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全新美髮雜誌 Infringe 上線
一對一起工作40年的夫妻(Anthony Mascolo和Pat Mascolo),在2016年創辦美髮雜誌Infringe,而他們創辦想法竟出於主修人類學的女兒,他們訪問了紐約哈林區的理髮店,也訪問髮型博物館;Anthony Mascolo期待這本雜誌能讓髮型師讀者離開原有的角度,用更寬廣的態度來看待自己的工作。

# Infringe #美髮雜誌
一對一起工作40年的夫妻(Anthony Mascolo和Pat Mascolo),在2016年創辦美髮雜誌Infringe,而他們創辦想法竟出於主修人類學的女兒,他們訪問了紐約哈林區的理髮店,也訪問髮型博物館;Anthony Mascolo期待這本雜誌能讓髮型師讀者離開原有的角度,用更寬廣的態度來看待自己的工作。
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<p>身為獲獎無數的髮型師和提碁(TIGI)創意總監,談到決定做新媒體的原因,Anthony Mascolo表示:「我和派特(pat)已經一起工作40年之久了。我們的關係緊密,且是彼此的靈感泉源。即使在休息時間,我們仍在思考下一步能做些什麼。我們最初的構想是創辦一個以頭髮為主題的線上雜誌。我們希望能將網站內容連結到社群媒體。」</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2017/119/86/p1.jpg?1612164232131" alt="p1" /></p>
<p>Pat &amp; I have worked together for almost 40 years. Ours is a very close relationship and we feed off each other&rsquo;s ideas. There&rsquo;s no time when work stops, our creative process is continual. Even on our &lsquo;downtime&rsquo; we think about what we can do next. Our original thought was to create a visual online magazine. This seemed the way forwards, linking online content to social media.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">女兒啟發 專注於雜誌的不可取代性</div>
<p>It&rsquo;s actually INFRINGE &ndash; An Anthropology of Hair. Our daughter Alex, did a degree in Anthropology and then a Masters in Forensic Anthropology. Totally off-the-wall as far as we were concerned! Where did that interest come from? However, talking to her about the subjects she was studying, made us see the culture and development of hairstyling and its importance to the wearer as well as the impact of fashion and cultural trends. The study of Anthropology looks at the various aspects of humans in societies. Hair is totally relevant to this study and gave us a new perspective to our own work.</p>
<p>Personally I like to see beautiful and interesting photography in print. It inspires me far more than looking at a computer screen I don&rsquo;t want INFRINGE to be of the moment. I want people to be able to keep their copy.</p>
<p>This is especially so because we are interested in documenting hair culture that is &lsquo;on the fringes&rsquo;, which often means travelling to far-flung places and meeting wonderfully unusual people! The influence it can bring is about taking people outside of their usual viewpoint to think more widely about their work.</p>
<p>I&rsquo;ve followed Dazed since it first came out. It perfectly captures emerging fashion and culture.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">擁有來自世界各地的人脈</div>
<p>My experiences as a hairdresser and as a photographer have obviously been important, but I also have a vast number of contacts across the globe &ndash; artists, photographers, graphic designers and film-makers, who have inspired me to create this project.</p>
<p>For our &lsquo;People&rsquo; section, our core team did a lot of research. We interviewed hair creatives and accompanied this with images taken throughout their careers. This meant lots of liaison with agents and photographers to be able to feature their amazing imagery. We are lucky that our team is small and dedicated and everyone is happy to &lsquo;muck in&rsquo; and get involved with things outside of their comfort zones.</p>
<p>Probably one of the most amazing stories is the New York barber who is still working at 106!</p>
<p>Whilst INFRINGE is about hair, we wanted to not only appeal to hairdressers, but also artists, photographers and people within the world of beauty and fashion for whom hair is an important aspect of their work.</p>
<p>We won&rsquo;t publish another issue in 2017 but there will be at least 1 next year!</p>


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