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♣ AIPP AWARDS, Best Photo (London 2014)

♣ AIPP AWARDS, Best Photo (London 2014)
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Make Up
<p>論起全球美髮產業的創意先驅,很難不提到X-presion,即使沒聽過他們的名字,也不可能不知道他們創作的像素染;他們是美髮界奧斯卡AIPP Grand Trophy最年輕的得獎者,更因為高達7次的得獎紀錄而名列AIPP名人堂。</p>
<p>創辦於2005年,X-presion由三位西班牙年輕人Marco Antonio Restrepo Mu&ntilde;oz、Jorge C&aacute;ncer和Jos&eacute; Luis Almendral共同創立於馬德里,不同於髮廊或是學院的形式,三人將X-presion定位成「創意工作室」,以不斷研發前所未見的創新技術為宗旨,幫助啟發美髮產業。</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">跳脫品牌與潮流的框架 用純粹創造卓越</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2017/118/66/p8__3_.jpg?1612409394517" alt="p8__3_" /></p>
<p>Founded in 2005, X-presion is formed by 3 young entrepreneurs from Madrid &ndash; Marco Antonio Restrepo, Jorge C&aacute;ncer and Jose Luis Almendral, it is the first company worldwide dedicated exclusively to research and development in the artistic and educational fields of hairdressing. Marco, Jorge and Jos&eacute; met at a young age since they were just assistances at salon. After years, they worked themselves to the creative director of different salons also as educators of an international hair company. At some point, they realized that working for a company was like putting their creation in a box that they'll always have to follow the rules and fashion. It was when they thought "Let's start something different!"</p>
<p>Aim to work for the hair industry rather than a hair company. Instead of building a salon or an academy, they established a creative studio in Madrid where they can develop new cutting, coloring and dressing techniques. X-presion is far beyond the typical hairdressing. "The main concept of our company is to share what we create and what we like. We invest our time to create new ideas for the industry and the most rewarding part is to see hairdressers around the world create something with the techniques we created."</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">放下自我 用尊重達到完美平衡</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2017/118/66//p6.jpg?1612409490978" alt="p6" /></p>
<p>Being a team of three, they've always been asked if there was a fight or an disagreement happened. To most people's surprise, they call this a "perfect balance". Jorge explained, "We respect each other a lot. To be honest, they are the two best hairdressers that I know. If there are only two people, you will have the opposite mind which makes things difficult. But in three, it's always two against one and the one will respect the decision made by the other two." The trio working as one piece, there's no ego. Unlike other creative team having people specialize in different fields, they make every decision together whether it's artistically or of business.</p>
<p>"We work together and we are also very close friends that will spend the holidays together. Sometimes we go to Amazon Rain Forest, India or somewhere deep in the mountain with no internet or magazine. That's where we get rid of all the distraction and start something from zero and to create something authentic and original"</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">為美髮而生的原創設計備受青睞</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2017/118/66///p8__2_.jpg?1612409585466" alt="p8__2_" /></p>
<p>AIPP由媒體組織主辦,五項類別的冠軍皆由全球專業媒體評選,公平公正公開又不受品牌影響的特性讓它被譽為美髮界奧斯卡。賽後由5項類別冠軍重新創作,爭奪最高榮耀獎項Grand Trophy更是美髮界最令人垂涎欲滴的金蘋果。</p>
<p>2009年,X-presion首次獲得AIPP影片組冠軍,更於隔年奪下Grand Trophy,成為該獎項最年輕的得獎者。Jorge表示,X-presion驚人的得獎紀錄並非因為他們真的「很想得獎」,而是他們「很享受整個過程」,並且發自內心的喜愛自己的作品:「每一組作品都讓我們感到無比驕傲,很難選擇一組最愛的作品,如果連你都不滿意自己的作品,又怎麼能要求別人喜歡呢?」</p>
<p>In such a short period of time X-presion has achieved to transcend beyond the boundaries of hair to all its possible forms. They create already more than 20 techniques. Their endless creativity combined with cosmetic innovation and scientific investigation let them create literal pieces of art and brought them numerous awards including 7 AIPP awards.</p>
<p>"Winning the AIPP awards and Grand Trophy is really a career high light for all of us. Our tips is that no to lose your mind thinking 'I have to win', but enjoy the journey of every creation. When we just started, we never thought about to win so many awards. We just enjoy every collection and everything we made."</p>
<p>Unlike hair companies, X-presion only launch a new collection when they really have something to share, "we don't launch a collection every six months or every year. That's why we stop working with company, we just don't like how the fashion industry work." says Jorge.</p>
<p>X-presion extend their work to the world of art, music and cinema. Their creations, representing an original mix of music, video, costume design and photography, count with more than seventy front covers of the most prestigious professional magazines. "Some people may not know that we actually create everything, not just the hair but the clothing, music and videos." It's again, different from how the fashion industry works. In fashion industry, the photographer is the most important, then the models and stylists. Hairdressers are the least important. However, X-presion do it an opposite way by starting from hair concept and build the rest from it.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">創新技術像素染引爆全球創意風潮</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2017/118/66/////p8.jpg?1612409817348" alt="p8" /></p>
<p>In 2015, a never before seen coloring technique caused a huge sensation in hair industry. #xpresionpixel is a revolutionary color technique. An innovative coloring process that achieves a new chromatic dimension and color pixelated effect on the hair, while playing with movement and transforming these textures into the appearance of the pixel effect &ndash; something mind blowing!</p>
<p>#xpresionpixel is a consequence of one after another collection. "It's not an idea came up nowhere in day or two. Normally, hair color is to see in vertical rather than horizontal. If you've seen our first collection, you'll notice that we've been thinking about how to create new shape with color since then. "</p>
<p>Months after, they published a short video on the Instagram in which when the model's hair is in motion or tousled, the video game characters, Super Mario, is brought to life in hair-form. It became a hit on social media. According to Allure Magazine, Super Mario was "The Coolest Thing On Instagram".</p>
<p>"It took us a week or more to create it. When you comb the hair, there's a Super Mario in every section." This takes time to make plan, just like an architect, we have to draw a blue print before actually do it. You&rsquo;ll need to be very precise to create a piece."</p>
<p>#xpresionpixel is already a revolution on Instagram, Facebook, TV, and Fashion Magazines and already made more than 130 million impacts. The Super Mario got 4 million views, "it's a huge advertisement of our work" says Jorge.</p>
<p>X-presion深知網路的優點:「10年前有一個專門提供搖滾樂團的網路平台叫My Space,我們很早就開始使用社群媒體做宣傳,這也是我們能擁有這麼多粉絲的原因。分享創意是很重要的一件事,我們會將X-presion與分享的技術結合成標籤,例如#xpresionpixel或#xpresionthread,網友會受圖片吸引,進而想學習技術。」</p>
<p>Social media has become very important for any business than ever. X-presion started to use social media long before Facebook was born. "We started at the very beginning by using My Space 10 years ago. I think it's why we have so many followers. It's important to share your creation. We always use #xpresioncreativo when publishing collections. We also add the techniques on it as #xpresionpixel or #xpresionthread because people around the world want to learn this when they see it.&rdquo;</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">教育的目的不在追逐潮流 而是啟發創造力</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2017/118/66//////p1.jpg?1612409965210" alt="p1" /></p>
<p>X-presion謹記創辦初衷,替美髮產業帶來新技術的同時,也以教育幫助行業成長。「我們不相信在台上示範幾款髮型就是在預告趨勢,X-presion不教趨勢,而是技術。分享技術旨在啟發,幫助髮型師們發掘內心的創作力,技術只是一把鑰匙,讓他們能解放創作的小宇宙,在各自的生涯上有所突破,我們稱之為啟發式教育(Creative Education Method)。」</p>
<p>Be true to their leitmotiv, X-presion create techniques that can benefit the industry through creative and education. "We don't believe by showing three or four haircuts and it could be the trends for future. What we want to do is to inspire the hairdressers to discover their own creativities. We teach techniques, we don't teach trends. We call this creative education." The absolute goal of the Creative Education Method is to bring back the excitement for doing hair and give hairdressers the freedom to execute the type of work they perhaps had never imagined.</p>
<p>With Madrid Show Posetive coming, we are aspiring X-presion to bring something original and innovative to stage and to blow our mind again. </p>


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