Salon News Asia
Tracey Hughes
4 X EDUCATOR OF THE YEAR - 2014, 2012, 2007, 2006

#Tracey Hughes
4 X EDUCATOR OF THE YEAR - 2014, 2012, 2007, 2006
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Make Up
<p>Tracey Hughes不僅是位揚名國際的髮型師,她還同時擁有許多不同的頭銜 -- 演講者、教育家、專欄作家和經營者,縱橫這些頭銜的共通點,正是Tracey真誠、幽默和容易觸動人心的性格特質。在澳洲擁有兩家沙龍和一家美髮學院﹑並且四度獲得年度最佳教育者和傑出教育獎之殊榮,Tracey無疑是南半球美髮圈裡最傑出的教育家。</p>
<p>Tracey Hughes is an experienced global speaker, and 4 times Educator of the Year and 4 times Excellence in Education recipient, her approach is driven by transformation through education. Unique in her ability to bring out the best in others, Tracey&rsquo;s expertise lies in her communication skills and education methodology.</p>
<p>As a keynote speaker, mentor, educator, columnist, business owner, hair director and stylist, Tracey presents professionally with integrity, humor and emotion.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">一個轉念從律師到髮型師</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2015/107/52/107-52-009.jpg?1612772165637" alt="107-52-009" /></p>
<p>Tracey自1986年踏入美髮界,在英國的髮廊Christopher Boyton擔任學徒,並於三年後成功考取證照,正式成為髮型師。然而,這並不是她原先的職業規劃。</p>
<p>Tracey began her career in 1986 as an apprentice at Christopher Boyton in the UK and became a qualified hairdresser in 1989. It wasn&rsquo;t her plan to become a hairdresser, she initially had visions of becoming a barrister after her school studies finished and she was planning on going to university to study law. However, she was naturally artistic so she made up her mind to listen to her instincts and had a change of heart, which took her down the creative career path of hairdressing until now.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">定居澳洲 自營沙龍品牌</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2015/107/52//107-52-002.jpg?1612772228133" alt="107-52-002" /></p>
<p>1991年時,Tracey獨自一人,把為數不多的個人財產丟進背包,跟媽媽kiss goodbye,揮別家鄉英國來到澳洲背包旅行,如同所有定居當地的異鄉人,Tracey愛上了澳洲的陽光、生活和當地美髮產業的蓬勃生機,心一橫,便決定移民澳洲。「直到現在,我都認為自己能稱澳洲為家是一件很幸運的事!」Tracey說道。</p>
<p>Like many of those who end up in Australia, Tracey went backpacking in 1991. &ldquo;I quit my job, packed up my worldly possessions, waved goodbye to my mum and got on a plane-and here I am!&rdquo; She recalls, &ldquo;I fell in love with Australia, the sunshine, the lifestyle and the passion I discovered within the hairdressing industry and decided to make my home here. And now I consider myself very fortunate to call Australia home.&rdquo;</p>
<p>移民澳洲後,Tracey在1997年成立了自己的沙龍Mieka Hairdressing,「決定自己開髮廊,是因為我想建立一個夢想團隊,一個兼俱精湛技術與文化涵養的團隊,讓每個人都能保有各自獨特的想法,共同分享共同的目標。」</p>
<p>她深刻的體會到「好的領導人」對創造一個以顧客為中心的團隊是多麼的重要,「我想要好好磨練自己的領導力,學習全方位的經營技巧,努力挑戰自我。」Tracey深信,是經營Mieka Hairdressing的經歷給予她這麼豐富的人生歷練,更提供了她經營講座的最好教材。</p>
<p>In 1997, Tracey opened her first salon &ndash; Mieka Hairdressing brand, winner of 10 times Salon of the Year. &ldquo;I initially chose to open a salon because I wanted to build a culture based upon technical excellence, teamwork and a strong education philosophy. &ldquo; After running her own salon, she realized that creating a great team that has an outstanding customer focus needs great leadership. &ldquo;I wanted to develop my own leadership ability and challenge myself to learn all aspects of business. This in time has given me great knowledge, which I now share with many others.&rdquo;</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">沙龍經營困境與解決之道</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2015/107/52///107-52-007.jpg?1612772262493" alt="107-52-007" /></p>
<p>The biggest challenge is building a clientele. When starting from scratch you need to generate as much publicity as possible to create brand awareness. If you get this right you can ultimately establish new clients and increase your business&rsquo;s potential</p>
<p>Also look at what tools you can use to help achieve better time management. No one ever said running a business was easy. It does occupy tremendous amounts of time, energy and money and more importantly it requires unwavering dedication. Prioritize wisely and don&rsquo;t be distracted by other people&rsquo;s agendas. Allocate time to spend on business innovation and never overlook education or marketing, as they are the key factors of business growth. &ldquo;Good management comes down to great planning, structure and organization to utilize my time effectively. I&rsquo;ve learnt over the years that you can&rsquo;t do everything yourself.&rdquo;</p>
<p>Mieka Hairdressing在她的帶領下,已獲得10次的年度最佳沙龍獎項,Tracey坦言她從未料到Mieka Hairdressing能有如此了不起的成就,而正是這番成就帶她踏上國際教育的舞台,展開另一段始料未及的生活。</p>
<p>When she first established Mieka Hairdressing she could never have anticipated how successful her new enterprise was going to be. Since then she has gone on to have a flourishing career educating across the globe.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">教育最大回饋是看見別人人生轉變</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2015/107/52////107-52-004.jpg?1612772301287" alt="107-52-004" /></p>
<p>Tracey enjoys being an educator because of the &ldquo;light bulb&rdquo; moments her students get. &ldquo;I love giving to others as it makes me realize that we all have the same needs in life, and it makes the picture so much bigger than just you.&rdquo;</p>
<p>She has been told by many students that the confidence they have achieved has been life changing.</p>
<p>It&rsquo;s always the most special moments for Tracey to see how many differences the students have and seeing someone she has mentored has achieved an unforgettable moment that she has had the privilege to be part of. &ldquo;Being an educator is about someone else&rsquo;s journey not your own and that&rsquo;s the most rewarding aspect of being an educator.&rdquo; she said.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">產業改變要從教育者做起</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2015/107/52/////107-52-008.jpg?1612772324782" alt="107-52-008" /></p>
<p>Tracey在美髮產業裡的影響和貢獻是眾人有目共睹的,她多次獲得各大獎項,包括全南半球的美髮人最垂涎的Honouree Australian Masters殊榮。Tracey也將這個獎項是為生涯中最亮眼的里程碑,她形容Honouree Australian Masters「不是一個你贏得的獎項,而是對於你的貢獻,給予最大肯定的尊榮!」</p>
<p>Tracey&rsquo;s commitment and dedication to the hairdressing industry has been acknowledged through many awards including the coveted Honouree Australian Masters. She considered it as her career high-light, &ldquo;This title, which was very humbling as it is not an award you win, it is one that is given to you for your contribution to industry growth.&rdquo;</p>
<p>Tracey has received numerous awards in Education. Asking about what motivates her devoted herself to education, she said that her passion is to assist training other educators to be confident in their education delivery and facilitations skills. She thinks that will have a ripple effect on the whole industry by having more confident trainers and it&rsquo;s her way of contributing to sustainability in hair industry.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">遠距教學無法取代面對面的連結</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2015/107/52//////107-52-001.jpg?1612772432220" alt="107-52-001" /></p>
<p>Due to the scope of the Internet, it&rsquo;s easy to find videos teaching &ldquo;hair how-to&rdquo;, inspiration and free education can also easily be found through many sources. However, Tracey thinks on-line learning is just an added training tool which cannot and will not replace real hands-on education. &ldquo;I believe we need to stay mindful that this ultimately can drop the quality standards of work, as the engagement is lost so the memory retention of the knowledge won&rsquo;t be as strong. No matter what education you choose it needs to be real and relevant to every salon environment. Quick fixes of inspiration don&rsquo;t provide results and super creative looks are often non-wearable and don&rsquo;t tend to be commercial viable.&rdquo; But Tracey also admitted that there&rsquo;s no doubt on-line learning is especially great for those in remote regions.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">學習是一趟重新認識自己的旅程</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2015/107/52///////107-52-005.jpg?1612772448415" alt="107-52-005" /></p>
<p>&ldquo;Education is such an integral part of life; it&rsquo;s an ongoing journey of self-discovery.&rdquo; She said. &ldquo;The benefits of investing in further education are a stronger skill set, increased motivation, greater knowledge and a growing confidence.&rdquo; Education is not just about keeping stylists inspired, Tracey believes the greatest benefit is the feeling of self-worth and pride to become &ldquo;the best version of yourself you can be.&rdquo;</p>
<p>At the end, Tracey shares her future goal, &ldquo;I will continue to educate for as long as someone wants to learn or as long as I feel I have something to share. In five years&rsquo; time, as long as I&rsquo;m happy, healthy and doing something I enjoy then who knows what the future might hold.&rdquo;</p>


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