Salon News Asia
Sharon Blain
Sharon Blain,美髮資歷53年,是一位獲獎無數的澳洲髮型師。她不僅出版過5本美髮書與52部相關影片,還經常受邀上電視節目,並成立Sharon Blain教育學院與開辦53個新銳髮型師訓練營…等等,被全球美髮圈譽為最神奇的「魔髮阿嬤」。

#Sharon Blain
Sharon Blain,美髮資歷53年,是一位獲獎無數的澳洲髮型師。她不僅出版過5本美髮書與52部相關影片,還經常受邀上電視節目,並成立Sharon Blain教育學院與開辦53個新銳髮型師訓練營…等等,被全球美髮圈譽為最神奇的「魔髮阿嬤」。
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<p>來自澳洲的Sharon Blain,從小就喜歡幫朋友剪剪頭髮、綁綁辮子,所以14歲時就已經立定志向要成為美髮人,並踏入了美髮圈,Sharon認為美髮跟繪畫很像,都是在揮灑創意。「透過我的手幫朋友做頭髮,讓她們因為頭髮改變而美麗、而有自信,這對我來說就是一件非常有魅力的事。」</p>
<p>I entered hairdressing industry when I was 14 years old. There was nothing else that I wanted to do. At first, I didn&rsquo;t know what it was, just loved doing my friend&rsquo;s hair, playing with hair. I thought it was very glamourous. It&rsquo;s just like painting, very creative.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">挫折不足以擊退對美髮懷抱的熱忱</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2017/120/62//p2_2%E9%81%B81-1_.jpg?1612346292044" alt="p2_2選1-1_" /></p>
<p>I made a mistake of not putting the laquer in, but disinfectant all though my client&rsquo;s hair. Then I got a sack. My boss gave me my bag, and I lost my job. I think the biggest problem that I had is being left handed. So I found very hard to learn because no one could teach me. Everything was all upside down, and very difficult for me to understand.</p>
<p>For me, as a hairdresser, I was self-trained. I have never been to college to learn my craft. So, I have spent so much money going to Sassoon, but also I spent so much time on training and practice, and even today I still practicing.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">希望父母以己為榮的強大動力</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2017/120/62///5.jpg?1612346399533" alt="5" /></p>
<p>&ldquo;I have five brothers and one sister. So, my father was very proud of his boys, but his daughters were not that important. My brothers were very successful in sports, and they were representing in hockey, etc.</p>
<p>I am a very high achiever, so I want them to feel proud of me. So, I didn&rsquo;t want to be a normal hairdresser every day.</p>
<p>四度得到澳洲Hair Expo-Educator of the Year及許許多多的獎項,談到比賽創作,Sharon表示,她只要鎖定目標後就會全力以赴,勢在必得。「從一開始,我就想要贏得獎項,想要成為最好的Sharon Blain。所以,我很嚴格的訓練自己,才有今天的成績。」擁有不輕言放棄個性的Sharon,遇到任何困難,都會試著克服。即使她只是看到一張Angelo Seminara的作品,她也會盡最大的努力,讓自己可以變得和他一樣卓越。</p>
<p>I want to win award. I am a person who never gives up. If I can&rsquo;t do this, I will try everything I could to train myself. Even if I see a picture, such as Angelo Seminara, I will just kill myself till my hair was as good as that picture.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">從零開始漸進精湛 得到髮型師的啟發</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2017/120/62////p1.jpg?1612346499636" alt="p1" /></p>
<p>「1965年,我還是個澳洲小鄉村的髮型師,花很多時間從澳洲飛到倫敦學習美髮。我也上當地的節目,是每周固定的嘉賓,每次花十分鐘的時間,為觀眾講解髮型,就這樣過了3年。幾年後,我結了婚,並開了一間自己的髮廊,原本只有一個員工,在一年後,快速成長為11名髮型師。」Sharon Blain如此說道。</p>
<p>In 1965, I was a county hairdresser, spending so much time traveling to London to learn hairdressing. I was also on local TV show. Each time I spent ten minutes to illustrate hairstyle to the audience for three years. Then, I got married, and have my own salon. At first, my salon had only one hairdresser, but one year later, it grew to</p>
<p>Sharon Blain和老公從鄉村地區搬到雪梨,在那裡遇見很多很棒的髮型師。而她也在那裏學到美髮比賽訣竅。Sharon Blain開始參加比賽、贏得比賽。一般人是演而優則唱,Sharon Blain則是髮而優則教。成為美髮教練後,Sharon Blain將自己沒上大學的缺憾,化成教學的動力,盡己所能的傾囊相授。並在之後開始寫美髮書,教導愛美的民眾髮型DIY的秘訣。</p>
<p>Then we moved to Syndey, there are so many wonderful hairdressers. I learned competition hairdressing at that time. Sharon took Sydney by storm, working at Stutts for three years. I started to win the competitions. Afterwards, I became a coach. I want to teach what I know to my students. Because I never been to college or learned hairdressing skills by a salon owner,I want to teach what I wanted to give them the best I can. Then I also started to write books.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">時刻充滿熱情能量 設定年度目標自我挑戰</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2017/120/62/////sharon_blain_hair_expo_2015_01_cmyk.jpg?1612346552661" alt="sharon_blain_hair_expo_2015_01_cmyk" /></p>
<p>對Sharon Blain來說,每個人生階段都很重要,但最重要的是,她一定會在每年的一月設定目標,今年的目標是得到美髮商業獎。Sharon Blain表示,如果她沒有盡全力實踐,會很討厭自己。Sharon Blain給設計師的建議是,給自己一個小挑戰,一定要讓自己每天都比昨天更好,人生才不枉然!</p>
<p>For me, each decade is important. I will set goals every year in January. If I don&rsquo;t put 100% into it, I will kill myself. Winning an award has different way. For example, young hairdressers should challenge yourself and let you become better than yesterday, so that you win.</p>
<p>Sharon Blain的座右銘是,讓每個來訪顧客,擁有最佳髮型。面對如此高的自我要求,Sharon Blain卻能讓自己時時保持能量,令人驚嘆不已。她分享祕訣就在於,對每件事情都充滿熱情。「每天早上起來,我都跟53年前一樣,對髮型充滿熱情,就像第一天上班一樣充滿期待。我第一次得獎時,完全沒想到會是自己,那是一個很難忘的美好經驗。」</p>
<p>My motto is very much like that, it like you come into a salon and do a beautiful haircut, and that person goes out looking absolutely beautiful. You will be so proud and happy. You have to keep your energy high for every single thing you do. So, you have to be passionate about everything. I still wake up every day and feel like it&rsquo;s the very first day to salon since fifty years ago.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">作品呈現戰亂內心世界 三大2017髮型趨勢</div>
<p>Sharon Blain 2017最新作品集主題為「俄羅斯眼淚」,這個靈感源自於1917年俄國革命,年輕女孩在逃亡時,只帶著自己的驕傲、脆弱和殘破不堪的尊嚴離去,Sharon Blain把這種戰亂憂傷的情緒,完整呈現在妝髮上。</p>
<p>The inspiration behind this collection was the plight of families caught in the1917 Russian Revolution. I wanted the images to tell the story. To capture the feelings, sorrow and gentle tear-stained skin in a vision of pure emotions.</p>
<p>My collection, &lsquo;Russian Tears&rsquo;, portrays the rundown dignity of young women left only with their pride, cherished keep sakes, frayed dignity and vulnerability; kept but unkept.</p>
<p>Sharon Blain提到,2017髮型趨勢分成三大類。第一,剪髮造型以及肩長度的鮑勃頭引領風潮;第二,染髮色調以焦糖、巧克力、太妃糖、摩卡等為主要流行;第三,重要場合髮型以馬尾、編髮、微亂、捲髮為主,呈現簡單但經典、大方又性感的形象。就是因為這麼獨特,無懼高齡也能引領時尚潮流,難怪Sharon Blain會成為風靡髮型圈的魔髮阿嬤呢!</p>
<p>Generally shoulder length textured bob or lob (long bob) is key to cutting trends.</p>
<p>Colour Contouring has taken over from balayage and extreme tonal contrasts are so last season. Think subtle melts and blends from various shades of caramel, toffee, chocolate, coffee, mocha.</p>
<p>Dressing hair it's all about the pony tail, messy, curly texture, teased, twisted, looped, braided, tied and wrapped. Placed on various areas of the head, it can look simple and classic, or big and sexy.</p>


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