Salon News Asia
Sharon Malcolm
「對所做的每件事投入 100% 的心力,保持熱忱、永不自滿。」這是 Sharon Malcolm 對事業和自我秉持的一貫態度,也是造就這位北愛爾蘭年度最佳髮型師的關鍵。

#Sharon Malcolm
「對所做的每件事投入 100% 的心力,保持熱忱、永不自滿。」這是 Sharon Malcolm 對事業和自我秉持的一貫態度,也是造就這位北愛爾蘭年度最佳髮型師的關鍵。
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<p>出生於北愛爾蘭並選擇在當地創業的 Sharon Malcolm,從小就立志成為美髮師,憑藉一己之力開設了同名沙龍「Sharon Malcolm Salon」,而加冕於 Sharon 的輝煌美髮事蹟,除了榮獲年度最佳髮型師、最佳獨立沙龍新秀獎之外,最令她欣慰的莫過於創造了這間家鄉裡的第一間五星級沙龍,如今邁入第 20 個年頭,團隊擁有 14 人,且在英國美髮界佔有一席之地。</p>
<p>Hairdresser of the Year, Best Independent Newcomer, first five-star salon, etc. are just some of the awards Sharon Malcolm has won throughout her career life. Born in Northern Ireland, she was determined to become a hairdresser from a very young age. She opened her own salon in her hometown entirely by herself in 2000 and now have a team of 14.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2020/137/52//img_8938.jpg?1612518021289" alt="img_8938" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">一只人偶頭萌芽美髮夢</div>
<p>童年時期的Sharon,從無意間收到的一只玩具人偶頭結下了美髮緣,她樂於幫玩偶弄頭髮、做造型、編髮,甚至剪髮,樂此不疲;於是,嚮往成為美髮師的夢想也自此萌芽。在僅僅 14 歲的年紀,Sharon 便開始每週六到附近髮廊打工,充滿熱忱的她到後來連週四放學後也到店裡幫忙,在打工期間,她深深愛上美髮、髮廊環境以及與顧客之間的互動,因此她毅然決然在畢業後投身美髮產業,在北愛爾蘭 Belfast 的髮廊當學徒,同時間也在大學在職專班中上課,三年下來,Sharon 晉升到助理髮型師,讓她的名氣在顧客與產業間不脛而走。</p>
<p>Sharon Malcolm found herself interested in hairdressing when she was very young. She got a Girl's World head when she was a kid and really enjoyed playing with the hair, dressing it, plaiting it and cutting it. At the age of only 14, she got a Saturday job in a local salon, then started working on Thursday night as well. She totally fell in love with hairdressing, environment in the salon and the interaction with clients, and thus she decided to be dedicated to hairdressing industry. After Sharon left school, she worked full time as an apprentice in a salon in Belfast, with a day release to college. Working incredibly hard, she became junior stylist in three years and made a name for herself as well as gained a good reputation among clients and in the industry.</p>
<p>求新求變個性成創業契機說起踏入這行的契機,Sharon 說:「我愛美髮充滿變化和創意,而我就是個有很多點子和熱愛藝術的人。」在唸書的時候,Sharon 對於藝術就特別在行,在剛開始當學徒時,她就熱衷於做各種造型,多年過去,對於美髮能成為她的志業感到無比幸運,讓她得以在每位顧客的髮絲之間展現她源源不絕的創意。</p>
<p>&ldquo;I am a creative person and have always loved art.&rdquo;Sharon shared her initial motivation to become</p>
<p>a hairdresser. At school, art was the subject that she always excelled in. As an apprentice, she loved creating different styles with hair. After working as a hairdresser for years, she still feels extremely lucky to have a career in hairdressing industry where she can show creativity in every client's hair.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2020/137/52///sharon_malcolm_hairdressing.jpg?1612518035863" alt="sharon_malcolm_hairdressing" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">創立同名沙龍 一生驕傲</div>
<p>2000 年 10 月,Sharon 在英國北愛爾蘭的 Newtownards 開設人生第一家同名沙龍,二十年來規模逐年茁壯,獲獎經歷不可勝數,開幕兩年便獲得 British Hairdressing Business Awards 的最佳獨立沙龍新秀獎(Best Independent Salon Business Newcomer),讓事業剛起步的 Sharon 又驚又喜。此外,Sharon Malcolm Salon 也是當地第一間五星沙龍,Sharon 提到這是她一生的驕傲,因為她的初心就是在家鄉創立一家得到認可的沙龍。</p>
<p>In Oct 2000, Sharon opened her eponymous salon in the heart of Newtownards. The salon business has thrived over 20 years and won numerous awards. For example, winning Best Independent Salon Business Newcomer at 2002 British Hairdressing Business Awards was a great milestone for Sharon and the team. Sharon Malcolm Salon is also the first five-star salons in Newtownards, which as a proud moment for her. Opening a salon in her hometown and being recognized were always her goal.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2020/137/52////2016-04-27_jack_eames_sharon_malcolm_bha__shot_7_16500.jpg?1612518051382" alt="2016-04-27_jack_eames_sharon_malcolm_bha__shot_7_16500" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">不僅懂美髮 還要懂商業</div>
<p>創業,本來就不是件容易的事情,對於多數的髮型師而言,開一間屬於自己的美髮沙龍無疑是個最切實際的夢想,從小即立定志向成為髮型師的 Sharon 同樣也懷抱著沙龍夢,然而,開了店之後,經營與挑戰才真正開始。擁有自己的沙龍是 Sharon 事業的轉捩點,當她從看到自己的名字放在招牌的時候,既感動又欣慰,所有一切的辛苦都值得了,而她追求進步的腳步從未停止過,如今,Sharon 事業蒸蒸日上,夢想終於成真、努力終得回報。當然這一路走來,也是從障礙中成長,她說:「成立一間美髮沙龍不單單只有懂美髮,從經營管理到科技應用都需要靠自己打理」,對於過往只懂美髮和創作的 Sharon 來說,無非是一大挑戰,直到今日,她仍不假他人,一手撐起整家店,在忙碌的朝九晚六髮型師工作後,一刻也不得閒,晚上她仍不停歇地處理經營管理上的大小事。</p>
<p>Owning her own salon is deemed as the biggest turning point in her career. From seeing her name above the door to the business becoming vigorous today, Sharon feels her dream comes true and hard work worth it. It was never easy on the way because running a salon is more than just knowing hairdressing. As a creative person, the biggest challenges for Sharon are learning IT, business and admin side of the business. Managing the salon without a business partner, she needs to sort out the business and admin issues after 9am-6pm hairdresser life.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2020/137/52/////2016-04-27_jack_eames_sharon_malcolm_bha__shot_3_06090.jpg?1612518066422" alt="2016-04-27_jack_eames_sharon_malcolm_bha__shot_3_06090" /></p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2020/137/52///////2016-04-27_jack_eames_sharon_malcolm_bha__shot_4_09910.jpg?1612518092751" alt="2016-04-27_jack_eames_sharon_malcolm_bha__shot_4_09910" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">世界在變 理念不變</div>
<p>面對當前疫情帶來的衝擊,Sharon 認為目前沙龍的型態和顧客的消費模式都產生很大的改變,髮廊也因應疫情展開了多項防疫措施,但對於 Sharon 和她的團隊,提供顧客最專業的服務是永遠不變的宗旨,「與顧客和團隊保持流暢的溝通」也是她經營沙龍的堅持。</p>
<p>Faced with the hit by Covid-19 and the global pandemic, the way business work and society behave have changed. The salon are also taking prevention measures. However, for Sharon her team, insisting on offering a professional service, where communication and consultation are guaranteed to never be changed.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2020/137/52//////1002.jpg?1612518076631" alt="1002" /></p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2020/137/52////////1001.jpg?1612518108398" alt="1001" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">得獎光環加身 繼續前行</div>
<p>除了沙龍事業上的一番成就,Sharon 在 2014 年及 2019 年接連獲得了 British Hairdressing Awards 的北愛爾蘭年度最佳髮型師的肯定,在個人和事業都已經相當成功的狀態下,Sharon卻不以自滿,她說道:「沒有人該在任何時候感到自滿,你必須隨時求知若渴,為追求進步而繼續前行。」即使在美髮產業多年,她仍透過她喜愛的閱讀,不斷累積創作靈感,也跟上時代腳步,在社群媒體上關注最新的美髮趨勢,Sharon也為自己許下一個近期目標,「期許自己可以成為第一位三度榮登北愛爾蘭年度最佳髮型師的女性」。</p>
<p>Besides achievement on her salon business, Sharon Malcolm was also awarded Northern Ireland Hairdresser of the Year at British Hairdressing Awards in 2014 and 2019. Although personal and career life seem both extremely successful, Sharon never stops learning. She loves reading magazines and take inspiration from other hairdressers. With technology speeding up, she follows global stylists including salon based and session stylists. She expects herself to be the first women to win Northern Ireland Hairdresser of the Year three times. &ldquo;You can never be complacent - you always need to have minimum standards that you set for yourself.&rdquo; Sharon always tell herself.</p>


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