Salon News Asia
Patrick Cameron
享譽國際的長髮造型大師Patrick Cameron,不但是造型趨勢的領導創造者,更是設計師、教育者、舞台表演的實踐家。他20年來與威娜合作無間,屢次親任全球威娜流行趨勢預告與趨勢大賞、P&G Salon Professional Hairworld主持人,絕佳的舞台魅力讓觀眾如癡如醉。除了個人成就外,他累積了無數創作、髮型秀、出版書籍、DVD等,作品超越了文化與語言。他的學校Patrick Cameron School曾獲巴黎Intercoiffure Best World Academy Award全球最佳學院獎,其對長髮造型的創意與教育貢獻無人能出其右,堪稱當代最有影響力的設計師之一。

#Patrick Cameron
享譽國際的長髮造型大師Patrick Cameron,不但是造型趨勢的領導創造者,更是設計師、教育者、舞台表演的實踐家。他20年來與威娜合作無間,屢次親任全球威娜流行趨勢預告與趨勢大賞、P&G Salon Professional Hairworld主持人,絕佳的舞台魅力讓觀眾如癡如醉。除了個人成就外,他累積了無數創作、髮型秀、出版書籍、DVD等,作品超越了文化與語言。他的學校Patrick Cameron School曾獲巴黎Intercoiffure Best World Academy Award全球最佳學院獎,其對長髮造型的創意與教育貢獻無人能出其右,堪稱當代最有影響力的設計師之一。
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<p>享譽國際的長髮造型大師Patrick Cameron,不但是造型趨勢的領導創造者,更是設計師、教育者、舞台表演的實踐家。他20年來與威娜合作無間,屢次親任全球威娜流行趨勢預告與趨勢大賞、P&amp;G Salon Professional Hairworld主持人,絕佳的舞台魅力讓觀眾如癡如醉。除了個人成就外,他累積了無數創作、髮型秀、出版書籍、DVD等,作品超越了文化與語言。他的學校Patrick Cameron School曾獲巴黎Intercoiffure Best World Academy Award全球最佳學院獎,其對長髮造型的創意與教育貢獻無人能出其右,堪稱當代最有影響力的設計師之一。</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">起步雖晚 熱情無敵</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2012/87/76/%E5%A4%A7%E5%B8%AB%E9%9D%A2%E5%B0%8D%E9%9D%A2-patrick_cameron%E5%85%A7%E6%96%87%E9%85%8D%E5%9C%96__12_.jpeg?1612496498605" alt="大師面對面-patrick_cameron內文配圖__12_" /></p>
<p>Patrick didn&rsquo;t always want to be a hairdresser so at the age of 23 he started his training. When he left school, music and art were his passions and he was working as a graphic artist when by chance he passed a hairdressing salon in his home town, New Plymouth New Zealand. &ldquo;I called in to see if they did hairdressing courses. Hairdressing was something I had always been interested in. Needless to say I started an 8,000 hour apprenticeship, loved it, and ended up staying for 8 years.&rdquo; He entered every hairdressing competition going in his area and achieved what he wanted. At the time most of his female clients had long hair and wanted to keep it that way. He was never happy just trimming and blow drying and used to dress the hair &ldquo;up&rdquo; whenever he got the chance. This was something he found he could really excel in and it wasn&rsquo;t long before he was getting all the wedding appointments and party looks.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">感謝家人導師 一路支持</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2012/87/76/%E5%A4%A7%E5%B8%AB%E9%9D%A2%E5%B0%8D%E9%9D%A2-patrick_cameron%E5%85%A7%E6%96%87%E9%85%8D%E5%9C%96__2_.jpeg?1612496548428" alt="大師面對面-patrick_cameron內文配圖__2_" /></p>
<p>Patrick分享了一件趣事,早在他入行受訓前,就常常拿家人的頭髮做練習。有一次他把祖母的頭髮剪太短,短到甚至無法上小捲子。「但是祖母後來跟我的老師說,我幫她剪了超完美髮型。事實上我剪的真的是她有史以來最醜的一顆頭。我真的愛死我的家人了!」此外,Patrick職業生涯中最重要的人是一位紐西蘭的知名教育家Lyndsay Loveridge女士。「Lyndsay是鼓勵我成為髮型師的幕後推手,是位令我讚嘆不已的女性,這麼多年後,她仍然是我的心靈導師。」</p>
<p>When he first entered hairdressing and before he was fully trained, he used to practice his skills on his family. An unforgettable experience was cutting his grandmother&rsquo;s hair so short he couldn't get the smallest perm roller to stay in. &ldquo;However, my grandmother said to my trainer that I had given her a wonderful haircut (even though it was the worst haircut she had ever had). I love my family.&rdquo; And the biggest influences on Patrick in his hairdressing career came from a lady called Lyndsay Loveridge who is one of New Zealand&rsquo;s&rsquo; top educators. &ldquo;She was the person who encouraged me to become a hairdresser and she is an amazing lady and still a mentor of mine all these years later.&rdquo;</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">舞台經驗啟蒙 開啟長髮藝術之路</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2012/87/76/%E5%A4%A7%E5%B8%AB%E9%9D%A2%E5%B0%8D%E9%9D%A2-patrick_cameron%E5%85%A7%E6%96%87%E9%85%8D%E5%9C%96__8_.jpeg?1612496580504" alt="大師面對面-patrick_cameron內文配圖__8_" /></p>
<p>Patrick has been widely acknowledged as the long hair expert. How did long hair come to be his interest? He replied, &ldquo;I have always loved long hair. I used to love watching old black and white movies particularly those of the 1950&rsquo;s and 60&rsquo;s. I loved the way Hollywood stars wore their hair and so I would try and copy these looks when I was training.&rdquo;</p>
<p>However, it was not until he moved to London that he realized that not every hairdresser could style long hair &lsquo;updo&rsquo;s. Back in the 1980&rsquo;s he was working at a large exhibition and had been booked to do a main stage performance. &ldquo;I did some hair cuts and then I finished my presentation by styling some long hair work. To make the show more exciting I asked for the music to be turned up louder and I started to create long hair &lsquo;updo&rsquo;s&rsquo; to the music. For me this was quite simple but I did rather amaze myself that I could do this with such ease and dexterity. The audience loved it and after I left the stage one of Wella&rsquo;s managers gave me a little bit of advice that I have never forgotten. He said that I should think about specializing in long hair. I took his advice and am forever grateful to him.&rdquo;</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">結緣威娜20載 閃耀國際各大舞台</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2012/87/76/%E9%A0%81-82.jpeg?1612496614037" alt="頁-82" /></p>
<p>Patrick is one of Wella's most global platform artists and has traveled the world many times as Wella&rsquo;s ambassador and presented at some of their biggest hairdressing events. &ldquo;My relationship with Wella has shaped me into one of the most recognised names in our industry. My relationship with Wella is something I'm very proud of. It has been an unbelievable experience which works because we share the same vision. We are both passionate about hairdressing education. This is why I continue my incredible journey with Wella.&rdquo;</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">桃李滿天下 矢志幫助學員成功</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2012/87/76/%E5%A4%A7%E5%B8%AB%E9%9D%A2%E5%B0%8D%E9%9D%A2-patrick_cameron%E5%85%A7%E6%96%87%E9%85%8D%E5%9C%96__9_.jpeg?1612496636652" alt="大師面對面-patrick_cameron內文配圖__9_" /></p>
<p>榮獲過全球最佳學院獎的Patrick桃李滿天下。「教育是分享自己所知,幫助別人成長,尤其對現今業界更是重要。教育是推動所有事物前行的不二法門。」他的Patrick Cameron學校精於長髮造型藝術,「我們在倫敦的兩日小班課程,把我們的本事教給髮型師。一旦學會後,等於開起順暢無阻的長髮之門。兩天就能學到8種長髮造型,回去沙龍後馬上就能上手無憂!」</p>
<p>When asked about his philosophy of education, he replied &ldquo;Education is about sharing, about giving your ideas to other hairdressers to help them grow and in today&rsquo;s economy this has never been more important. Education is the only way forward in all areas of life.&rdquo; His Patrick Cameron School specializes in teaching the art of long hairdressing. &ldquo;We run 2 day courses in London where we teach small groups of hairdressers how to master my techniques. Once these techniques have been mastered there are no barriers to dressing long hair. We teach 8 new styles over the 2 days step-by-step. The students can then return to the salon with the knowledge to be able to dress their client&rsquo;s hair without apprehension.</p>
<p>He continued, &ldquo;The focus is always about technique and how to get the best out of long hair. My system allows myself and my art director Marco Erbi to give plenty of one to one tuition. All levels of experience attend, from makeup artists wanting to expand their skills through to very experienced hairdressers looking for new inspiration. We think I have everything covered, from traditional looks to bridal and up to date red carpet looks. We want our students to be able to return to their salons with a new confidence and to be able to offer their clients a new and profitable service.&rdquo;</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">著迷各國文化 靈感來自四面八方</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2012/87/76/%E9%A0%81-80.jpeg?1612499934934" alt="頁-80" /></p>
<p>Patrick also shares that visiting a wide variety of places such as Russia, all European countries, the USA, Asia and the Far East and of course his native New Zealand provides so much inspiration. &ldquo;I&rsquo;m intrigued by native traditions, I then fuse this together with street fashion and a touch of haute couture to create classic long hair looks with a contemporary twist. My inspiration come from far and wide.&rdquo; Finally, talking about future aspiration that he is going to fulfilled, Patrick indicates that like all hairdressers there are things that he would like to achieve both on a professional and personal level. &ldquo;I am one of those people who feel there is always something to do and I am no different from a lot of my fellow professionals - hairdressers are workaholics. I am blessed to do the job I do and I hope to continue to do what I do for a while yet. I can ask for nothing more.&rdquo;</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">關於Patrick Cameron</div>
<p>2011 May &ndash; National Hairdressers Federation: Celebrity Hairdresser of the Year 2011</p>
<p>2010 November &ndash; Intercoiffure: Best World Academy of the Year</p>
<p>2009 June &ndash; Irish Hairdressers Federation: International icon award 2009</p>
<p>2006 October</p>
<p>&ndash; OMAT (organisation mundial de artes tecnicas)</p>
<p>&ndash; International Habia Spain Award</p>
<p>&ndash; Fellowship for British Hairdressing: Fellow with Honours</p>
<p>&ndash; Fellowship of British Hairdressing: Fellow with Distinction</p>
<p>2004 June &ndash; Hairdressers Guild Outstanding Commitment and Contribution to Hairdressing</p>


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