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摩洛哥優油古色古香浪漫造型 結合 Acne Studio自然流暢線條
Acne Studio 2014春夏 Resort Collection主打自然流暢線條,天然材質、緞面、亮片和皮革同時存在於抓皺摺的小洋裝,搭配Moroccanoil的外景造型師FrancoGobbi打造的柔順、低調、時尚前衛兼具古色古香浪漫的造型,別有春夏小清新風韻。

Acne Studio 2014春夏 Resort Collection主打自然流暢線條,天然材質、緞面、亮片和皮革同時存在於抓皺摺的小洋裝,搭配Moroccanoil的外景造型師FrancoGobbi打造的柔順、低調、時尚前衛兼具古色古香浪漫的造型,別有春夏小清新風韻。
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<p>從一個年輕女子眼中,透過花園看到令人著迷的晝夜,加上瑞典遺傳的自然及實用主義成為這次Acne Studio 2014 Resort Collection的主軸。天然材質、緞面、亮片和皮革同時存在於抓皺摺的小洋裝,外套和功能性的工作服,同時擁有運動和自由的創意風。色調包括橘色,自然漸層的藍色和金黃色的變化。</p>
<p>Obsession of night and day, a growing garden seen from a young woman&rsquo;s eyes, and Swedish heritage of naturalism and functionality create the framework of the Acne Studios Resort 2014 Collection. Natural materials, fluid satin, iridescent sequins and shaved fur juxtaposed in a silhouette including draped evening wear, coats and utilitarian workwear that embraces movement and free creativity. The color palette includes tangerine, natural gradients of blue carried tone on tone and variations of gold.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2013/95/88/m_acne_studios_ss14_resort-19.jpeg?1612338996364" alt="m_acne_studios_ss14_resort-19" /> <img src="assets/uploads/files/2013/95/88/m_acne_studios_ss14_resort-16.jpeg?1612338996364" alt="m_acne_studios_ss14_resort-16" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">造型</div>
<p>Moroccanoil的外景造型師FrancoGobbi營造了一個柔順、低調、時尚前衛兼具古色古香浪漫的造型。結合了Acne Studio 2014春夏 Resort Collection的自然流暢線條,她們大膽呈現自然和自由的曲線。在夏天悶熱感的長髮,披以獨特有質地的扭轉以複雜扁平的結置於頭頂。夏天輕量的帽子有如在其上休息一般。</p>
<p>Runway stylist Franco Gobbi for Moroccanoil created soft, understated, fashion-forward looks with a touch of old-world romance. Complementing the naturally fluid lines of Acne Studios Spring/Summer 2014 Resort Collection, they were boldly natural and free flowing. Long, sultry summer hair was accented by unique textural twists and sophisticated flattened knots bound below the crown. Lightweight summer hats rested above the knotted back detail.</p>
<p><img style="font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold;" src="assets/uploads/files/2013/95/88/m_acne_studios_ss14_resort-5.jpeg?1612338996364" alt="m_acne_studios_ss14_resort-5" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">如何造型</div>
<p>◆ 先用新的MoroccanoilRoot Boost於頭頂髮根的部分,讓頭髮有質地及有支撐力以增加頭髮的自然光澤與健康。</p>
<p>◆ 用優油打光定型霧噴灑在頭上,用手依序從額頭,腦後和兩側的頭髮使用Moroccanoil專業吹風機,讓頭髮產生柔和的質地和自然的波浪。</p>
<p>◆ 從頭頂到後腦先用V 形分區,將頭髮綁成低馬尾在後腦中間。</p>
<p>◆ 接下來,在的手指上輕輕地噴上優油閃亮定型噴霧,然後透過梳理馬尾讓頭髮更好整理、 更平整有光澤。然後,我用馬尾本身蜷曲成立體、 休閒感,平展的結。並噴上優油打光定型霧、在頂端用髮夾夾緊固定,讓他們緊貼頭部"。</p>
<p>◆ 然後在手上噴上優油打光定型霧,用手鬆鬆的梳理模特兒的頭髮,呈現自然波浪的造型</p>
<p>◆ 要完成前,讓髮束呈現自然飛揚的姿態,垂放在模特兒的臉旁。這讓造型增添了浪漫被微風吹拂過的感覺。效果看起來好像一點也不費力但實際上是經過相當仔細地和造型。</p>
<p>◆ 最後,使用優油閃亮定型噴在頭髮尾端,將低於肩膀的髮束線抓開、 來營造一種柔和感性的感覺。</p>
<p>&bull; We first applied new Moroccanoil Root Boost(currently available exclusively in the U.S.) at the roots, and especially at the crown to provide lift and texture, as well as to add a natural-looking shine and healthy condition.</p>
<p>&bull; I sprayed the hair with Moroccanoil Luminous Hairspray Medium and used a Moroccanoil Professional Series Blowdryer as I worked my hands through the hair starting at the forehead, then back and to the sides. This created a softened texture with natural movement.</p>
<p>&bull; After making a V-shape from the crown towards the back of the head, we placed the hair into a low ponytail mid-head.</p>
<p>&bull; Next, I lightly sprayed Moroccanoil Glimmer Shine Spray on my fingers, and then worked it through the ponytail for added manageability, smoothness and shine. I then curled the ponytail around itself to create high-placed, casual looking, flattened knots. I sprayed them with Moroccanoil Luminous Hairspray Strong, bound and attached them to the top with a hairpin, so they would lay tightly against the head.</p>
<p>&bull; I then sprayed my hands with Moroccanoil Luminous Hairspray Strong, and brushed them loosely through the models&rsquo; hair to shape and break up the natural waves we had created.</p>
<p>&bull; To complete, I freed strands to flow down around the models&rsquo; faces, creating flyaways. This added a romantic, soft mood to the slightly windblown look. The effect looked effortless but was actually quite carefully considered and executed.</p>
<p>&bull; For the final touch, we used Moroccanoil Glimmer Shine Spray on the ends of the hair, and to separate any strands that fell below the shoulder for a soft, sensual feeling.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">產品</div>
<p>新品MoroccanoilRoot Boost是一個新的造型創新,經由鞏固頭髮根部增加韌度,讓頭髮呈現自然蓬鬆和波浪,而不需要逆梳髮。這種輕感的輕盈豐量噴霧可以用在任何質地的髮型上,不論是直、 細,或捲曲髮都可以使用。它從髮根瞬間增厚的效果,讓造型可以更持久,捲度更漂亮,營造出不塌陷的輕盈蓬鬆感。</p>
<p>Moroccanoil &reg; 優油閃亮噴霧 立即形成一層保護膜在頭髮上,讓造型更持久、擁有無比光澤的同時也保護頭髮免受紫外線和自由基的破壞。</p>
<p>Moroccanoil &reg; 優油打光定型噴霧(強度)與獨特的優油成分結合。是一個輕感有效果的定型噴霧,它可以抗毛燥並讓頭髮呈現持久、 健康光澤。</p>
<p>NEW Moroccanoil Root Boostis a new styling innovation that gives natural-looking height and lift by fortifying and thickening hair at the root, without the need for backcombing or adding any stress to the hair. This weightless, volumizing spray works beautifully for every hair type and texture, including straight, fine, or curly. It instantly thickens strands at the roots to give a long-lasting, full-bodied lift to every style, for volume that never falls flat.</p>
<p>Moroccanoil&reg; Glimmer Shine Spray creates an instant mist of long-lasting, incomparable shine while protecting hair from the damaging effects of UV light and free radicals.</p>
<p>Moroccanoil&reg; Luminous Hairspray Medium locks in styles all day long without compromising shine or luminosity. A proprietary argan oil-infused formula, it produces a strong, manageable and touchable hold with a burst of healthy-looking shine.</p>
<p>Moroccanoil&reg; Luminous Hairspray Strong is formulated with a combination of highly sophisticated ingredients infused with argan oil. A lightweight, workable hairspray, it provides lasting, healthy and strong hold with reflective shine that fights frizz and humidity.</p>


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