Salon News Asia
Peter Gray
Recognized for his exceptional cutting skills and lightness of touch, Peter Gray is among the world’s foremost hair stylists: a prolific image-maker revered in the fashion industry for his manically creative cutting techniques and technical excellence. He has worked with nearly every international Vogue publication as well as Harper’s Bazaar, Numero and too many others to mention.

##Peter Gray
Recognized for his exceptional cutting skills and lightness of touch, Peter Gray is among the world’s foremost hair stylists: a prolific image-maker revered in the fashion industry for his manically creative cutting techniques and technical excellence. He has worked with nearly every international Vogue publication as well as Harper’s Bazaar, Numero and too many others to mention.
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<p>善於創造影像中的視覺張力,讓每一張照片就如同一本故事書般的富有生命力,Peter Gray絕對是當今美髮界最具影響力與知名度的髮型師之一,以其精湛的剪髮技巧和絕佳的美學素養聞名全球。Peter涉足時尚界多年,他的作品幾乎上遍了所有國家出版的Vogue、Harper&rsquo;s Bazaar、Numero等雜誌,而在今年6月出刊的Marie Claire台灣版也能見到Peter細膩精彩的作品。</p>
<p>How people get into hair industry is actually interesting and sometime amusing. However, with so many interviews we&rsquo;ve done, Peter Gray definitely gets the best story to tell.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">路見不平的義舉意外成為髮型之路的導火線</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/112/64/p8.jpg?1612324686017" alt="p8" /></p>
<p>&ldquo;It all began with that crazy boarding school,&rdquo; Peter said.</p>
<p>Peter Gray was born in Zimbabwe but moved to South Africa with his parents due to a conflict that happened when he was 13. He then went to study at an all-boy boarding school after the relocation. Having a dad as a doctor and mom as a professor, becoming a hairdresser was never his plan.</p>
<p>當時的英式學校仍然有著嚴謹的髮禁,Peter 17歲時的某天,一位低年級的男孩因為頭髮過長被告誡要在晚餐前理好頭髮,不然就得挨鞭子,無奈這個男孩早已因為別的原因被禁足,根本無法離開學校,更遑論外出理髮。見到他因擔心被罰而坐立難安,Peter難掩心中的憤慨,便叫男孩乖乖坐在椅子上,一手拿剪刀一手拿梳子,剪了他人生中的第一顆頭。</p>
<p>One day, a younger junior boy who had been gated was told to get a haircut on Friday afternoon. Since the barber shop wasn&rsquo;t at school, the boy was about to get beaten if he didn&rsquo;t have his haircut by dinner time. Seeing how worried and scared the boy is, Peter was really frustrated and felt unfair. &ldquo;This is a really ridiculous situation,&rdquo; Peter thought, so he asked the boy to sit down. With a pair of scissor that came from the book room and a comb, Peter finished the very first haircut in his life. After that day, all the students were talking about that. &ldquo;Everybody thinks it was great like we beat the system!&rdquo; Next week, some other students asked Peter for a haircut. One after another, he ended up cutting almost 200 boys&rsquo; hair in a year.</p>
<p>&ldquo;We even made money with it!&rdquo; One of Peter&rsquo;s friends kept an appointment book for him so that he could cut four or five boys&rsquo; hair almost every single day at the shower room. The housemaster even taxed them.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">正式進入沙龍工作 以智取勝</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/112/64/p6.jpg?1612324891065" alt="p6" /></p>
<p>Because of what he did, he ended up knowing so many people. The lab technician heard from her two kids about what Peter was doing and introduced him to her husband who owned a salon in the city. &ldquo;I turned her down at first because I have no interested in working in a lady&rsquo;s hair salon. I really had a thing about hair salon; hairdresser is very special to me. When I was a kid, I only had my haircut at a barber shop with my granddad.&rdquo; However, that lab technician somehow persuaded him by saying&rdquo; You should try it!&rdquo;</p>
<p>Starting a Saturday job in a hair salon became Peter&rsquo;s vacation. He learnt from the award-winning owners and had a fun time at the salon. He managed product and make 10% of selling products. Peter made a good use of the time while shampooing and massage by telling a course of how to treat their hair. He made it very easy to sell the products and ended up winning all the prize that was given to the one who sells the most products.</p>
<p>&ldquo;It was an environment where everyone is very encouraged,&rdquo; He recalls, &ldquo;I think I really try to carry that now. It&rsquo;s so easy for someone to make you feel small. However, it&rsquo;s also easy for you to make someone feel good and help them to grow. That&rsquo;s always important to me that how did people back then had encouraged me of becoming who I am right now.&rdquo;</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">隻身飛往倫敦追逐美髮夢 深入了解美產業</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/112/64/p4.jpg?1612325056221" alt="p4" /></p>
<p>即便父母對於Peter想要走上全職髮型師的道路非常不贊同,Peter仍然一顧一切地離開南非,坐上飛往倫敦的飛機,為了堅持自己的夢想,他6年沒有回家也沒有和媽媽說話。他努力地進入美髮的最高殿堂 &ndash; Vidal Sassoon,更與許多知名的攝影師合作拍攝,已令人眼睛為之一亮的作品在1990年代闖出名號。</p>
<p>Despite his parents&rsquo; disapproval, Peter left for London to fulfill his dream. He rose to prominence at the end of the 1990&rsquo;s through innovative photographic partnerships with experimental fashion photographers that established Gray as a leading force in the field of creative hair.</p>
<p>Peter在Sassoon呆了15年之久,期間擔任Editorial Director,後來更進入產品部門,協助研發和包裝設計,更有幸獲得與沙宣本人面對面學習的機會,在這15年裡,讓Peter更了解了美髮界的生態,但龐大的工作也損耗了他的熱忱,他毅然離開沙宣,花了5年的時間浸淫在純然創作的領域,替自己充電,重獲動力的Peter受Aveda之邀,擔任International Editorial Consultant,站在環境保護的立場參與產品的研發製作,也在拍攝作品時給予意見,Peter直到2005年才離開Aveda,再次回到創作的懷抱。</p>
<p>Peter&rsquo;s career in hair was formed at Vidal Sassoon in London. &ldquo;It was kind of interesting because I have Vidal personally nurturing me for 5 or 6 years at Sassoon.</p>
<p>He usually came to the shows and gave me advice.&rdquo; Peter spent 15 years there as editorial director where he brought expertise and creative ideas to students and staff across the world, through teaching in their academies. After years of that, he was burnt out and back to doing pure creative or editorial for 5 years before he worked for Aveda.</p>
<p>&ldquo;You get to see this business from every different angle and understanding details</p>
<p>It&rsquo;s about creating a desire, attractive images that can allure people to buy it&rdquo; he said. After four years in Aveda, he took a long break and back into creative again.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">時尚界的工作就是有著講不完的瘋狂故事</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/112/64/p1.jpg?1612325260048" alt="p1" /></p>
<p>除此之外,在Peter多彩多姿的美髮生涯中,可有著說不完的精彩故事。他曾經一肩扛起世界超模Kate Moss,扛著她搭電梯衝到相片處理部門,只因為Kate Moss從未看過修圖的過程。Peter也曾經搭直升機從里約的海灘趕往機場,穿著夾拖、泳褲,手上拎著塑膠袋,狼狽的出現在頭等艙裡。講著這些故事,Peter下了一句很棒的結論,「時尚界就是每分每秒都在發生瘋狂事!」</p>
<p>He toured with the band Oasis for ten years on the north. He even got involved creatively in their videos and album sleeves. &ldquo;That was one of the most incredible moments as a hairdresser.&rdquo; Beside this, he also has so much fun time in this industry.</p>
<p>&ldquo;For fashion way is always fun and crazy,&rdquo; He once put the super model Kate Moss over his shoulder, head down, and carried her down into the retouching department just because Kate Moss has never seen a retouch. &ldquo;This is fashion, you have memories like that, crazy things happen every day.&rdquo;</p>
<p>There&rsquo;s also time that he had to take a helicopter from the beach to the airport at Rio because they were running too late to catch the flight and showed up in the first class with flip flop and swimming suit.</p>
<p>Being a world-known session stylist, Peter travels all day. &ldquo;It&rsquo;s an incredible ride. Though sometimes you just want to kill yourself when you have to stay at the airport lounge for 10 hours. Yet, in the other hand, 95% of the world population doesn&rsquo;t even get to be in the airport lounge. So I take it as a privilege.&rdquo;</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">即使站在世界之巔還是比多數人更努力奮鬥</div>
<p>Some might say he gets luck to get to where he is now. However, Peter is actually one of the most hard-working hairdressers in the world. &ldquo;I worked 322 days last year, I wouldn&rsquo;t say I&rsquo;m lucky,&rdquo; he continued, &ldquo;I try 100 more days than others. In three years, I will be a whole years ahead of somebody else. That&rsquo;s how lucky I am.&rdquo; Peter then shared his opinion on luck. &ldquo;Luck is two thing &ndash; preparation and lucky, you put these two together is luck. And you have to be fast to take it or someone else will.&rdquo;</p>
<p>Peter is now working with Moroccanoil as a consulting, &ldquo;It was a challenging environment for me again, I feel like I am so close to the top of the tree (management) that I can actually infect the company and make things happen.&rdquo;</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">平凡永遠不會與Peter Gray畫上等號</div>
<p>At every Noise we&rsquo;ve seen, we kept being surprised by what Peter had achieved. &ldquo;Noise is just too cool. I don&rsquo;t want to be the same as others, I want to be the one who do the same thing but in different ways. Normal is already there, why do I want to repeat it?&rdquo;</p>
<p>That also reflect his passion for editorial, &ldquo;It&rsquo;s a constantly evolution. People don&rsquo;t want to see the same, so we must try to involve newest things.&rdquo;</p>
<p>&ldquo;In hair industry, every day is fun, you just gotta find it and enjoy it. It&rsquo;s your attitude that makes a difference.&rdquo; This is the advice that came from a successful hairdresser to those who are in the same industry.</p>


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