Salon News Asia
Tony Rizzo
”Inspire, motivate and reach perfection”

#英國 #Tony Rizzo
”Inspire, motivate and reach perfection”
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<p>Tony Rizzo無疑是受到全球美髮界尊崇的一號大人物。即使投入美髮產業51年,開拓事業版圖橫跨沙龍、學院、髮型秀、比賽、髮品品牌,並在各領域達到極致的成就,他仍然對美髮充滿熱愛與活力,仍然謙虛看待他為這個行業所做出的貢獻,將他的成功歸於堅定不懈地努力去成為最好。</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">燃燒義大利美髮魂的青春 遇見沙宣成一輩子繆思啟發</div>
<p>Tony說,從他拿起剪刀那刻起,就是他美髮生涯中的關鍵轉捩點。1968年,Tony 14歲,因為一次陪著媽媽去剪頭髮的契機,便在英國卓特咸一間在地義大利人經營的沙龍,開啟他傳奇的美髮旅程。1971年,Tony搬到愛丁堡在百貨公司裡面做起快剪沙龍的生意,隔年,已經升格為講師和沙龍經營者的Tony並不滿足於現況,為了拓展自己的專業技術和知識,他重返倫敦加入了沙宣團隊。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2019/129/50/003.jpg?1612151624267" alt="003" /></p>
<p>富有美髮天賦的他短時間內適應了團隊運作,接連擔任起沙宣的藝術總監、歐洲學院及沙龍藝術總監。在當時可謂沙宣全盛時期,Tony也因為與許多美髮界巨頭共事而深得啟發,像是Trevor Sorbie、Dwight Miller、Christopher Brooker、Fumio Kawashima、Ulrich Graf、Herta Keller等。然而47年過去,至今Tony仍將Vidal Sassoon視為影響他最深的人,Tony初成立髮型秀「Alternative Hair Show」時,Vidal更曾以贊助人的身份與他密切合作過,替今日人稱美髮界奧斯卡的AHS奠定了基礎。</p>
<p>&lsquo;I think it&rsquo;s when I started to cut with scissors.&rsquo; Tony Rizzo takes love for hairdressing to be the definitive turning point of his successful career. It was, in 1968, when Tony was 14, he accompanied his mother to the hairdresser, he then began his legendary hair journey at a local Italian owned salon in Cheltenham. Soon in 1972, Tony already became an educator and salon owner in Edinburgh. Craving for extending his skills and knowledge, Tony returned to London to work for the Vidal Sassoon Group.</p>
<p>With great adaptability, Tony quickly took up position of Art Director of salons, then European Art Director of schools and salons, experience an inspiring period working with many of the great protagonists of hairdressing, such as Trevor Sorbie, Dwight Miller, Christopher Brooker, Fumio Kawashima, Ulrich Graf and Herta Keller.</p>
<p>From 47 years ago till now, Tony still consider Vidal Sassoon as the person who influenced him the most in this hairdressing life. Vidal Sassoon even worked with him closely as a patron at the prime of Alternative Hair Show, setting up the foundation of the great show today.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">Rizzo家族築起的Sanrizz帝國</div>
<p>在Tony 兩位兄弟陸續加入沙宣團隊的行列後,經幾年亮眼的成績累積,1980年,三兄弟共同在倫敦布魯克街創立了沙龍「Sanrizz」。他們的沙龍團隊很快就以其獨特的風格與高規格服務享有盛名;因為深受倫敦沙宣精準的剪髮技巧以及來自義大利的造型微調技巧影響,三人結合出特殊的設計師造型已然變成Sanrizz這個品牌多年來的代名詞。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2019/129/50/colour_02.jpg?1612151642425" alt="colour_02" /></p>
<p>Sanrizz的品牌名稱源自於三位創辦人:Tony Rizzo、Ozzie Rizzo、Ricci Rizzo。Tony透露這個名字最初只因為Vidal與他們前往日本工作時一句用日語數著他們三兄弟的玩笑話:「Ichi, Ni, San, Rizzo.」。然而在近十年間,Tony的兩位兒子Leonardo、Rudi也相繼加入了Sanrizz團隊,分別擔任創意總監與藝術總監,Tony近50年對於美髮的熱愛感染了身邊的人成為美髮圈的一份子,讓這個由Rizzo家族築起的Sanrizz帝國得以生生不息地延續。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2019/129/50/032.jpg?1612151656644" alt="032" /></p>
<p>Tony's two brothers then joined the Sassoon team, after several years of great achievements had made, in 1980, they founded the salon "Sanrizz" in Brook Street, London. Their salon team quickly became famous for its unique style and high-quality service; the brothers had been influenced by the precision cutting techniques that they had learnt in England and also by the artistic finishing skills of their native Italy. Combining these two qualities led them to a unique designer look that has become synonymous with the company over the years.</p>
<p>The Sanrizz team, led by Tony, was first known for its iconic style. Now it has gained its reputation for having been working on seminars and hair shows for years.</p>
<p>So far, the Sanrizz group has now grown to seven salons in London, Guildford and the Home Counties, and has educated as many as 6,000 students a year from all over the world. The number of network salon Sanrizz authorized has reached to 80.</p>
<p>Sanrizz's brand name is derived from three founders: Tony Rizzo, Ozzie Rizzo, and Ricci Rizzo. Tony revealed that the brand name was originally only because Vidal counted them in Japanese when they went to work in Japan: &lsquo;Ichi, Ni, San, Rizzo.&rsquo;</p>
<p>In the past ten years, Tony's two sons, Leonardo and Rudi, have joined the Sanrizz team as creative director and artistic director. Tony's love for hairdressing for almost 50 years has infected people around him to become a part of the hairdressing circle. These lead the dynasty built by Tony to a promising future.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">37年的努力不懈 AHS讓白血病不再是絕症</div>
<p>Alternative Hair Show即將在今年迎接第37週年,而這在美髮界無人不知曉的慈善髮型秀背後有個明確、動人的意義就是要幫助患有白血病的兒童。當Tony重述1983年,他因為白血病失去了他第一個小孩Valentino,灰濛濛的眼神讓人感知喪子之痛是一輩子的事情。AHS慈善募款活動的發起始於Tony與老婆Maggie選擇用自己在美髮圈的力量來正視傷痛,幫助更多同樣受白血病之苦的小孩與家庭。「白血病讓我失去了我的第一個兒子,當時白血病是非常罕見的。在1983年,他去世時還只有兩歲,所以我試圖籌集一些錢,去做一些研究。在80年代,白血病被視為絕症,現在有90%的生存率,這很好。雖然生存率提升了很高,我們仍然會因為這個疾病失去很多孩子。在10個孩子中,我們可能會失去3個,所以我們必須達到200%。因此,我們的慈善基金會現在也資助藥物治療的研究,還有第三世界國家,如非洲或緬甸。」</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2019/129/50/gor01-23-jun-095.jpg?1612151675377" alt="gor01-23-jun-095" /></p>
<p>The Alternative Hair Show is about to celebrate its 37th anniversary this year, and there is a clear, moving meaning behind the charity hair show is to help children suffering Leukemia. When Tony recounts in 1983, he lost his first child, Valentino, because of leukemia, his expression tells that losing children is an influence for lifetime.</p>
<p>&lsquo;The thing about the Alternative Hair Show is that I lost my first son through Leukemia, a blood cancer, and it was very rare, so in 1983, when he died, he was very little, so I tried to raise some money, so we can do some research, and it just grew, and grew, and grew. We have done it in many countries. When in 1980s Leukemia was a death sentence, now we have 90% survival, which is great. Without the survival rate goes high, we still lose to many children. At 10 children maybe we lose 3, so we have to get it to 200%. Therefore, our charity funds research but also funds drug therapy, new drugs and the existing drugs. We&rsquo;re also funding third world countries, like in Africa, or in Myanmar. We&rsquo;re funding projects, and building cleanliness.&rsquo;</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">每一天都是一種成就 半百美髮資歷持續充實中</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2019/129/50/023.jpg?1612151689663" alt="023" /></p>
<p>For Tony, whose life attitude is living life to the fullest and living for tomorrow, there is no achievement in life that can be hailed as the pinnacle, but the strong family values are what matter. &lsquo;When you achieve things, you go to the next one. You never stop. Every day is an achievement. Getting up in the morning is an achievement, you know, when you get to my age. Yes, I&rsquo;ll say I&rsquo;m proud of my Leonardo and Rudi and my team because, my brothers, we still work together and my sons are the second generation in hairdressing, so the achievement is they will grow and maybe their children will be in hairdressing. We create our dynasty. That would be a great occasion to be.&rsquo;</p>


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