Salon News Asia
Trevor Sorbie睽違10年強勢回歸2017 Salon International
距離2017 Salon International只剩兩週時間,主辦單位也公布了各項表演的嘉賓,最值得期待的,除了睽違十多年不見的Trevor Sorbie再次登台,毫不間斷的精彩演出與更多元的教學將令人倍感期待。

#Salon International #Sassoon Academy #Trevor Sorbie
距離2017 Salon International只剩兩週時間,主辦單位也公布了各項表演的嘉賓,最值得期待的,除了睽違十多年不見的Trevor Sorbie再次登台,毫不間斷的精彩演出與更多元的教學將令人倍感期待。
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Make Up
<p>今年的Salon International跟以往很不一樣!主辦單位除了將規模策畫得更大、新增許多教學節目之外,同時也終於邀請到美髮大師Trevor Sorbie登台暨2017威娜流行趨勢大賞全球總決賽登場,讓此次的Salon International顯得更加精采可期。</p>
<p>The UK&rsquo;s biggest and best hairdressing show just got bigger, with the news that Wella&rsquo;s International Trend Vision Awards will be taking place at Salon International 2017-and the exciting announcement that Trevor Sorbie will be making a welcome return to the stage.&nbsp;</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">精采表演不間斷登場</div>
<p>這次Trevor Sorbie強勢回歸,過去10多年在Salon International舞台上,未見他的蹤跡。就如同Tervor Sorbie的座右銘:「盡可能挑戰美髮極限。」這次Trevor Sorbie承諾將自己過去50年的美髮創意和技巧精髓,一併搬上舞台,勢必會讓大家看個過癮。</p>
<p>Trevor Sorbie will be returning to the Salon International live stage for the first time in more than a decade, for a show which promises to celebrate the creativity and technical skill which has been at the heart of his of work for the last 50 years. &ldquo;My core philosophy has always been to push the limits of what&rsquo;s possible with hair. &rdquo;</p>
<p>Sassoon Academy則和往年一樣,帶來突破、啟發和興奮的能量,將高超的剪髮和染髮技巧,與個人獨特姓作完美結合,創造出現代版的純淨與實驗性的創新。不間斷的多元化精彩展演,也讓今年的Salon International更加令人期待!</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2017/120/120/p2_3_sassoon_live__29_.jpg?1612515679701" alt="p2_3_sassoon_live__29_" /></p>
<p>Sassoon will continue to challenge, inspire and excite, fusing precision technique with human individuality to create cuts and colours that appear effortless but are intently considered, a combination of modernist purity and creative experimentation.</p>
<p>此外,今年可是Mahogany創意團隊連續第21年在Salon International舞台上表演,Mahogany出色的剪髮和染髮技巧,在英國具有首屈一指的領先地位。這次,他們也將展演2018年春夏作品主題《Curve-Linea》。「Mahogany創意團隊將大玩創意,相信我們的美髮能量將會感染給台下每一個觀眾。」Mahogany國際創意總監Colin Greaney舉起大拇指自信推薦。</p>
<p><img style="font-size: 14px;" src="assets/uploads/files/2017/120/120/p1_1_mahogany-163.jpg?1612515679701" alt="p1_1_mahogany-163" /></p>
<p>It is the twenty first consecutive year that the Mahogany Creative Team will bring their look, listen and learn style seminars to Salon International. Their ground breaking cutting and colouring techniques are at the forefront of UK hairdressing and will inspire visitors and hiardressers alike. The team will showcase their latest Spring/Summer 2018 collection named &lsquo;Curve-Linea&rsquo;. &ldquo;Our Mahogany Creative Team continually endeavor to push the boundaries of creativity and energy with every show and seminar we do,&rsquo; says Colin Greaney, International Creative Director.</p>
<p>10/14(六) 12:00-13:30</p>
<p>10/15(日) 12:00-13:30</p>
<p>10/16(一) 12:00-13:30</p>
<p>Trevor Sorbie登場時段</p>


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