Salon News Asia
Zoe Irwin
歷經流金歲月、超過30年美髮時光的曼妙軌跡,她是時尚圈不落俗套、溫暖人心的女性力量,Zoe Irwin,世界最啟發人心的髮型師之一。

#Zoe Irwin
歷經流金歲月、超過30年美髮時光的曼妙軌跡,她是時尚圈不落俗套、溫暖人心的女性力量,Zoe Irwin,世界最啟發人心的髮型師之一。
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<p>令人鍾愛的髮型師Zoe Irwin,任ghd英國品牌大使近十年,能在全球活動的舞台上看見她的身影,她深根教育、發展產品、出席髮秀表演。身分多元的她,也是Wella英國色彩趨勢專家,她根據趨勢開創新色調、指導Wella藝術團隊的教育和時尚活動。洞悉色彩世界,Zoe對廣大的美髮圈有極大憾動力,她同時是John Frieda沙龍的創意總監、且任Manta Brush品牌大使,並擁有令人欽羨的名人顧客名單。The Independent雜誌形容她是美髮圈的Stella McCartney,Vogue稱她為造型吹整女王,舉凡知名雜誌Elle、Hapers Bazaar、Marie Claire、GQ等媒體皆曾刊出她的專訪,Zoe 無疑是時尚圈的意見領袖。2012她獲得Most Wanted Hair Icon Awards大獎,兩年前她再獲Creative Talent Awards,成為她美髮職涯重要殊榮。</p>
<p>Zoe Irwin, one of the most inspiring hairstylists in the world, has been ghd UK ambassador for almost 10 years. She styles hair in global campaigns, educates the global team, develops the product and has performance in numerous major shows. She is also the Wella UK color expert, to formulate colors of own tones that corresponds to the current trends. She coordinates with Wella artist team&rsquo;s education and brand&rsquo;s fashion activities. With insight into color, Zoe became the big influencer in hairdressing industry. She is also the creative director of John Frieda Salon, and ambassador of the Manta Brush brand. What&rsquo;s more, she has an enviable celebrity client list. The Independent described her as &ldquo;The Stella McCartney in Hairdressing&rdquo;, Vogue reckoned her as &ldquo;Blow-dry Queen&rdquo;. Most of well-known magazines including Elle, Hapers Bazaar, Marie Claire, GQ &hellip;etc have published her exclusive interviews as well. She is undoubtedly an opinion leader in the fashion industry. In 2012, Zoe won the Most Wanted Hair Icon Awards. Two years ago, she won the Creative Talent Awards, which is an important honor in her career.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">冒險啟航的甜蜜旅程</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2020/133/56//////////%E5%B0%81%E9%9D%A2.jpg?1612509280185" alt="封面" /></p>
<p>那年Zoe 17歲,就像一般青少年,她一心想當個受人注意的酷女孩,因緣際會進入朋友的媽媽開的沙龍打工,沙龍的氛圍、音樂、文化讓她墜入美髮的愛河,這珍貴的經驗讓原本計畫念大學的她改變心意,留在家鄉繼續當美髮學徒。兩年後,她前往倫敦朝聖全球最大沙龍展會Salon International,人群中有人問她要不要當Trevor Sorbie的模特兒,後來團隊剪去了她的頭髮、她穿上Vivienne Westwood的衣服、花了一整天學走秀,Zoe見識到美髮圈前所未有的一面!那之後,Zoe毅然決然地搬到倫敦,於是那超乎想像、炫麗奪目的美髮旅程展開了&hellip;...</p>
<p>When Zoe was 17, she just wanted to be cool and got notice like most of teenagers. She was on the way to college but by a chance she got a summer job in her friend&rsquo;s mother salon. And she deeply fell in love with the atmosphere, music and the culture. Then she changed plans to try an apprenticeship at a salon in her home town. After two years, she went to Salon International, which changed her life entirely. She was in the crowd and someone asked her to be a model for Trevor Sorbie. She spent the day with Trevor&rsquo;s team learning how to walk. They dressed her in Vivienne Westwood and cut the hair off. Zoe saw a whole different side of hairdressing and she knew instantly that she wanted to move to London once after finished the apprenticeship. She started the incredible and unlimited journey ever since.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">游刃有餘之前的過程</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2020/133/56///00003.jpg?1612509000969" alt="00003" /></p>
<p>Zoe learned to shoot hair with the salon&rsquo;s owner, who is a photographer, when she worked in London. To promote professional skill, she went to the Wella Academy and did every course offered by the college. Destiny is intriguing, after many years, she became the color expert of Wella UK. Her opinions had influenced the global hairdressing market.</p>
<p>有段時間,Zoe說起法文、搬往巴黎進修法式時尚,她為雜誌工作、擔任品牌藝術團隊一員,也曾在韓國一場5000位觀眾的髮秀上演示技術,是她最難忘的經歷。回國後,她遇見影響最深的貴人Guido Palaus「我在法國學到許多經典技術,如果沒去法國,我相信日後不會加入Guido的團隊,我與他共事十年之久,他向是我的導師、是這圈子最具影響力的髮型師!」Zoe的專業備受青睞,成為眾多品牌爭相邀約擔任大使的對象,教育工作和髮秀表演遍跡全球 。</p>
<p>Zoe went to Paris to study French beauty and improve her French for a while. She worked for magazines and became part of an international art team. She even did a public performance to global audience of 5,000 people in Korea. After back to UK, she met Guido Palaus. Zoe said, &ldquo;I&rsquo;d learned so many classic techniques during my time in France. Guido asked me to join his team, which wouldn&rsquo;t have happened if I hadn&rsquo;t gone to France. I worked with Guido Palaus team for ten years. He is my mentor and is definitely the most incredible and influential hairdresser.&rdquo; Zoe's profession is highly regarded She became so popular that global leading brands invited her to be brand ambassadors by all mean. She also did wonderful shows and workshop worldwide.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">復刻成功 活出理想人物仿真版</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2020/133/56////00007.jpg?1612509026489" alt="00007" /></p>
<p>Rome was not built in a day. Even as talented as Zoe she faces challenges every day. &ldquo;In beauty industry, we must progress every day. Fashion magazines always expect me to create new design. The work that I do today is very different from what I did 5 years ago. However, there is something never change. Being a creative director, I always open my mind to new ideas. I spend most of time with women from fashion magazines, jewelry and fashion designers, so I learn current trends and some impressing ideas by osmosis. And I spend 10% of my yearly income to attend workshops. You don&rsquo;t have to take the obvious career path. However you must take action and go outside if you want to achieve your goals. Also, believe in yourself. Start living the life you want. if you want to be an ambassador, start shooting that way and give quotes to magazines. If your live life as what you think, you will then become the exact person. Finally, I always approach people. Don&rsquo;t sit back and wait for them to approach you instead,&rdquo; she said.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">女人必修課 瀟灑工作VS擁抱家庭</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2020/133/56/////00008.jpg?1612509048070" alt="00008" /></p>
<p>Time is Zoe&rsquo;s biggest challenge. Being different roles at the same time, she runs the brand, being location fashion designer and color technician as well. She hopes herself be able to balance between the roles but realize that time is always limited. &ldquo;I find it hard to balance my family life and work life. I easily completely absorbed in work. I was scared to try to have a child in my thirties as I felt I would lose my career. I spent my forties in IVF fertility but in vain because the body was not in a good condition; thus, I always tell young girls not put their work life in front of some important values of their lives. In my forties, I used to travel the world with singers and actresses styling their hair for big events. I made a significant change in my forties, I decided to give this up to have a career more based in the UK to spend more time at home,&rdquo; Zoe shared with us.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">令人傾心的教育家</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2020/133/56//////00001.jpg?1612509068873" alt="00001" /></p>
<p>Zoe has been deeply rooted in education for many years. She designs the education which features not only skills but fashion history. She teaches art and fashion, and constantly develop different teaching methods that is suitable for hair according to science research. She likes to open hairdresser&rsquo;s eyes to become far more creative and ambitious in their careers, to guide them for the better and brighter career path they feel drawn to. Zoe teaches the minute details to technical skill &rdquo; As you sow, so shall you reap. This has never let me down during my hairdressing road, the more I studied and put passion into it, the more exciting it became.&rdquo; said by Zoe.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">回歸理想的初衷</div>
<p>Zoe心中的理想髮型師:「好的髮型師一定會是個好的傾聽者,讓客戶變得更美,整個人活起來!設計的風格不但可以與衣櫃裡的衣服契合,也能符合她本身的氣質,最重要的是,髮型師必須能用自己的專業帶來正向的影響力。」Zoe的職涯終極目標是希望自己能保持熱情與激動、一直和志趣相投的人工作、分享專業建議。五光十色的時尚圈不乏傳奇人物,Zoe Irwin,值得頌讚的美髮圈女力,期待Zoe於多元的身分下,繼續以不可思議的方式為潮流引路。</p>
<p>Zoe defines a good hairdresser in her mind, &ldquo;Someone that listens well will be able to make clients look more charming and lively. Also, the design will match to clients&rsquo; own clothes and lifestyle. A good hairdresser must have positive influence with their professional skills.&rdquo; Her ultimate goal is to remain enthusiastic and excited, to work with likeminded people that share and develop ideas together. Glamorous beauty industry is full of legends, Zoe Irwin, who plays multiple roles, absolutely deserves to be praised as leading female designer in the hairdressing world. We would love to her to keep leading trends by working in incredible ways.</p>


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