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第26屆 BHA 英國美髮大賽冠軍出爐
26年來,享譽國際且競爭激烈的BHA英國美髮大賽誕生過15名年度最佳設計師獎得主,今年獲此殊榮的是Angelo Seminara,得知自己獲獎時幾乎喜極而泣。「我簡直無法置信,好像美夢成真。」BHA大賽中激盪出的創意與靈感世界知名,其獎項的設立是為了鼓勵全英國最傑出設計師,並為其專業表現與成就喝采。

#BHA #英國
26年來,享譽國際且競爭激烈的BHA英國美髮大賽誕生過15名年度最佳設計師獎得主,今年獲此殊榮的是Angelo Seminara,得知自己獲獎時幾乎喜極而泣。「我簡直無法置信,好像美夢成真。」BHA大賽中激盪出的創意與靈感世界知名,其獎項的設立是為了鼓勵全英國最傑出設計師,並為其專業表現與成就喝采。
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<p>26年來,除了Angelo Seminara外,只有15位得獎者獲此殊榮,抱走BHA年度最佳設計師獎項,這些都是如今享譽國際美髮界的大師:Trevor Sorbie, Anthony Mascolo, Irvine and Rita Rusk, John Frieda, Andrew Collinge, Nicky Clarke, Charles Worthington, Umberto Giannini, Beverly C, Mark Hill, Antoinette Beenders, Lisa Shepherd, Andrew Barton and Akin Konizi等。新科冠軍Angelo得知自己獲獎時幾乎喜極而泣。「我簡直無法置信,好像美夢成真。」</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2011/80/74/80-74-001.jpg?1612248512364" alt="80-74-001" /></p>
<p>BHA英國美髮大賽獎項設立於1985年,由HJ International與Schwarzkopf Professional合辦,目的是發掘並獎勵勇於在競爭激烈美髮世界中,超越極限、開拓髮藝世界、創造引領趨勢且成就非凡的設計師。</p>
<p>每一年都有來自全英國各地無數的設計師報名參加BHA所設立的16個比賽類別,並耗時數月努力不懈的準備。16個類別中,有9個獎項是以全英國各地區作地域劃分。有6個是專門獎項,細分為年度黑人髮型設計師獎、男仕髮型設計師獎、新人獎、藝術團隊獎、還有前衛髮型設計師獎,與最知名的HJ年度設計師獎。最後另有Schwarzkopf Professional 英國染髮師獎。</p>
<p>2010的頒獎盛事由媒體人Jonathan Ross與Olly Murrs主持,並有來自世界各地美髮界、時尚界、媒體界的1750位人士共襄盛舉。同時,來自D&amp;J Ambrose、今年是第三度獲得前衛髮型設計師獎的Darren Ambrose也獲得進入名人堂的殊榮。</p>
<p>Angelo Seminara is in good company, as over the past 26 years there have only been 15 hairdressers who have been awarded this title, the greatest accolade in hairdressing. They are - Trevor Sorbie, Anthony Mascolo, Irvine and Rita Rusk, John Frieda, Andrew Collinge, Nicky Clarke, Charles Worthington, Umberto Giannini, Beverly C, Mark Hill, Antoinette Beenders, Lisa Shepherd, Andrew Barton and Akin Konizi. The newly crowned British Hairdresser of the Year, Angelo was ecstatic when he won the coveted title. &ldquo;I couldn&rsquo;t believe it when my name was called out, I was overwhelmed and delighted &ndash; winning the title is a dream come true,&rdquo; said Angelo.</p>
<p>In 1985, the British Hairdressing Awards - presented by Hairdressers Journal International and sponsored by Schwarzkopf Professional - were launched to recognise and reward hairdressers who were pushing the boundaries of hairdressing forward, creating and setting the trends and excelling in this competitive industry.</p>
<p>Each year hairdressers from all over the UK dedicate months of hard work preparing their entries into one of the sixteen categories. There are nine regional categories covering all areas of the UK, six specialist categories, which include a variety of titles - Afro, Men&rsquo;s, Newcomer, Artistic Team and Avant Garde Hairdresser of the Year, along with the Schwarzkopf Professional British Colour Technician of the Year, and the coveted award British Hairdresser of the Year.</p>
<p>Compered by media personality Jonathan Ross with entertainment provided by chart topping Olly Murrs, 1750 guests from the world of hairdressing, fashion and media mingled at the prestigious event. This year Darren Ambrose from D&amp;J Ambrose in Hertfordshire was presented with a Hall of Fame Award for winning the Avant Garde Hairdresser of the Year category three times.</p>
<p>Any hairdresser from any salon can enter the awards and compete with the biggest names in the industry on a level playing field. Unlike other awards, the British Hairdressing Awards are based on photographic entries that demonstrate the skills and talents of the entrant. All entries are judged independently by a distinguished panel, with all entries remaining anonymous and all marks counted and compiled by an independent firm of auditors.</p>
<p>The British Hairdressing Awards has significantly raised the profile of British hairdressing both in the UK and overseas. Winners of all the categories can enjoy an increased media profile and the biggest award of the night &ndash; British Hairdresser of the Year &ndash; is recognised throughout the world, and overnight, the winner will become a tremendous ambassador for British Hairdressing, appearing on TV, radio and in the national and consumer press.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">2010 BHA英國美髮大賽得獎名單</div>
<p>HJ&rsquo;s British Hairdresser of the Year 2010 &ndash; Angelo Seminara</p>
<p>Avant Garde Hairdresser of the Year &ndash; Efi Davies, Toni &amp; Guy, Covent Garden</p>
<p>Men&rsquo;s Hairdresser of the Year &ndash; Jody Taylor, Toni &amp; Guy, London</p>
<p>Afro Hairdresser of the Year &ndash; Kim Johnson and Michelle Sultan, Hype Coiffure, London</p>
<p>Artistic Team of the Year &ndash; RUSH Hair</p>
<p>Newcomer of the Year &ndash; Dan Spiller, Marc Antoni, Fleet</p>
<p>Schwarzkopf Professional British Colour Technician of the Year &ndash; Christel Lundqvist HOB, London</p>
<p>London Hairdresser of the Year &ndash; Skyler McDonald, seanhanna, Putney</p>
<p>Southern Hairdresser of the Year &ndash; Seung-ki-Baek, RUSH Epsom</p>
<p>Eastern Hairdresser of the Year &ndash; Christopher Appleton, George&rsquo;s Hairdressing, Leicester</p>
<p>Midlands Hairdresser of the Year &ndash; Lewis Moore and Jacky Crosby, Francesco Group, Streetly</p>
<p>North Eastern Hairdresser of the Year &ndash; Alexander Turnball, Alexander Hair and Beauty, Hull</p>
<p>North Western Hairdresser of the Year &ndash; Sharon Peake, Ethos Hairdressing, Manchester</p>
<p>Wales &amp; South West Hairdresser of the Year &ndash; Scott Smurthwaite and Will Eagles, Cream, Gloucester</p>
<p>Scottish Hairdresser of the Year &ndash; Kay McIntyre, McIntyre&rsquo;s, Dundee</p>
<p>Northern Ireland Hairdresser of the Year &ndash; Keith Kane, Keith Kane Hair International, Belfast</p>


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