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Paul Mitchell 全球首席藝術總監 Robert Cromeans
「我們設計師從來不犯錯的,我們只是不斷有新發現!」“As stylists, we never make mistakes. We make discovery!”—Paul Mitchell全球創意總監Robert Cromeans。

#PAUL MITCHELL #Robert Cromeans
「我們設計師從來不犯錯的,我們只是不斷有新發現!」“As stylists, we never make mistakes. We make discovery!”—Paul Mitchell全球創意總監Robert Cromeans。
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<p>Robert Cromeans是個業界中充滿傳奇性的名字,也是知名的舞台表演藝術家。他是John Paul Mitchell Systems的全球創意總監,是五間知名的Robert Cromeans沙龍擁有者,也是Paul Mitchell聖地牙哥與拉斯維加斯學院、AMULLET製作公司的合夥人。他的原創藝術與成功的經營之道鼓舞了全球不計其數的設計師。很少有享譽國際的大師像他這樣至今仍致力與人分享成功之道。這個充滿舞台魅力的蘇格蘭人總是用鼓勵性的語言,去傳達藝術創作與企業經營的信念。他常跟自己的沙龍團隊一起旅行並從事教育。Robert講求突破性與效率的技術,加上他獨特的溝通技巧,協助全球無數的設計師更樂於投身髮藝同時獲得更多報酬。Salon Business雜誌曾稱其銳利又獨到,擁有不凡的商業思維。</p>
<p>Robert Cromeans, a legendary platform artist and industry icon. John Paul Mitchell Systems? Global Artistic Director, Hairdresser, Proud owner of 5 A Robert Cromeans Salons, and co/owner of Paul Mitchell The School San Diego and Las Vegas, co/owner of AMULLETPRODUCTION. Robert Cromeans&rsquo; innovative artistry and proven business strategies inspire hairdressers around the globe.</p>
<p>Few have achieved such international acclaim, and fewer still have worked so hard to share the keys to success with others. From the platform the charismatic Scotsman always wraps his message of artistic innovation and contagious entrepreneurship in a package of encouragement. He is a strong rhetorician too, believing &ldquo;changing the word can change the results.&rdquo; This Glaswegian native constantly travels with his salon team to motivate and educate. Robert&rsquo;s groundbreaking and time-saving techniques, paired with his unique communication skills, teach hairdressers worldwide how to have more fun and make more money. &ldquo;Robert Cromeans&rsquo; mind is as sharp as the razor he wields, his ability is second to none, his honed business sense is focused and poised for uncompromising success!&rdquo; Marilyn Weijers, Salon Business Magazine said.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2011/80/44/80-44-007.jpg?1612846899431" alt="80-44-007" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">少年打工遇劫 矢志出人頭地</div>
<p>談到他何時踏入美髮界?Robert說那已經是25年前的事情了,當時他在美國田納西州的孟菲思市(Memphis)。他說,從16歲開始,成為設計師就是他的夢想。但是他一直到24歲時才進到美容美髮學院。2010年10月的Robert站在全球最大展會Salon International的舞台上,回憶起這一段,他說一開始他的母親覺得不體面,所以不支持他,於是他靠送達美樂比薩自力更生。有一天他送比薩時,客人拿槍指著他,叫他交?錢包,他就交出了身上僅有的35磅;然後又叫他脫掉褲子,他不願意,就被對方用槍打到不醒人事。此後他學到兩件事情:一是永遠要記得穿內褲;二是他決心要在美髮界?人頭地!</p>
<p>Robert entered the hair industry 25 years ago in Memphis TN. It was a dream of his since he was 16, but he didn&rsquo;t go to beauty school until he was 24. In his recent show on the stage of Salon International 2010 in London, Robert recalled that his mother was not all for this career decision back then, and he started to deliver Domino pizza to support himself for school. One day he delivered the pizza to a customer, and this guy pointed at him with a gun, asking him to turn in his wallet and take off his pants. Robert gave him the only 35 pounds he had in the pocket but refused to take off the pants. The guy knocked him out with the gun. After that Robert learned two lessons: One, he should always wear underwear and Two, he definitely wants to make his hairdressing career pay off!</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2011/80/44//80-44-004.jpg?1612846927118" alt="80-44-004" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">初出茅廬即獲獎 深受Paul Mitchell啟蒙</div>
<p>他入行最難忘的事情就是還在就讀美髮學院時,就以學生之姿贏得一場美髮大賽的冠軍。而在他職業生涯中啟蒙最大的人,當屬Paul Mitchell了,因為Paul Mitchell讓他感到,自己有能力完成不可能的任務!何謂一個好的設計師呢?Robert認為身為沙龍設計師,有三大必備要素:一是對服務細節的週到;二是專業技術;三是具備勇於改變的能力。</p>
<p>Another unforgettable experience when Robert first entered hair industry was that he won first place in a hair competition while still in beauty school. He also indicated that Paul Mitchell is the hairdresser that inspired him the most in his hairdressing career, because &ldquo;he made me feel that I could do impossible things!&rdquo; Robert also gave his definition of a good hairdresser. &ldquo;As a salon hairdresser 3 things that matter are: the attention to detail of the service, technical ability and always be the hairdresser that offers change.&rdquo;</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2011/80/44///80-44-002.jpg?1612846948462" alt="80-44-002" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">屢獲最佳設計師 鞭策自我不被遺忘</div>
<p>Robert is voted artist of the year seven years in a row by hairdressers nationwide. His secret of being a cutting edge hairdresser? &ldquo;It&rsquo;s not about being remembered; it&rsquo;s about not being forgotten. I personally like to take tremendous risk, and the audience seems to organically respond to this and each experience is truly individual!&rdquo;&hellip; In London, he amazed the audience with his color balloon section and stated, &ldquo;hair show is not about who is in the audience but enjoy doing what we love to do everyday. We celebrate colors as stylists. Color is always the first thing we see and the last thing to forget.&rdquo;</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2011/80/44////80-44-005.jpg?1612846968879" alt="80-44-005" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">用教育改革業界 鼓勵後輩參加競賽</div>
<p>Robert是Paul Mitchell聖地牙哥學院與拉斯維加斯學院的合夥人,對教育自有一番見解。「我相信物以類聚、眾志成城的力量。Paul Mitchell學院在美國的畢業生將達一萬三千人,想想這替美髮產業帶來多大的一股影響力。」對於參加比賽,他認為,「一些紀律和準則對於年輕設計師而言是好的。所以我認為參加競賽是一項好事。」</p>
<p>As a co-owner of Paul Mitchell The School San Diego and Las Vegas, Robert certainly has his own take on education. &ldquo;You are only as good as the people you get to hang around. The PMTS are currently graduating 13,000 Future Professionals in the US! This is having a huge impact on our industry.&rdquo; And he encourages hairdressers to join a competition. &ldquo;It is important as a young hairdresser to gain discipline and not all discipline pertains to how you section hair so yes I think competitions are good.&rdquo;</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2011/80/44/////80-44-003.jpg?1612846990898" alt="80-44-003" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">結合沙龍與品牌 注重內部文化</div>
<p>對於未來的計畫,Robert表示,「希望能在全球各地擁有1000家沙龍。」他的五間Robert Cromenas Salons是得獎常勝軍,經常被票選為年度最佳沙龍。對於想建立自己沙龍的設計師們,Robert建議,「重點在於連結與關係體制。我自己的沙龍都與Paul Mitchell有著密不可分的關係,這層關係能在沙龍內形成一股文化。這也能協助年輕老闆做出最佳的決策。」</p>
<p>The future aspiration?he is going to fulfill is &ldquo;owning 1000 salons worldwide.&rdquo; And his inspiration actually comes from solving problems. His 5 &ldquo;A Robert Cromeans Salons&rdquo; have been frequent award winners such as best of the best of the year. When asked to give some advice to the hairdressers who would like to establish their own salon, Robert responds, &ldquo;Affiliation&hellip;My salons are all affiliated with Paul Mitchell and this has created common knowledge in my salons. This can help young owners make great decisions!&rdquo;</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2011/80/44//////80-44-006.jpg?1612847008421" alt="80-44-006" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">團隊默契十足 講求合作溝通</div>
<p>Robert同時也擁有一批默契絕佳的合作夥伴。成員有身兼合夥人與John Paul Mitchell Systems教育部門的藝術總監Angus Mitchell、Paul Mitchell的藝術總監Stephanie Kocielski、Paul Mitchell專業染髮的藝術總監Scott Cole與Linda Yodice。談到如何跟他的藝術團隊一起創作,他說「溝通重於一切。無論是面對面、視訊與電話會議,還有一起拍攝作品與參加髮型秀,都是一種團隊合作。我的管理哲學是大家一起支援共同的創作!」最後,Robert推薦了一本書「成長」(Grow)給設計師閱讀,作者是Antony Whitaker。這本書不只是關於美髮,更是關於人生的重點與成功的要素,將有助於設計師的自我成長與實現。</p>
<p>Robert also has a fantastic artist team. Angus Mitchell is the co-owner and Artistic Director of Education for JPMS, Stephanie Kocielski Artistic Director of Paul Mitchell, Scott Cole and Linda Yodice Artistic Directors of Paul Mitchell Professional Hair Color. He works and creates with his artist team through &ldquo;communication, face to face and conference calls, video and photo shoots, hair shows.&rdquo; And his management philosophy is &ldquo;people help to support what they help to create!&rdquo; Finally, a book he would recommend for hairdresser to read is &ldquo;Grow&rdquo; by Antony Whitaker, which is not just about hairdressing but about life; it's a book about focusing on what it takes to succeed and what really matters.</p>


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