Salon News Asia
Toni&Guy 2016春夏時裝週髮型趨勢解析

Hairstyle by
Make Up
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">Polished Ponytails</div>
<p>時尚人士最愛的馬尾依舊獨領風騷,在2017倫敦春夏時裝週上,House of MEA和House of Holland不約而同選擇了馬尾造型。House of Holland的髮型靈感來自羅馬流浪者,經典低馬尾收於頸部後方,臉部兩側保留髮絲,中分後向後梳整,可以搭配定型噴霧讓輪廓更鮮明;House of MEA則是梳整的乾淨俐落的馬尾,於全頭噴灑具光亮效果的噴霧,塑造柔順明亮的質感。</p>
<p>The humble ponytail reigned supreme at SS17 with House of MEA and House of Holland both offering their own take on this classic look. House of MEA chose to present traditional low ponies, slicked back off the face and finished with label.m Shine Mist. House of Holland's Romany travellers also wore their hair in low ponytails but these were teased into playful plaits and finished with label.m Hairspray to hold in place.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/115/100/img_2194-bs-5427.jpg?1612173396550" alt="img_2194-bs-5427" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">Va Va Volume</div>
<p>超大、超吸睛的黑人蓬蓬頭稱霸春夏時裝週,誇張的啞光捲髮最適合搭配舞台效果十足的高定時裝,全時裝週最戲劇性的服裝莫過於Pam Hogg,如馬戲團小丑般繽紛的色彩與大膽的剪裁,配上70年代爆炸頭,堪稱絕配;Elle B Zhou時裝秀的髮型靈感同樣來自70年代,但卻是更加低調、優雅的版本,為了襯托禮服的優雅剪裁,Mary Katrantzou特別改良了圓形結構的爆炸頭,改以三角結構的蓬鬆髮展現優雅氣質。</p>
<p>Big, bold and beautiful was back massively this season and was demonstrated at the notorious Pam Hogg show, where a generous helping of label.m Volume Mousse helped to create giant pastel-hued afros - the ideal accompaniment for her theatrical clothing. Elle B Zhou drew infl uence from her glam gran, where hair was crimped and then brushed out using the label.m Grooming Brush resulting in a fluffy 70s vibe. Mary Katrantzou took a subtle approach to this hair trend by creating voluminous natural waves to create a sophisticated and refined look.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/115/100/16th_0900-6jeremy2-bs-8764.jpg?1612173295740" alt="16th_0900-6jeremy2-bs-8764" /> <img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/115/100/16th_0900-22jeremy2-bs-2408.jpg?1612173295740" alt="16th_0900-22jeremy2-bs-2408" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">Ethereal Braids</div>
<p>希臘神話是Ekaterina Kukhareva時裝設計的靈感,髮型也從希臘女神的編髮發想,髮型師更編入緞帶等異材質,讓造型更加亮眼活潑,可以噴灑乾洗髮等粉霧狀的造型品,讓造型不會過度搶眼;Paul Costelloe的編髮則是取材於武士的造型,先以高馬尾固定頭髮,再加上扭轉髮辮,創造堅毅不拔的個性。</p>
<p>Greek mythology provided the inspiration for Ekaterina Kukhareva's SS17 showcase and hair took on a whimsical mermaid-like feel, with saccharine toned fabric intricately woven into the model's braids. Completing the look was label.m Resurrection Style Dust providing a subtle matte texture. Paul Costelloe chose warrior-style braiding with hair pulled into a high ponytail and secured with label.m Hairspray to produce a fierce tribal look</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/115/100/img_2738-bs-2842.jpg?1612173270772" alt="img_2738-bs-2842" /></p>


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