Salon News Asia
第12屆ASPYA研討會 Tracey Hughes 團隊經營策略
澳洲美髮界指標性人物Tracey Hughes於2014 ASPYA研討會分享如何創造積極進取的團隊氛圍,精采演說贏得全場喝采。

#ASPYA # Tracey Hughes
澳洲美髮界指標性人物Tracey Hughes於2014 ASPYA研討會分享如何創造積極進取的團隊氛圍,精采演說贏得全場喝采。
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<p>今年,澳洲知名髮品公司De Lorenzo於新加坡舉辦第12屆的ASPYA研討會,以「擁抱過去,創造未來」為主軸,完美的詮釋了De Lorenzo這些年來所創造的成就以及對未來的展望。<br />Singapore was the epicenter for the 12th annual ASPYA Conference with over 230 attendees representing salons from around Australia. The slogan for ASPYA 2014 was &lsquo;Embracing yesterday, perfecting tomorrow&rsquo;, which perfectly represented all they have achieved and their goals for the coming year.<br /><br /></p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2014/103/110/michaelgreves6271_resized.jpg?1611826889785" alt="michaelgreves6271_resized" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">ASPYA研討會 重量級講員雲集</div>
<p>2014 ASPYA的講員都是業界頗負聲望的重量級人物,有四次榮獲英國年度最佳髮型師的Akin Konizi、成功的沙龍經營者Julie Piantadosi、Allan Corbett等。而澳洲知名髮型師Tracey Hughes也受邀擔任講員,分享她在美髮界的經驗。</p>
<p>由於Tracey 在團隊組織之上有著精闢的見解和能力,在全球無數場演講中,已有將近五十萬人受惠。而她也時常出現在電視螢幕上,分享管理人才上的經歷,Tracey無疑成為了現代女強人的代表之一,因此Tracey Hughes不再只是美髮人耳熟能詳的名字,商界對她也不陌生,其名聲甚至遠播到美洲和亞洲。</p>
<p>This year, De Lorenzo wanted to bring something bigger to ASPYA and sought out to deliver a truly star-studded line-up for our guests. Tracey Hughes, an icon in hairdressing along with some renowned speakers and artists such as Akin Konizi, Julie Piantadosi, Allan Corbett and the fabulous MH Hosts Troy and Zara Swindells-Grose.</p>
<p>Tracey is an experienced Keynote Speaker and powerful team builder who has educated close to half a million hairdressers globally throughout her career, Tracey has inevitably become a role model for women in business, appearing on TV throughout the USA and Asia. Tracey&rsquo;s reputation has sparked interest in her as a motivational speaker for numerous events and businesses outside of the hair industry.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">Team Tonic 團隊凝聚力的重要性</div>
<p>擔任第一位講者,Tracey以「Team Tonic」為主題, 談到在團隊文化和領導人的重要性,領導人若以鼓勵的方式經營,將有助於提升團隊的正向動力,澳洲近二十年來最成功的沙龍團隊&mdash;Mieka Hairdressing就是很好的例子。</p>
<p>Tracey表示,Team Tonic的主旨是讓每一位沙龍經營者建立自信,並且知道應該如何在經營的過程中擔任一位領導者的角色,它會告訴你怎麼激勵你團隊中的成員,例如了解每一個人的個性、處理紛爭時的技巧和設立可達成的目標等。</p>
<p>Tracey was the first to the speaker platform, she emphasized the importance of team culture and leadership, &ldquo;Team Tonic&rdquo; is pertinent to building a motivated team culture through encouraging leadership practices, and the backbone that drove one of Australia&rsquo;s most successful team cultures for close to two decades, Mieka Hairdressing.</p>
<p>&ldquo;The objective of &ldquo;Team Tonic&rdquo; was to empower every salon owner and manager with the confidence and know-how to pace themselves as leaders going forward,&rdquo; says Tracey. It provides the tools to motivate all team members, information on understanding personality types, how to deal with conflict resolution and a unique approach to goal setting.&rdquo;</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">專業課程指導如何經營好團隊</div>
<p>Tracey也有特別開設教育課程(Tracey Hughes Education),透過專業的團隊,教導經營者如何創造能激勵團隊成員的氛圍,增加向心力進而獲得經營上的進展。他們於2015年新開了六堂經營講座,讓更多人能從Tracey的沙龍管理經驗中有所獲得。</p>
<p>Tracey possesses a vast wealth of knowledge. Tracey Hughes Education has recently added six impressive new Business Seminars to their 2015 Education Portfolio. Through her own inspiring and motivating personal journey, she will empower salon owners to reach their goals.</p>


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