Salon News Asia
Wella World Studio 傳奇學院遷址
在英國倫敦佇立25的年頭,孕育超過35萬名髮型師,更培養了美髮產業裡最頂尖的幾位明星,位在西倫敦Mortimer街上的Wella World Studio於2016年8月悄然熄燈。

#英國 #Wella World Studio
在英國倫敦佇立25的年頭,孕育超過35萬名髮型師,更培養了美髮產業裡最頂尖的幾位明星,位在西倫敦Mortimer街上的Wella World Studio於2016年8月悄然熄燈。
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<p>There are few leading hairdressers who haven&rsquo;t graced the iconic Wella World Studio in London&rsquo;s West End. The legendary academy has been home to Wella for the last 25 years and has been a hub of hairdressing excellence for more than 350,000 hairdressers.</p>
<p>英國Wella的教育總監Sheila Jackson表示:「小小的告別實在太對不起這座陪伴Wella這麼多年的傳奇學院,我們鼓勵每個曾經來過這座學院的髮型師,上傳一段影片或文字,告訴我們你在這裡的經過,也許是和同期夥伴的情誼,或是與大師們交手的難忘經驗,這些故事將成為我們對學院最美的回憶和感謝。無論你是什麼樣的回憶故事,Wella都迫不及待的想側耳傾聽!」</p>
<p>&ldquo;However it wouldn&rsquo;t be right to simply close the doors to this amazing building that has been such a huge part of the Wella journey, without remembering the incredible times we have had there,&rdquo; says Sheila Jackson, Director Education and Events Wella UK &amp; Ireland.</p>
<p>To mark the end of an incredible era, Wella has created a farewell video. In addition, Wella would like everyone to share their memories of its Mortimer Street studio. Perhaps you remember one of its amazing events, seminars or shows, or maybe you simply shared a special moment with colleagues or one of the many icons who were frequently in the studio? Whatever your memory, Wella would love to hear about it.</p>
<p>當然,Wella的教育不會隨著學院熄燈就此終止,新的學院將於10月開幕,選址於泰晤士河畔的河岸街一號(One The Strand),極具意義的地址,將帶領Wella踏上更具潛力的未來,也帶領著髮型師們朝向更棒的教育環境而努力。</p>
<p>However it is now time for a new chapter in the Wella journey, and its new state of the art academy will be opening this October.</p>
<p>The dynamic new academy is located at One The Strand &ndash; an iconic London address by any standards &ndash; the new London venue truly represents the future of hairdressing education.</p>


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