Salon News Asia
第33屆 Alternative Hair Show 美髮盛會
第33屆的Alternative Hair Show在10月11日晚間的皇家亞伯特音樂廳精彩落幕,連續33年,每一年,Alternative Hair Show都有新的突破,帶給全球觀眾極致的美髮視覺饗宴,秀髮藝、秀創意更做公益。

#英國 #AHS #AIPP
第33屆的Alternative Hair Show在10月11日晚間的皇家亞伯特音樂廳精彩落幕,連續33年,每一年,Alternative Hair Show都有新的突破,帶給全球觀眾極致的美髮視覺饗宴,秀髮藝、秀創意更做公益。
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<p>今年共有20組來自世界各國的表演團隊,包含Saco、Anne Veck、TIGI Creative Team和Sanrizz等知名大師,讓表演在色彩、創意和舞台張力等所有層面上都更勝以往,台下觀眾的讚嘆的歡呼聲更是不絕於耳。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2015/109/80/alternative_hair_show_2015_saco_abh_6323sml.jpeg?1611895258660" alt="alternative_hair_show_2015_saco_abh_6323sml" /></p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2015/109/80/alternative_hair_show_2015_anne_veck_abh_6567sml.jpeg?1611895274555" alt="alternative_hair_show_2015_anne_veck_abh_6567sml" /></p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2015/109/80/alternative_hair_show_2015_tigi_abh_7134sml.jpeg?1611895305222" alt="alternative_hair_show_2015_tigi_abh_7134sml" /></p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2015/109/80/alternative_hair_show_2015_sanrizz_abh_8057sml.jpeg?1611895317090" alt="alternative_hair_show_2015_sanrizz_abh_8057sml" /></p>
<p>The 33rd Alternative Hair Show was held at the magnificent Royal Albert Hall in London on Sunday, October 11th. Every year, this colourful, passionate and emotional event continues to thrill, inspire and entertain the global audience, in an evening of spectacle and vision. This year&rsquo;s show was fantastic on many levels. Colourful, creative and exciting, it kept the audience wanting more.</p>
<p>The passion of the participating teams and their loyalty to Alternative Hair, cannot be over-looked. Entirely financing their own shows, including travel and hotels, the deep support offered to Tony Rizzo and Alternative Hair is highly commendable. Many of the hairdressing teams participate each year, working tirelessly to create their 3-minute slot in the evening&rsquo;s programme. The applause each team receives is totally justifiable for their creativity and their devotion.</p>
<p>最令人感動的,是這20個表演團隊全部都是自費參加演出,無論是機票、食宿或是演出一切費用,都是他們對Alternative Hair Show的支持,有些團隊更是每年都參與在這場公益盛會中,「面對他們無私的參與和支持,我的感激已經無法言喻。」 Alternative Hair Show的創辦人Tony Rizzo公開表示他的感謝。</p>
<p>&ldquo;There are no words I can find to thank these wonderful hairdressers. Their support and generosity never fails to make me feel both eternally grateful and humble.&rdquo; Tony Rizzo, Alternative Hair Founder.</p>
<p>今年Alternative Hair Show的主題定名極光,嬌嫩的粉紅色或微光般的黃色;遊走於光譜上深淺不一的藍綠色,以深沉濃郁的黑夜為底,紅色、紫色、藍色、綠色不停交織成閃爍的極光,就如同髮型作品上衝突多變的萬千色彩,在頭髮舞動的同時交織出燦爛的作品,身受頭髮無限潛力的啟發,今年選定以極光為代表,讓這炫目的螢光染上髮絲,走上舞台。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2015/109/80/alternative_hair_show_2015_robert_cromeans_abh_7531sml.jpeg?1611895476762" alt="alternative_hair_show_2015_robert_cromeans_abh_7531sml" /></p>
<p>Entitled &ldquo;Aurora&rdquo;, the Show&rsquo;s descriptive, proved particularly inspirational to the hair teams showing their work. In many of the hair collections, fashion-led colours in every shade imaginable, from the palest pinks and yellows, through multiple tones of blue and green, to the richest blacks, perfectly linked to the literal meaning of &ldquo;aurora&rdquo;. The northern latitudes also proved inspirational with aspects of dawn and dusk, glacial ice patterns and frozen landscapes woven into the themes and styling.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">Visionary Award 台灣同時入圍三名美髮師的空前佳績</div>
<p>眾所期待的Alternative Hair Visionary Award,從超過400件作品中,36位入圍者脫穎而出,上台演繹、同時頒獎,剪染造型、前衛設計與今年新增的男士造型的入圍者於當天創作全新作品。</p>
<p>難能可貴的是,台灣又入圍了!繼前年Tyker Ho、去年Gino Fang和Oka Hu,今年入圍人數更突破以往,共有三位台灣髮型師入圍,分別是以前衛作品再度入圍的Gino Fang和以男士造型組入圍的Shirley Chao與Minnie Kuo。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2015/109/80/%E6%94%BE%E5%A4%A7-2.jpeg?1611895996098" alt="放大-2" /></p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2015/109/80/%E6%94%BE%E5%A4%A7-3.jpeg?1611896006785" alt="放大-3" /></p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2015/109/80/%E6%94%BE%E5%A4%A7-1.jpeg?1611896013873" alt="放大-1" /></p>
<p>每一位入圍者將會帶領模特兒上台,演繹今年主題,並依序上台,依據作品協調性等由專業媒體和美髮人共同進行評分。最終,則是由來自愛爾蘭的Barry McDonagh獲得剪染造型組冠軍;義大利的Walter Armanno獲得男士風格冠軍與英國的Emmanuel Esteban將前衛造型冠軍獎座留在英國。</p>
<p>Now a popular part of the evening, the Alternative Hair Visionary Award, sponsored by TIGI shows international emerging talent. The finalists of the 3 sections: Cut &amp; Colour, Men&rsquo;s and Avant-Garde, each show 1 model judged on the day by an esteemed panel of hairdressers and journalists. The spectacular effort and high-quality of the work made the judging extremely difficult.</p>
<p>Alternative Hair協會的總理Anthony Mascolo驚豔的表示,「每一年的作品都比去年更加精采,獲獎的標準更是一年比一年更高,尤其是當我們注重整體造型時,髮型作品必須同時具有適當的彩妝和原創性的服飾,一切的一切都是最高標準。」他還說:「我真的不知道我們是怎麼決定出冠軍的!太難了!」</p>
<p>Anthony Mascolo, Alternative Hair President, who launched the Visionary Award said, &ldquo;Every year the work gets better and better. The standard was phenomenal. Every single hairdresser not only showed beautiful hair, but the makeup, and styling created fantastic overall looks. I don&rsquo;t know how we actually decided on winners!&rdquo;</p>
<p>The winners of the 2015 Visionary Awards:</p>
<p>Cut &amp; Colour: Barry McDonagh - Ireland</p>
<p>Men&rsquo;s: Walter Armanno &ndash; Italy</p>
<p>Avant-Garde: Emmanuel Esteban - UK</p>
<p>也別忘了,Alternative Hair Show舉辦的初衷是為了替白血病病童募款,除了每年播放協會的回顧影片外,今年更邀請到了年僅六歲的抗癌小鬥士Blue Tobin上台,剛接受骨髓移植的他仍然在與病魔奮鬥,他的故事鼓舞了許多病友。而今年,美髮人的愛心捐款金額也達到20萬英鎊,將持續用於協助白血病病童與其家屬。</p>
<p>We must never forget that the Alternative Hair Show is about raising money to fund research and ultimately helping to find a cure for blood cancers, including Leukaemia. With all monies from the Alternative Hair Show going to &lsquo;Fighting Leukaemia&rsquo;, each year a film is played to show the audience the vital work the charity does and what it hopes to achieve in the future. On stage was 6 year old Blue Tobin a survivor of Leukaemia, but still fighting his own battle against ill-health. He encouraged the audience to put money into the collection boxes or to text donations. Who could resist! The evening raised a fantastic ?201,000.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">AIPP Awards VS Legend Award Marvin 摘下台灣首座AIPP冠軍獎盃</div>
<p>Alternative Hair Show的另一大高潮就是頒布該年度AIPP International Awards各組別的冠軍得主。今年收到來自36個國家、總計647件髮型作品參賽,來自英國的Philip Bell以黑白作品贏得最佳商業造型;AIPP的常勝軍Angelo Seminara則以作品集Souls再度拿下最佳前衛造型;而來自Flux Reel的Marvin Lin以Dhyana作品集拿下最佳攝影作品獎項,更成為史上第一位奪冠的台灣髮型師;澳洲髮型師Uros Mikic則在Street of New York作品集裡展現迷人男士風采,一舉奪下最佳男士造型獎冠軍;而西班牙籍的Carol Bruguera以原創性十足的影片Flora贏得最佳影片獎。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2015/109/80/p1%E4%B8%BB%E5%9C%96.jpeg?1611896069089" alt="p1主圖" /></p>
<p>Hosted by Linda Evans &amp; Roberto Pissimiglia, at the 19th annual AIPP Awards Ceremony event, Philip Bell @ Ishoka (UK) won the Best Commercial Award for his beautiful collection shot in black &amp; white last year; Angelo Seminara (UK) grabbed the Best Avant-Garde Award for his fascinating collection &lsquo;Souls&rsquo; &ndash;as Angelo was working in Prague, Mr. Davide Bollati received the award on his behalf&ndash;; Marvin Lin @ Flux Reel (Taiwan) earned the Best Photography Award for his awe-inspiring collection &lsquo;Dhyana'; Uros Mikic (Australia) won the Best Men Award for his &lsquo;Streets of New York&rsquo; collection made of appealing male styles; and Carol Bruguera (Spain) conquered the Best Video Award for a very original and creative video showing his latest collection, &lsquo;Flora'. Award recipients were voted by the AIPP Magazine Members throughout the world over last month. This year participation was impressive, having received 647 photo collections from 36 countries all around the globe!</p>
<p>除了這五個獎項外,萬眾期盼的傳奇人物獎則頒發給了Robert Lobetta。細數美髮界的傳奇人物,Robert Lobetta絕對名列其中,他獨特且具前瞻性的美學眼光,讓他不甘於只做「漂亮的髮型」,深諳此道理,Robert開始大玩前衛設計,把各種幾何形狀或塑才化成髮藝創作的素材,其創作風格和作品深深影響全球髮型師。AIPP與Alternative Hair Show共同將此榮譽獎項頒給Robert Lobetta,為紀念他對美髮產業這40年間的廣大貢獻。</p>
<p>The AIPP and the Alternative Hair Show, also had the grand pleasure of presenting the coveted International Legend Award to the world-acclaimed hair icon Robert Lobetta (UK/USA). Renowned for his unique style, eye for detail, and his compelling, thought-provoking ideas, along with his modern and daring photographic imagery, Robert Lobetta has become an internationally recognized icon in the hair and beauty industry. With the AIPP and the Alternative Hair Show award recognized his outstanding line of creation during the last 40 years and incalculable legacy in the world of hair. Lobetta was presented the award by Anthony Mascolo, President of the Alternative Hair Show, and Roberto Pissimiglia, President of the AIPP (Association Internationale Presse Professionnelle Coiffure).</p>
<p>The winners of the 2015 AIPP International Awards</p>
<p>Best Commercial Award: Philip Bell @ Ishoka (UK)</p>
<p>Best Avant-Garde Award: Angelo?Seminara (UK)</p>
<p>Best Photography Award: Marvin Lin @ Flux Reel (Taiwan)</p>
<p>Best Men Award: Uros Mikic (Australia)</p>
<p>Best Video Award: Carol Bruguera (Spain)</p>


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