Salon News Asia
第六屆TRIBU-TE SHOW於10月15日在倫敦風光落幕,925名觀眾親臨現場一睹最頂尖的髮型師站上最棒的美髮舞台,帶給大家添加興奮劑般的無限視覺創意技術,啟發全場設計師的創作新靈感。

第六屆TRIBU-TE SHOW於10月15日在倫敦風光落幕,925名觀眾親臨現場一睹最頂尖的髮型師站上最棒的美髮舞台,帶給大家添加興奮劑般的無限視覺創意技術,啟發全場設計師的創作新靈感。
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<p>今年,主辦單位將地點選在最適合舉辦髮型秀的倫敦諾維羅劇院,並將一樓到三樓看台通通包場,表演中挑戰每位髮型藝術家在短短20分鐘的時間內,為2名模特兒完成變髮造型,就連知名街頭藝人Jonny Holliday也為現場帶來精彩的暖場音樂。</p>
<p>Packed from the ground floor to a 3rd floor balcony, the Novello Theatre in London&rsquo;s West End was the perfect setting for hairdressing&rsquo;s finest to showcase their work. Produced by Seven Publications, this show is synonymous with the premier Tribu-te brand and challenges each artiest to work for 20 minutes alone in the spotlight with a maximum of two models, and a pared-down production. An East End busker, Jonny Holliday, kicked off proceedings with a warm-up song session and the evening got underway.</p>
<p>活動由Trevor Sorbie團隊的藝術總監Tom Connell揭開序幕,他將平凡無奇的馬尾以兩次削刀剪髮變身成為帶有酷炫感的當代髮型,以他的驚人美髮實力驚豔全場;活動也請來音樂家站台,更在最後將模特兒們送到街上,帶給路上行人一個大大驚喜。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2017/121/138/_dce1680.jpeg?1612156272000" alt="_dce1680" /></p>
<p>Opening, Trevor Sorbie Art Director, Tom Connell impressed with his technical prowess, presenting two cuts that are right on trend. He translated the ubiquitous ponytail into something cool, and demonstrated razor-cutting on a long-fringed, textured and thoroughly modern style. Inviting musicians on stage, and having his ending film sending the models out into the street thrilled the audience, too.</p>
<p>西班牙大師級美髮團隊X-Presion也不吝分享他們拿手的「像素染」小秘訣,讓髮型師們看完也能自己動手實作,堪稱是專家級魅力展演;另外,髮型師Skyler McDonald也以發明家和科學家的角色,將模特兒的頭沾在清水和顏料上,挑戰於「舞台實驗室」上大玩大理石色染髮,冒險精神值得稱許。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2017/121/138/_dce1937.jpg?1612156300777" alt="_dce1937" /></p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2017/121/138/_dce2201.jpeg?1612156382295" alt="_dce2201" /></p>
<p>Spanish team X-Presion presented their signature &lsquo;pixelation&rsquo; technique which we&rsquo;ve much admired in their photography, and now the hairdressers in the audience can fully understand how to apply it for themselves! A superb showcase, charmingly executed, and so editorial. We love it.</p>
<p>Skler McDonald took on the role of inventor and scientist as she played with colour in her &lsquo;onstage laboratory&rsquo;. Marbling hair-by literally dipping one model&rsquo;s head onto a tray of water and paint-and up-ending pots of colour onto another white head of hair were among the highlights. A true adventurist!</p>
<p>Kevin Murphy以孜孜不倦的外景造型大師形象流傳美髮圈,他當下示範獨創的美髮技術,包含利用穿針入髮,創造特別的質地,他們的靈巧讓長髮模特兒的女人味更顯嫵媚;Hooker &amp; Young壓軸登場,他們的風趣、娛樂性和美髮實力,在在將觀眾感官帶入最高峰。2018年的TRIBU-TE SHOW將於10月14日登場。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2017/121/138/_dce2285.jpeg?1612156480103" alt="_dce2285" /></p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2017/121/138/_dce2440.jpeg?1612156505067" alt="_dce2440" /></p>
<p>Kevin Murphy remains one of the most hard-working session stylists worldwide, and revealed several of his favourite techniques including sewing thread into the hair to create texture and shape. So inspiring to watch him deftly work amazing looks on long hair with flair and aplomb.</p>
<p>To close, Hooker &amp; Young owned the Tribu-te stage. They were funny, entertaining and yet retained enough gravitas to remind us they are right at the top of their game. They produced three looks on each of their models-using products and hair tools to best effect. Real showstoppers!</p>
<p>Next year keep Sunday 14 October for Tribu-te Show 2018!</p>


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