Salon News Asia
TIGI品牌的靈魂人物與精神領袖Anthony Mascolo
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">自幼耳濡目染 展開美髮人生</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2012/89/76//amp_5322.jpeg?1612432617307" alt="amp_5322" /></p>
<p>I began in the school holidays and at weekends when I was 12. I was qualified at 16 and went to work in our 2nd salon with my father and my brother, Bruno.</p>
<p>Everyone in my family was a hairdresser and I started hairdressing at 12 years of age, so I never considered becoming anything else. But then I also became a photographer so I&rsquo;ve been lucky to add that to my work. I know one thing, if I had chosen anything else it would have been definitely been something artistic.</p>
<p>Within a couple of years I was working with Bruno on photo shoots with top photographers and magazines like Italian Vogue. I worked with Lord Snowdon the photographer husband of the Queen&rsquo;s sister, Princess Margaret and with David Bailey who became famous in the &ldquo;swinging 60s&rdquo; in London. In my early 20s at one of my first shows in London at the Royal Albert Hall I received my first standing ovation, which was incredible.</p>
<p>多年來我和兄長Bruno與許多傑出的攝影師和雜誌媒體(例如義大利的VOGUE雜誌)一起工作。我和女王姊妹瑪格麗特公主的夫婿/攝影師斯諾頓爵士Lord Snowdon合作過,也與創造&rdquo;swinging 60s&rdquo;倫敦新世代的攝影師David Bailey共事。</p>
<p>我拿過三次年度最佳設計師大獎。第一次讓我感到很驕傲,那種感覺很棒,但第二次和第三次的感覺也很好。我非常榮幸能夠拿到這樣的獎項,我也拿過倫敦年度最佳設計師和British Hairdressers的終生成就獎,以及他們所頒發的年度形象獎。</p>
<p>還有很多讓我感到成功的片刻,像是我第一次站上倫敦皇家亞爾伯特音樂廳Royal Albert Hall時,觀眾為我 起立鼓掌喝采,當時我才20幾歲和我的團隊以及後來成為我老婆的Pat Stokes站在台上,那感覺真是不可思議。</p>
<p>My brother Bruno for mentoring me all my life and believing in me, Robert Lobetta, who is one of my oldest friends and my wife and makeup artist, Pat Mascolo.</p>
<p>我的兄長Bruno一直是我的良師益友,他教導我許多,也信任我,相信我能成功。我的一位老友Robert Lobetta以及我的彩妝師太太Pat Mascolo同樣影響我至深。</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">創業維艱!資源不足 有志難伸</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2012/89/76///catwalksession_abh_4990.jpeg?1612432687536" alt="catwalksession_abh_4990" /></p>
<p>The biggest challenge in my career probably are people and sometimes budgets. I am ambitious with my ideas and I get frustrated when I don&rsquo;t have the budget to achieve my dreams! But seriously I have to ensure my team and I move forwards all the time, so we need to research, improve ourselves and constantly work to make ourselves better and train our younger team members. Part of my job is to motivate and inspire others &ndash;that is a big responsibility.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">教育、學習、傾聽、觀察! 培養時尚敏銳度</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2012/89/76////cw%E7%B4%85%E8%8A%B1%E7%B5%AE-009.jpeg?1612432716715" alt="cw紅花絮-009" /></p>
<p>Understanding what women want to wear and showing hairdressers how to achieve those haircuts and styles on their clients. It comes from experience, training and education and listening to clients&rsquo; needs.</p>
<p>Fashion is important. Obviously I take a lot of direction from what is happening on the international catwalks, but also from films, music, art, architecture, street fashion and importantly my own team. Our work is on a continual path of development. We create products to get the right look for our cuts and we create cuts that work with the products that we have created.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">計畫、研究、積極、行動! 永遠保持最佳狀態</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2012/89/76//////catwalksession_abh_5375.jpeg?1612432770688" alt="catwalksession_abh_5375" /></p>
<p>I don&rsquo;t allow that I lost my inspirations of doing hair creation! I plan and research before I do anything. I make sure I am always motivated and I have a great Team to work with me who share their own ideas and vision.</p>
<p>It pushes you to challenge your limitations and your creativity and it refines your work, improving your artistry and craftsmanship.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">教育訓練是成為優秀設計師的重要途徑</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2012/89/76///////cw%E7%B6%A0%E8%8A%B1%E7%B5%AE-002.jpeg?1612432797385" alt="cw綠花絮-002" /></p>
<p>My definition of a good hairdresser is a craftsman, an artist, a visionary, a psychologist, a friend.</p>
<p>Education and training has always been important to me.</p>
<p>I believe that training is important to team development, and that sharing new ideas with others drives his own work forwards.</p>
<p>This strong philosophy of sharing ideas has been important in the development of TIGI educational programmes and in the growth and training of my own TIGI International Creative Team.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">給年輕設計師的建議</div>
<p>首先,設計師都要有夢想不論年長或年輕,要知道你自己想做什麼、希望成就什麼和創造什麼。你必須要學習規則、做出完美的作品並且在技巧使用上有十足的自信,當你完全熟悉各種技巧後你就可以&rdquo;靈活運用&rdquo;了,這時你才可以開始往藝術家的路去發展。這就是所謂的&rdquo;Creative Intelligence&rdquo;,這需要對於工藝、規則和藝術有完整的掌握度。</p>


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