Salon News Asia
Tribu-te Show
Tribu-te 將品牌價值的體現濃縮於一場一年一度的Live Show,從來僅有業界最出色的髮型師能受邀至 Tribu-te Show 的舞台上演出。在行程滿檔的十月天,充滿濃厚髮秀商業歷史的 Tribu-te Show 必然是每年聚集於倫敦的美髮人心中不容錯過的至高點。

Tribu-te 將品牌價值的體現濃縮於一場一年一度的Live Show,從來僅有業界最出色的髮型師能受邀至 Tribu-te Show 的舞台上演出。在行程滿檔的十月天,充滿濃厚髮秀商業歷史的 Tribu-te Show 必然是每年聚集於倫敦的美髮人心中不容錯過的至高點。
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<p>Tribu-te Show的鮮明特點如同Tribu-te所出版的美髮雜誌,他們以尊重髮型師的個人風格和創造力為傲。為激發美髮人對於自己手藝的想像與榮譽感而誕生,這場秀給予被選中的一列髮型師們全權的自由發揮空間。</p>
<p>「All genius, no gimmicks」在Tribu-te Show中,你不會看到煙霧或是任何一片鏡子。每位受邀的藝術家只有20分鐘的時間能在鎂光燈下施展他們的才藝,全憑實力沒有任何噱頭。</p>
<p>今年第六屆Tribu-te Show依舊舉辦在著名的諾維羅劇院,觀眾席佔近700人擠滿了劇院。三個小時的live show上,無人不被這五組美髮界當前最火紅的大人物對美髮的熱衷所娛樂、教育、啟發。</p>
<p>Just like the print edition of the Tribu-te magazine for hairdressers, the Tribu-te show honours the individuality and creativity of the hairdresser. Designed to fire the imagination and a sense of pride in our craft, the show gives a select line up of hairdressers carte blanche as regards to what they do on stage. The only directions are on how! Each artist has just 20 minutes in the spotlight to work their magic, charged with using a max of two models, but no smoke or mirrors, to produce a presentation that is &lsquo;all genius, no gimmicks&rsquo;. For the 6th edition in London, hosted at the prestigious Novello Theatre, and audience of nearly 700 were not disappointed. For three hours, a packed theatre was held spellbound by five of the industry&rsquo;s biggest hitters; each a hairdressing expert and keen to entertain, educate and inspire.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">ANGELO SEMINARA</div>
<p>師承英國最佳髮型師Trevor Sorbie,Angelo Seminara現為一位技藝精湛的剪染專家,更擁有令人驚豔不已的非凡想像力。他擅於從大自然當中汲取靈感,以不同於任何人的獨特角度探索質地、髮色、形狀。在Tribu-te Show 2018年的舞台上,他用模板將精緻的青藍色圖案漆上頭髮呈現源自瓷器的靈感、打造出具有魔性魅力的造型獲得滿場的歡呼,Angelo無疑是當晚的贏家。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2019/127/78/_dce0508_resized.jpg?1612153414643" alt="_dce0508_resized" /></p>
<p>Having learned his craft initially with the inimitable Trevor Sorbie and now an accomplished technician (with hair and colour), Angelo possesses an extraordinary imagination. He takes ideas from nature and explores texture, colour and shape like no other person. On stage he presented an intricate pattern of blue, inspired by Porcelain and transferred to the hair using a stencil, to conjure up a magical look. He was a triumph.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">DESMOND MURRAY</div>
<p>身兼資深沙龍造型師、外景造型師、專業攝影師三職,Desmond領著觀眾深入洞悉他的媒體世界。結合美髮與攝影,Desmond以捕捉永恆即「不存在時間裡的時刻(a moment in time that doesn&rsquo;t exist)」為概念,在兩位模特兒身上呈現從商業轉換至前衛風格共六種不同造型,甚至在現場觀眾眼前直接拍攝並製成髮集。Desmond式演繹刷新觀眾對髮型秀的認知。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2019/127/78/_dce0009_resized.jpg?1612153442905" alt="_dce0009_resized" /></p>
<p>An accomplished salon stylist, session stylist and photographer, Desmond gave us an insight into his world of media. Working the hair and the camera, his presentation was based on the concept of capturing forever &lsquo;a moment in time that doesn&rsquo;t exist&rsquo;. He created six different looks on his two models from commercial to avant-garde and produced a photographic collection before the eyes of his audience. They loved his style.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">ANDREW JOSE</div>
<p>身負沙宣校長出身的資深經歷,年輕時以沙龍為家的Andrew熟稔美髮舞台如同在沙龍般自然(他所經營的同名沙龍Andrew Jose Hair Salon坐落在倫敦市中心,客層涵蓋時尚潮流人士)。這次Tribu-te Show,Andrew與新秀Eveline Lungdren在兩位倫敦酷模頭上使用質地化技術,展現冷靜、泰然自若卻不無趣的「浪漫主義(Romanticism)」。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2019/127/78/_dce0148_resized.jpg?1612153471131" alt="_dce0148_resized" /></p>
<p>An educator with a Sassoon heritage, Andrew is equally at home on a main stage as he is in the salon (he owns an eponymous salon in the heart of London, with a clientele including the fierce and the fashionable). For Tribu-te, Andrew and his colleague Eveline Lungdren, presented &lsquo;Romanticism&rsquo; using texturizing techniques on two London-cool models. Calm, poised and oh-so interesting.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">D&amp;J AMBROSE</div>
<p>獲獎無數的Darren Ambrose與Jackie Ambrose無疑是美髮界模範情侶,共同在倫敦郊區經營沙龍,極具渲染力的他們同時也活躍於國際美髮教育場所與秀場。以「純粹繆思(Pure Muse)」為主題做出精緻且具鑑賞力的演出,D&amp;J Ambrose帶來有挑戰性但始終美麗的剪髮與造型。而模特兒身上由Jackie專業訂製的服裝更是整個髮秀呈現上極為強烈的元素之一。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2019/127/78/_dce0230_resized.jpg?1612153491000" alt="_dce0230_resized" /></p>
<p>An award-winning couple who own a salon on the outskirts of London and travel extensively worldwide for education and shows, Darren and Jackie Ambrose were enthralling. Entitles &lsquo;Pure Muse&rsquo;, their presentation was a tasteful, exquisite journey to deliver hair (cut and styled) that is challenging yet always beautiful. Clothes (expertly tailored by Jackie) were a strong part of the story &ndash; undeniably fantastic.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">BROOKS &amp; BROOKS</div>
<p>另一對無人不知曉的得獎常勝軍Sally Brooks與Jamie Brooks(Sally榮獲2018年英國年度髮型師),他們選擇用浪漫的氛圍且能激發思想的模式帶出擁有深度渲染力的表演。其整體概念是將一個複雜的髮型抽絲剝繭成對美純粹、簡單的印象;背後含意是想傳達「簡化、拆解結構、再次簡化」的訊息。Brooks&amp;Brooks集才華、情報、遠見於這20分鐘的演出中。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2019/127/78/_dce0386_resized.jpg?1612153513017" alt="_dce0386_resized" /></p>
<p>Another pair who are wellknown award-winners (Sally is currently British Hairdresser of the Year 2018), Sally and Jamie Brooks chose to present a romantic, thoughtful show which was truly emotional to watch. The concept was to strip back a detailed hair look to become a pure, uncomplicated impression of beauty. Simplify, deconstruct then simplify again was the message. A talented, informed and visionary show.</p>


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