Salon News Asia
剪燙染三冠王 Ammon Carver
來自美國猶他州小鎮的Ammon Carver,從一名馴馬師變成了在紐約大放異彩的明星設計大師,傳奇的過程一直為人所津津樂道。他常穿梭在設計師品牌如Ralph Lauren Polo與Van Cleef & Arpel等時尚週的後台,還擔綱日舞影展與獨立精神獎的髮型製作,在Matrix電視廣告的曝光更親自上陣,也參與Salon Diaries電視實境秀節目,髮型作品屢見於各大知名國際雜誌。四年來Ammon一直擔任Matrix藝術總監,多次入圍NAHA北美設計師獎決賽,表現亮眼。Ammon的明星粉絲也一籮筐,各個大有來頭。

來自美國猶他州小鎮的Ammon Carver,從一名馴馬師變成了在紐約大放異彩的明星設計大師,傳奇的過程一直為人所津津樂道。他常穿梭在設計師品牌如Ralph Lauren Polo與Van Cleef & Arpel等時尚週的後台,還擔綱日舞影展與獨立精神獎的髮型製作,在Matrix電視廣告的曝光更親自上陣,也參與Salon Diaries電視實境秀節目,髮型作品屢見於各大知名國際雜誌。四年來Ammon一直擔任Matrix藝術總監,多次入圍NAHA北美設計師獎決賽,表現亮眼。Ammon的明星粉絲也一籮筐,各個大有來頭。
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<p>Ammon年少時擔任馴馬師期間,很偶然認識一群髮型師,深受他們的創意魅力吸引,從此很嚮往髮型界,當年他17歲,雖然並不曉得自己是否生來就是設計師的料,仍毫不考慮地立志要找到自己的一片天。接著他搬去紐約,繼續深造自己的專業才華。沒多久他就在知名的Plaza Hotel內的沙龍Warren-Tricomi找到工作,很快成為店內當家設計師。他的名聲越來越響亮,吸引了眾多藝人明星Kate Beckinsale、Molly Sims、David Foster、Lake Bell、Parker Posey、Leighton Meester、Amanda Seyfried、Carson Kressly。他表示,「維持藝人客群跟照顧一般客人並無二致。你要隨時吸收資訊,走在流行尖端。了解時尚產業的第一手動態,你才能把客人打理的永保如新,跟上潮流。」</p>
<p>Originally from a small town in Utah, Ammon Carver has come a long way from training show horses to becoming a celebrity stylist. While training show horses for a living, he met a group of hairdressers and fell in love with their creative, charismatic nature. At the age of 17, he knew that he wanted to be part of their world. He wanted to be a hairdresser. Although uncertain if he would be very talented technically, he knew without a doubt that he wanted to find his place in the beauty industry. Ammon then moved to New York to further his rapidly growing talent. Quickly landing a position at the Warren-Tricomi Salon at the legendary Plaza Hotel, Ammon quickly became noticed as their premier stylist. In addition to his work in the salon, Ammon&rsquo;s editorial work has been featured in several high profile fashion and beauty publications, such as Vogue, Marie Claire, Harper&rsquo;s Bazaar, Cosmopolitan, Vanity Fair, Seventeen, Modern Salon and American Salon. Ammon&rsquo;s celebrity clientele includes A-listers Kate Beckinsale, Molly Sims, David Foster, Lake Bell, Parker Posey, Leighton Meester, Amanda Seyfried, and Carson Kressly. He indicates that &ldquo;maintaining celebrity clients is very much the same as maintaining regular clients&hellip;keep yourself educated and on trends with your work. Knowing what is going on in the world of fashion and beauty allows you to keep your clients looking current and fresh.&rdquo;</p>
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<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">剪染燙三冠王 影視時尚三棲</div>
<p>勝擅剪染燙三領域的Ammon,有如鐵人三冠王。他常參與Vogue、美麗佳人、哈潑時尚、柯夢波丹、浮華世界的拍攝髮型工作,創作亦跨足電影、電視與時尚後台,如紐約時尚週中的Van Cleef &amp; Arpel、Ralph Lauren Polo、Nautica、Luca Luca、Vlassis等設計師品牌秀。他也參與日舞影展、MTV電影獎、獨立精神獎等後台。他在MATRIX的電視廣告中也親自上陣,還參與實境秀Salon Diaries,呈現一個來自西岸設計師努力在紐約出頭天的挑戰之路。他多元化發展的訣竅,就是「無論在哪個領域,受聘於何種工作,都要努力維護自己的招牌。良好的工作態度會讓你名聲遠播,當好機會來臨時,人們會非常樂意幫你引薦。」</p>
<p>With a well-rounded skill set which includes cutting, color and styling (mastering talent in all three), Ammon&rsquo;s diverse experience spans Film, TV and Runway.</p>
<p>His behind-the-scenes work includes backstage styling at New York&rsquo;s Fashion Week for designer brands such as Van Cleef &amp; Arpel, Ralph Lauren Polo,Nautica, Luca Luca and Vlassis, to name a few; and his work in Film &amp; TV includes the MTV Movie Awards, Sundance Film Festival, 50 Mas Bellos, and Independent Spirit Awards. Ammon&rsquo;s in front of the camera work includes his recent starring roles in a Biolage commercial and Matrix PSA which aired during Tabatha&rsquo;s Salon Takeover. Recently, he was featured in the Bravo reality series, Salon Diaries. The show highlighted the challenges of a West Coast hairdresser looking to make it big in NYC. His secrete to involving himself in these diverse industries? &ldquo;The secret to getting involved in different industries is to maintain a professional, credible reputation with every job you are hired for. A good work ethic and reputation travel fast and people will always refer you for new and exciting work.&rdquo;</p>
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<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">景仰大師風範 不斷力求精進</div>
<p>Ammon談到剛入行時的難忘經歷,就是跟國際大師Nicholas French同台共事,讓他對大師的前衛作品大感佩服。他一直以來也深受Vidal Sassoon大師的影響,認為Sassoon徹底改造了髮型師看待美髮作品這件事的角度。此外,Ammon很早就開始接觸Matrix,成為成功的轉捩點。為了拓展自己的道路與技術,他加入了Matrix教育團隊吸取新知。「短短七年我就從髮型師蛻變成全球藝術團隊成員,品牌的協助與資源改變了我的人生,也讓我引以為傲。」與品牌合作的四年來,他也深感「教育有如美髮界的命脈,髮型師自然而然會追隨致力於教育與支持的品牌。」</p>
<p>Ammon&rsquo;s unforgettable experience when he first entered hair industry was his first hair show, where he worked with the great Nicholas French, whose avant garde hair completely blew him away. Also, his all-time inspiration comes from the great Vidal Sassoon, because of the impact Sassoon made on hairdressing. &ldquo;Vidal Sassoon changed the way that hairdressers approach their craft.&rdquo; Ammon began using Matrix products early in his career, and had much success and growth in the salon because of the brand. He decided to join the Matrix education team because he wanted to continue broadening his skills and he knew that they provided top notch training. &ldquo;In only seven years with MATRIX, I&rsquo;ve gone from working behind the chair to being on the Global Artistic Design Team. MATRIX is responsible for shaping my career into what it is today. My success as a hairdresser is largely due to the help MATRIX has given me. The support and commitment MATRIX provides to stylists all over the world is what makes me proud to be part of the MATRIX family.&rdquo; Four years after being the MATRIX Artistic Designer, Ammon also feels that &ldquo;education is the backbone of the hair industry. Hairdressers that feel the support and education from a brand will remain loyal to the brand.&rdquo;</p>
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<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">愛旅行愛家庭 珍惜工作與生活</div>
<p>In addition to hairdressing, Ammon loves traveling too. &ldquo;I love to travel! I enjoy seeing different parts of the world and learning about different cultures and lifestyles.&rdquo; His family is everything to him. He has 3 brothers and 3 sisters. Because he grew up in such a crowded home, he learned to work hard and appreciate the things that he had. He thinks about his family every time he has an event that requires him to work hard, and he always feel grateful for all the things his life and career have afforded him. Any future aspiration that he is going to fulfill? &ldquo;I would love to be a father. I hope to share what I have learned about life with my own child one day.&rdquo;</p>


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