只回答『好,我加入』Pascal如此形容當時的狀況,而這個計劃也在未來四年一一實現,他們很快的在頭三年成立15間沙龍,更於2015年新成立了3間,足跡遍佈韓國各大城鎮。</p>
<p>4 years ago, Pascal got a call from an acquaintance who he met back in London. They two had a quite strange conversation when Pascal was about to leave. This Korean guy told Pascal that he will one day give him &ldquo;that kind of call&rdquo;, Pascal had totally no idea what he was talking about then. After many years, he finally got the call and found out this guy had a whole plan of inviting his brand to South Korea. Owning to this visionary guy, Pascal opened 15 salons in 3 years.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">與Kevin Murphy惺惺相惜 創造全新剪髮學派</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/110/42/mickey_is_bleeding.jpg?1612340393757" alt="mickey_is_bleeding" /></p>
<p>懂得賞識Pascal才華的人還有國際知名外景造型大師Kevin Murphy。Pascal和Kevin多年前在一場秀的後台相遇,互相交換著美髮理念和作品,兩人相談甚歡。同樣喜歡自然、輕盈、不矯揉造作的造型,他們對於現有的剪髮技術與工具都不慎滿意,在多番電話往來後,Kevin飛往比利時與Pascal會合,抱持著「要做,就要創新」的決心,兩人花了一週的時間構思出了CUT.ME的完整概念。</p>
<p>His talent has also been seen by Kevin Murphy, the famous Session Stylist and owner of KEVIN.MURPHY. They met at the backstage of a show back in London. They really get well on personal level and they both have a taste on hairdressing. Both of them don&rsquo;t enjoy using razor to get the effortless and weightless looking, which links them together to create the concept of CUT.ME. Kevin said to him that &ldquo;If we do what other people are doing, it will be pointless. If we are doing this, then it must be innovative and different.&rdquo;</p>
<p>They started working on the idea two and half years ago, &ldquo;Kevin really shook me out of my comfort zone.&rdquo; Kevin made Pascal did so many things with the special scissors which he has never done for the past 21 years in his career. &ldquo;It was more of how you think differently because of the curve of the blade.&rdquo; He explained.</p>
<p>&ldquo;CUT.ME is an innovative, fashion led, wash and wear haircut.&rdquo; It requires certain level of skill combined with a whole new pattern of thinking and the right tool is also important. It&rsquo;s an addition to what hairdressers already know but could benefit their cutting skill. Pascal strongly believes CUT.ME could give the hairdressers more inspiration and motivation to get them excited again which is exactly the clients need to see in a salon.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">不妄想一步登天 穩扎穩打的一步步走到現在</div>
<p>To share his story of becoming success, Pascal says he gave himself years of time to become who he is right now. And that kind of patient is in fact what our young generation lack. &ldquo;They try to run before they can even walk, they don&rsquo;t allow experience and time to make them better.&rdquo; It&rsquo;s sad to see they forget what they have to undergo to become stronger. So Pascal is very excited to be in Taiwan and see how humble and eager the hairdressers are in Taiwan.</p>
<p>Pascal now has his boxes reopened with ambition to open a few more salons around the world and being recognized to be very influential and successful in education. He also hopes that one day, when time and financially available, he could pick up camera and do some photo shooting someday.</p>


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