Salon News Asia
新冠疫情 Jamie Brooks 給髮廊的9個建議
英國知名沙龍Brooks & Brooks的創辦人Sally Brooks和Jamie Brooks,在美髮圈獲獎無數,該藝術團隊引領著英國美髮潮流圈,從商業角度看更是產業典範。

# Jamie Brooks #疫情 #新冠病毒
英國知名沙龍Brooks & Brooks的創辦人Sally Brooks和Jamie Brooks,在美髮圈獲獎無數,該藝術團隊引領著英國美髮潮流圈,從商業角度看更是產業典範。
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<p>Jamie Brooks指出:「在這艱鉅時刻,或許是反思和重整的好時機。我們資深的夥伴他們經歷過2008年經濟大衰退,年輕一輩就沒這個經驗,春季通常是髮廊旺季,因疫情突然就閒下來了,不過不用慌張,利用空閒好好檢視團隊、服務還有產品。沒人知道這樣的狀況還會維持多久,如何有智慧的應對將會是決定品牌日後還能運行多久的關鍵!」針對沙龍市場面臨的沉靜期,Jamie提出了9個中肯的建議。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2020/135/84/00002(001).jpg?1611824839105" alt="00002(001)" /></p>
<p>In the current Coronavirus crisis, salons are already noticing no shows and cancellations, as consumers feel uneasy travelling or being in close proximity to other people. And while it&rsquo;s a worrying time for salon owners, it&rsquo;s also the perfect opportunity to take advantage of free time with your team and a chance to look at your policies and procedures.</p>
<p>Jamie Brooks, co-owner at Brooks &amp; Brooks, London, says while it&rsquo;s a difficult time, it&rsquo;s also a time for reflection and re-evaluation. &ldquo;Many of our older team members remember the 2008 recession, but for our younger members this is the first time they have experienced something like this. As we head into spring it&rsquo;s usually a busy time in the salon, so if it&rsquo;s quiet don&rsquo;t panic; use the time to look at your team, your services and your products. We don&rsquo;t know how long this pandemic is going to last so use this time wisely and your business could benefit in the long run.&rdquo;</p>
<p>Jamie&rsquo;s tips to using your free time wisely</p>
<p>1. It&rsquo;s time to work smarter</p>
<p>You don&rsquo;t have to open 9-5 every day; look at condensing your opening hours to accommodate the clients you have.</p>
<p>2. Be flexible</p>
<p>As an employer, we need to be flexible with hours and holidays. Consider opening later or finishing earlier.</p>
<p>3. Consult with your team</p>
<p>Ensure everyone is on the same deal, whether they have bigger expenses or live at home. Put together an agreement and discuss it with the team so everyone agrees to move forward in the same way.</p>
<p>4. Declutter the salon</p>
<p>It&rsquo;s easy to accumulate lots of stuff you don&rsquo;t use any more, so throw away out-of-date magazines, clean out lockers and drawers of old stationery and papers.</p>
<p>5. Ask team members to take home any clothes or shoes that been left in the staffroom.</p>
<p>6. Rethink your products, services, and menu</p>
<p>Have a look at what you offer and what you don&rsquo;t offer. It&rsquo;s the perfect time to give your menu a spring refresh.</p>
<p>7 Re-evaluate your expenses</p>
<p>Is there a better alternative to your refreshments? What magazines do you offer? Do you need to order fresh flowers every week?</p>
<p>8 Offer extra in-house training</p>
<p>Take advantage of no clients and have a trend day, curl day or colour training session.</p>
<p>9 Be prepared to re-evaluate</p>
<p>As they take steps to close down public transport or cities, be prepared to re-evaluate your plans when and as needed.</p>


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