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全球美髮人聚焦 2014 Salon International
2014年10月11-13日,是一年一度的大型美髮盛事,全球最專業的Salon International美髮展覽在倫敦ExCel展場熱鬧登場,展覽會場中不僅靜態攤位展出,還包括動態的現場表演、競賽暨技術研討會等等,來自全球之髮型師、品牌暨專業人士超過萬人次,展覽攤位破200個,是全球美髮人與品牌代理商必朝聖之地。

#Salon International #SASSOON #TIGI #Saco
2014年10月11-13日,是一年一度的大型美髮盛事,全球最專業的Salon International美髮展覽在倫敦ExCel展場熱鬧登場,展覽會場中不僅靜態攤位展出,還包括動態的現場表演、競賽暨技術研討會等等,來自全球之髮型師、品牌暨專業人士超過萬人次,展覽攤位破200個,是全球美髮人與品牌代理商必朝聖之地。
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<p>另外,在Salon International為期三天的展覽中,除了現場演出與競賽之外,另一個重頭戲則是必須事前額外購票的沙龍現場秀(Salon Live)與技術研討會(Salon Seminar)。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2014/103/112/img_4946_resized.jpg?1612503526796" alt="img_4946_resized" /> <img src="assets/uploads/files/2014/103/112/img_4655_resized.jpg?1612503526796" alt="img_4655_resized" /> <img src="assets/uploads/files/2014/103/112/10310london_549_resized.jpg?1612503526796" alt="10310london_549_resized" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">沙龍現場秀Salon Live</div>
<p>沙龍現場秀的名單都是全球赫赫有名的經典代表,包括Sassoon Academy沙宣學院、Patrick Cameron、Toni&amp;Guy與TIGI INSPIRATIONAL YOUTH等團隊。在現場75分鐘裡詮釋他們的創作理念暨教育方針。</p>
<p>由Mark Hayes領軍的Sassoon Academy沙宣學院現場表演團隊,無非是美髮界的經典指標,受歡迎程度從尚未開展票已售罄的盛況中可見一斑;而擅長編髮的造型大師Patrick Cameron,運用個人生動活潑逗趣的舞台魅力贏得不少粉絲支持。</p>
<p>歷史悠久的英國國際連鎖沙龍品牌Toni&amp;Guy,在全球擁有一定的支持者,其現場秀也是深受髮型師青睞的團隊之一;而年輕品牌TIGI INSPIRATIONAL YOUTH,善以青春洋溢、活潑技巧、視覺趨勢,引領髮型師新的靈感與啟發。</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">技術研討會Salon Seminar</div>
<p>Salon Seminar是提供髮型師專業剪、染、燙技術的升級研討會,今年由Mahogany、Saco、Philip Kingsley Trichology Taster三個團隊發表最新趨勢作品暨技術教學,每一個團隊各有其獨家技術與專門領域,Salon Seminar技術研討會無疑是髮型師吸收新知與學習新技術的最佳殿堂。</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">展覽會場亮點多</div>
<p>BHA(British Hairdressing Awards)英國美髮大賽藝廊也是展覽會場一大亮點,集結今年所有參賽作品,全都是來自英國最具權威的大師之手,這也是讓全球髮型師流連忘返之處。</p>
<p>Sassoon Academy與Toni&amp;Guy攤位展售的教學影片與趨勢作品刊物更是髮型師趨之若鶩的暢銷熱賣商品之一。而來自台灣行銷全世界超過20個國家的歐萊?(O&rsquo;right),也在展場上佔一席之地,總經理葛望平除了期望創造一個天然環保的專業髮品之外,最大的使命莫過於讓全世界認識台灣,他用自己的力量去改變世界對台灣的看法。</p>
<p>值得一提的是,全球知名美髮攝影大師Andrew O'Toole?,今年BHA入圍的多位美髮師作品都是出自他手,他除了現身展場之外,並於澳洲髮品ELEVEN展覽攤位上架設攝影機組,直接現場實操拍攝模特兒作業情況,讓許多美髮人駐足觀摩。</p>
<p>With so much to see and do within The Hair Show at Salon International, it&rsquo;s sometimes difficult to know where to start and how to make the most of your time at the event. ?But rest assured, it&rsquo;s still the No1 destination for all hairdressing professionals and there are many great products and services, practical solutions and financial incentives you can benefit from whilst you&rsquo;re at the show, ensuring you&rsquo;re saving time as well as money, and that&rsquo;s before we even start thinking about the education and inspiration available at every turn.?</p>
<p>So come along and see the 200+ exhibitors who&rsquo;ll be taking their place at Salon International 2014, along with the many fantastic at show features and attractions, including the HJ Stage, Fellowship for British Hairdressing, Denman, Hair Tools, Sassoon Academy, Toni&amp;Guy and Wahl to name but a few. ?See our?exhibitor list?for full details.</p>
<p>For even more inspiration, don&rsquo;t forget to visit the British Hairdressing Awards Gallery, where you&rsquo;ll be able to review work from the finalists of the 2014 British Hairdressing Awards, sponsored by Schwarzkopf Professional.</p>
<p>With so much on offer, it&rsquo;s the best place to get your creative juices flowing this year. ?So come, soak up the amazing atmosphere and mix with the many thousands of like-minded hairdressing professionals that will be making their way to this year&rsquo;s un-missable event.</p>
<p>Show stopping productions from Sassoon Academy, Patrick Cameron, TONI&amp;GUY and TIGI Inspirational Youth in the Salon Live theatre made Salon International 2014 unmissable. Leading talent from each of these iconic brands presented their visions for the future in 75 minute shows that combined their creative concepts with education.</p>
<p>Providing a platform for education, Salon Seminars offered the audience an up-close-and-personal opportunity to see the masters at work. Salon International 2014 saw Mahogany, Saco and Philip Kingsley's Clinical Director, Glenn Lyons share their wealth of knowledge and experience with their captivated audiences.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">Salon Live</div>
<p>.Sassoon Academy's International Creative Team :《Nu Pop》展現經典沙宣新髮藝</p>
<p>沙宣學院國際創意團隊源源不絕的靈感來源與創意發想,造就了六十年來全球髮型趨勢的領導地位,創辦人Vidal Sassoon所樹立的剪髮標竿暨牛耳地位無人可及,深深影響著全球美髮人。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2014/103/112/sun_sass0n_b_094_resized.jpg?1612503715163" alt="sun_sass0n_b_094_resized" /></p>
<p>沙宣學院今年於Salon Live現場演繹了最新作品《Nu Pop》,靈感來自於「油漬搖滾」天王Kurt Cobain與六○年代超摸指標Peggy Moffitt的激發。當這兩個截然對立的形象,在解構後又重塑時,忽如一陣新風,令人屏息駐足。透過舞台後方大螢幕與現場模特兒台步的互動,展現強大的結構化線條,並利用不對稱的結構、不連貫的長度與緊密服貼的造型演繹多款俏皮的鮑伯短髮。</p>
<p>沙宣學院全球創意總監Mark Hayes特別強調利用形狀與創意打造沙龍適用髮型的重要性,他說:「沙宣大師認為若是沒有一定的技巧,也無法創作出大師級的作品,當然,設計和穩定度也同樣是關鍵。」</p>
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<p>Sassoon Academy's International Creative Team wowed the crowds with creations that took influences from their roots in the 60s and every decade up to the present day. In tribute to their founder, Vidal Sassoon, hairstyles were inspired by the iconic five point cut and Peggy Moffitt's signature fringe. The show also introduced Sassoon's Nu Pop collection, showcasing strong structured fringes, playful bob shapes with slight asymmetry through the internal structure, disjointed lengths and tightly undercut hair. The looks were also diluted into the more wearable Salon Collection and International Creative Director, Mark Hayes stressed the importance of being able to use the shapes and ideas to create salon-friendly hairstyles: "Vidal Sassoon said that without technique one cannot achieve mastery of form, but it is also about design and suitability," says Mark.</p>
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<p>在去年的Salon International,TONI&amp;GUY與在場所有美髮人一起歡慶了50週年的紀念,而今年,正是他們展望未來的第一步。TONI&amp;GUY的沙龍團隊獻上他們最新的作品《Lexicon collection》,這組作品是從Future Foundation collection系列中取出主要趨勢元素創作而成。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2014/103/112/t_guy_b_049_resized.jpg?1612503844798" alt="t_guy_b_049_resized" /> <img src="assets/uploads/files/2014/103/112/t_guy_a_248_resized.jpg?1612503844798" alt="t_guy_a_248_resized" />&nbsp;</p>
<p>At Salon International last year TONI&amp;GUY celebrated 50 years in business and this year was a look to the future as the salon group presented their new Lexicon collection, as well as key looks from their Future Foundation collection. Lexicon is a primary colour story, with shades of blue, yellow and red all featuring on the Salon Live stage. The collection sees similar tones placed next to each other and beautifully blended together with more dramatic changes of shade placed underneath for a colour pop. Barbering techniques were served by the LDN; a military-inspired creation where the very short hair at the back is blended seamlessly into a longer, but still head-hugging shape on top.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2014/103/112/t_guy_a_083_resized.jpg?1612503844798" alt="t_guy_a_083_resized" /></p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2014/103/112/t_amp%3Bguy_a_185_resized.jpg?1612503766867" alt="t_amp;guy_a_185_resized" /></p>
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<p>.TIGI Inspirational Youth:美髮界閃耀新星初試啼聲</p>
<p>TIGI年輕創意團隊(TIGI Inspirational Youth)在Salon International初試啼聲擔任壓軸,10位才華洋溢的髮型師在上台前已經做好基本的剪染工作,舞台上展現的是他們最後的造型能力,並講解事前的預備工作。</p>
<p>TIGI的全球創意總監Christel Lundqvist和 Nick Irwin、歐洲創意總監 Akos Bodi以及創辦人兼國際藝術總監Anthony Mascolo都一同到場為TIGI年輕創意團隊打氣,Anthony更讚揚:「這場表演是這群年輕設計師生涯的開端,他們將成為美髮界閃耀的明日之星。」</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2014/103/112/tigi_b004_resized.jpg?1612503927411" alt="tigi_b004_resized" /> <img src="assets/uploads/files/2014/103/112/tigi_b064_resized.jpg?1612503927411" alt="tigi_b064_resized" /></p>
<p>The&nbsp;TIGI Inspirational Youth 2014 team made its stage debut at Salon International, which served as the grand final&eacute; to the Salon Live performances. As well as styling their finished looks on stage, each of the ten talented TIGI prot&eacute;g&eacute;es had already cut and coloured a model, and spoke with knowledge about the techniques they'd chosen, including a blush-pink root stretch and layered copper tones.</p>
<p>Joining the team on their journey and on stage were TIGI Global Creative Director, Christel Lundqvist, European Creative Director, Akos Bodi and Global Creative Director, Nick Irwin, as well as TIGI founder and International Artistic Director, Anthony Mascolo. "We believe in giving young people like this the opportunity to represent us at Salon International," said Anthony. "We believe in doing it, because they are the hairdressers of the future. Their journey doesn't end here today, this is just the start of their hairdressing careers."</p>
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<p>.Patrick Cameron:粉紅色系呼籲對乳腺癌的重視</p>
<p>長髮編髮大師Patrick Cameron,此次在Salon Live上大秀浪漫唯美的粉紅色。對於首度以粉紅色系為基調,其背後深層的用意在於Patrick Cameron希望藉此呼籲世人對於女性乳腺癌的認知與防範。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2014/103/112/patcam_a227_resized.jpg?1612503960794" alt="patcam_a227_resized" /> <img src="assets/uploads/files/2014/103/112/patcam_b061_resized.jpg?1612503960794" alt="patcam_b061_resized" /></p>
<p>Back for another year, Patrick Cameron amazed his audience in his usual flamboyant fashion with his debut of The Pink Collection. Titled to raise awareness of Breast Cancer, The Pink Collection is all about the building blocks of long hair. With a focus on undone, more youthful hair finishes, styles were left loose and romantic to appeal to a younger audience; the kind of audience that spend money on getting their hair done regularly. Proving just how easy it is to style long hair if you prep correctly and use the right techniques, Patrick ended the show on a high with a blindfolded look. A model with a ponytail was transformed, live on stage, with Patrick creating a voluminous updo with twists and curls - all with his eye mask firmly in place.</p>
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<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2014/103/112/saco-63_resized.jpg?1612504021493" alt="saco-63_resized" /></p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2014/103/112/saco-69_resized.jpg?1612504105930" alt="saco-69_resized" /></p>
<p>SACO教學研討會由創意總監Richard Ashforth開場,講解色彩與《Decoys》系列的搭配,強調對比鮮明的色調和圖案的色彩呈現,Andrea Martinelli和Pierre Saint Seve以分析時裝週和雜誌照的髮型風格暨趨勢,為教學研討會畫下完美句點。</p>
<p><img style="font-size: 14px;" src="assets/uploads/files/2014/103/112/saco-57_resized.jpg?1612504021493" alt="saco-57_resized" /></p>
<p>Saco's seminar sessions saw their creative team present the new Decoys collection, which comprises Decoded, a collection of strong structured looks, and Spirit, which featured softer salon-friendly hairstyles. Hosted by Creative Director, Richard Ashforth, the seminar began with a colour presentation of the contrasting tones and patterns that feature in Decoded and Spirit. Completing the educational presentation Andrea Martinelli and Pierre Saint Sever gave an insight into some of their creative and editorial work at Fashion Week and working with designers.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">Salon Seminar</div>
<p>Savilians collection的關鍵顏色</p>
<p>Mahogany的創意總監Colin Greaney、Antony Licata和Neil Atkinson一起展示Mahogany最新的創作《Savilians collection》,模特兒直接在舞台上現場造型,招牌短髮配上線條感十足的剪裁及色彩,展現協調感。染髮總監Tai Walker從國家美術館的展覽「色彩製作」獲得靈感,和觀眾分享調出紅棕色系時所需的關鍵顏色。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2014/103/112/mahogany-seminar-7_resized.jpg?1612504219827" alt="mahogany-seminar-7_resized" /></p>
<p>Creative Directors, Colin Greaney, Antony Licata and Neil Atkinson presented the Mahogany Savilians collection, which fuses Savile Row tailoring concepts with outlandish finishes. Models were transformed live on stage with trademark short shapes, structured lines and tailored colour that was 'stitched' together for a seamless feel. Taking inspiration from the National Gallery's seminal Making Colour exhibition, which documents how artists have produced pigment through the years, Mahogany's Head of Colour, Tai Walker, talked the audience through the key shades of copper, raspberry, cobalt blue, antique pink and vanilla blonde.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2014/103/112/mahogany-seminar-21_resized.jpg?1612504133626" alt="mahogany-seminar-21_resized" /> <img src="assets/uploads/files/2014/103/112/mahogany-seminar-88_resized.jpg?1612504133627" alt="mahogany-seminar-88_resized" /></p>


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